Friday, August 16, 2019

RPGaDay #16: Dream

For #RPGaDay2019, the sixteenth word prompt is Dream.

        Dream reminds me of a total party kill in #Earthdawn. I had a Horror that had marked the group (from #ThroalAdventures) and was sending them nightmares about them betraying each other. When they awoke in the morning at a Throal Mountain camp, Chris Divine went to take a piss. Then Calaban Fasthand used a surprise strike and nearly killed him, stabbing him in the back while he peed. He had taken the dream as a prophecy to kill his long time ally. Not to you know rally against the horror that was manipulating their dreams into nightmares. Chris screamed and an avalanche I had planned for the day's encounter was triggered early. It wiped out the party except for the Obsidiman NPC who died to polar bears trying to escape the Throal Mountains. This was the one party that actually survived #MistsofBetrayal (out of five attempts).  
       I've had TPKs where everyone was furious at me or didn't care but this time the players were just mad at each other instead. At some point, the party had become hostile to each other and my Horror just egged them to do what they wanted to do. So they did it. It is just a weird moment where the bad guys in Earthdawn (Horrors) absolutely won and had an absolute feast at the treachery and betrayal.


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