Tuesday, August 13, 2019

RPGaDay #13: Mystery

For #RPGaDay2019, the thirteenth word prompt is Mystery.

      I don't tend to run too many mystery games. I've mostly run fantasy horror (#Earthdawn is 100% this). I enjoyed the slow reveal of the mystery of Dunich in the last #Returnto50Fathoms session. 
      I never really fully explained the mystery of the dark Atlantean goddess in #NecessaryEvil. In the #DramaScape product, #Atlantean Temple, there is a Goddess I wrote up called Ifni who demanded Atlantean sacrifices to keep the island of Atlantis afloat. Ifni's dark water dimension is the womb that created Shadowpool in Necessary Evil. Shadowpool was David's character concept who had an ability like Nightcrawler to teleport between dimensions. The dark dimension was a sanctuary for Shadowpool where he could immerse himself in water and would rest until he was called upon to act by Ifni, also allowing him an in-game reason to show up at any moment as he often had Saturday work where he couldn't make a session or only the later half. The Atlantean Temple was used in Necessary Recap 18 and Ifni's gambling tables from the adventure were in that episode. Baron de Villain sacrificed a mad Atlantean priest and spun the wheel. He became full-blooded Atlantean but also became part of Ifni's inner evil circle. From there, Shadowpool would drag characters to the dark dimension and force them to join Ifni's circle or die (They failed to convert Setsuna, she used a card play to get to the fire dimension and joined a god of fire to try and get revenge on the group that did not succeed). By the end of the game, she had her hooks into nearly everyone in the group.  

Atlantean Temple


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