Friday, August 30, 2019

RPGaDay #30: Connection

For #RPGaDay2019, the thirtieth word prompt is Connection.

       Your connections and contacts often have a major effect on game play. In #Earthdawn, Shawn played Drudge Tarcke and created his own Swordmaster Guild in the Slayers in Bartertown, dedicated to protecting Bartertown as well as Barsaive from the internal threat of the Horrors and external threats like the Theran Empire. After the conclusion of the ten year campaign, the Slayers became a major force in the quest to save Cara Fahd and all of Barsaive to complete the Heart of Heroes quest. 
        In #50Fathoms, we had Reggie as a Contact and he helped out a couple of times. We prevented an assassination attempt on Bruno's life and became friends with him early in the campaign and were friends of the British East India Company although we had to avoid Admiral Duckworth like the plague as we were pirates who had destroyed a Kieran cutter and stolen 5 iron holds full of goods from a Kieran merchant vessel in order to build Grof's ironclad.
        In #DeadlandstheFlood, connections had a major impact as we had both an Agent in Wyn and two Rangers in Hitoshi and Loyall. They would often use their connections to gain more requisitions and bettter gear. Wyn even had a love connection at Smith and Robards which he used to get more ammo even though he was quite Harrowed by that point when Kevin played Love Interest. 
        In #Shaintar, the group was part of an organization to protect the Wildlands called Grayson's Gray Rangers.  They would often use their connections to the military to requisition more equipment before missions. The rangers also provided them half the food for their journeys expecting them to use survival to gain the other half. 
        In #NecessaryEvil, Baron de Villain's connections as the leader of Lemuria allowed them to use the Atlantean hybrid Lemuria as a base for a time.  
        In #Returnto50Fathoms, the biggest connections that the group has are to the Spanish Guild through Ricardo Montagne and the Coalition, a group of pirates who promised to guard Brigandy Bay. Through their alliances, they are on the cusp of attacking the British Navy and Baltimus. Which may be their only chance of getting the diary of Byron Baltimus. 

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