Saturday, August 31, 2019

From the Vault: The Journal of Crag Hack Volume 2

7 Sands Campaigns

Volume 2: The Journal of Crag Hack Part 2

“War is not just fought with weapons, but also with words.” —Crag Hack


A Brief Foreword From the Author

                This time, the first session covered our separation as a group ran by Jason. Each subsequent session dealt with the continuing story of the individual characters. Thus, we had the unusual situation of three gamemasters and one player for these sessions. In total, the next three volumes cover about six sessions. It was one of the most fun and different campaigns I have ever played/ran. About the text, the Journal of Crag Hack was originally written about nine years ago by me as a player/gamemaster, so it can be a bit rough in parts. The two adventures talked about in this text are Separation and Aftermath.


CAST (PCS/ NPC Allies)



Player: Steven James Black

Race/Discipline/Circle: Obsidiman Warrior Third Circle

Liferock Location: in the Throal Mountains (Zenita)

Passions: Belief in the Trinity; Freedom (Lochost), Justice (Mynbruje), and Valor (Thystonius).

Character History: Awakens as the last obsidiman of his Liferock after the Long Night.

Long-term Goals: Find out the fate of his vanished rock brothers.


Player: Jason Murphy

Race/Discipline/Circle: Windling Thief Third Circle

Homeland: Servos Jungle

Passion: Chorrolis

Character History: Puck was born in the Servos Jungle. He accidentally found the town of Dimazad one day and became fascinated by its hustle and bustle. He secretly created a windling hideout in the hole of a Great Oak near the town. He used it as a base of operations to explore the town. He began to steal items to quench his curiosity, but each item stolen just made him want more and more money. He became a thief and eventually returned to his windling village, luring out a few women of the village with promises of a better life. He provided them with food, water, and shelter and life was good. Unfortunately, he was caught one day, and was given the choice of becoming a spy for Dimazad or dying a gruesome death. He chose the former. He was sent to Bartertown to spy on anyone attempting to find the town of Dimazad or learn its secrets.

Long-term Goals: Returning to Dimazad and getting his treasure back, and then establishing a new secret base elsewhere.


Player: Jason Murphy

Race/Discipline/Circle: Human Horror Stalker Third Circle

Homeland: Dimazad

Passion: None

Character History: Jim was born in Dimazad from a long-line of horror stalkers. Their task was to guard the entrance of Kaer Dimazad and make sure the place was safe from all intruders. They were told that all who approached the town that were not from Dimazad were horror-marked. Unfortunately for Dimazad, Jim was not as focused on his duty as his previous generations. He frequently made forays into the Servos to battle the ghita, leaving the Kaer unguarded most of the time…

Long-term Goals: Taking out as many horrors as he can before they get him.


In Order of Appearance


Race/Discipline/Circle: Human Weaponsmith Ninth Circle/Elementalist Third Circle

Homeland: Jerris

Passion: Upandal

Character History: Originally from Jerris, Valaan made weapons and armor for the Jerris Falcons. He came to Bartertown by way of drakkar in the hopes of finally creating his own business. He learned the ways of enchanting, and made a ton of money selling items to Jafeedehelaah and eventually earned enough money to buy his own shop.


Race/Discipline/Circle: Human Troubadour Fifth Circle

Homeland: Thera

Passions: Chorrolis, Lochost

Character History: Barsaive Gamemaster Pack page 32. Throal: The Dwarf Kingdom page 144. Shadowswift and Clystone are deeply involved in a gang war for control of Bartertown by this time.  


Race/Discipline/Circle: Human Illusionist Fifth Circle

Homeland: Thera

Passion: Chorrolis

Character History: Barsaive Gamemaster Pack page 24. Throal: The Dwarf Kingdom page 142. Shadowswift and Clystone are deeply involved in a gang war for control of Bartertown by this time.  


Race/Discipline/Circle: Non-adept Dwarf Merchant

Homeland: Hanto

Passions: Chorrolis, Lochost

Character History: Throal: The Dwarf Kingdom page 146. Infected page 59. A silk merchant who owns Charboyya’s Emporium. Also, he is a member of the Council of Merchants.


Race/Discipline/Circle: Non-adept Dwarf Merchant

Homeland: Throal

Passion: Astendar

Character History: Originally a dwarf miner, he used his money from a fortuitous gold strike to start a line of hotels and taverns on the route from Bartertown to Darranis, as well as luxury spas in the Darranis area. A resort near Lake Ban and the pilgrimage route routinely makes fistfuls of money. As an ex-miner, Barth Northton is an obsessive-compulsive about cleaning, taking baths regularly as a t’skrang. He also is a notorious flirt with the dwarf ladies. He spends around six months a year in Bartertown and six months in the Darranis area.


Race/Discipline/Circle: Non-adept Human Tanner

Homeland: Throal Mountains

Passion: Upandal

Character History: A Dinganni born in the Throal Mountains, who came to Bartertown to work as a tanner. She routinely sends caravans to her tribe’s location to send them new leather armors and other leather goods. No one knows why she settled down in Bartertown or why her clan permitted it.


Race/Discipline/Circle: Non-adept Windling Merchant

Homeland: Bartertown

Passion: Chorrolis (Questor)

Character History: Barsaive Gamemaster Pack page 27. Throal: The Dwarf Kingdom page 147-148. No one knows why Hithorn entered Bartertown politics after staying out of them for so long.


Race/Discipline/Circle: Ninth Circle Dwarf Warrior

Homeland: Throal

Passion: Upandal (Questor)

Character History: Barsaive Gamemaster Pack page 34. Throal: The Dwarf Kingdom page 48. At this point in the story, he is still in good health.


Race/Discipline/Circle: Sixth Circle Obsidiman Troubadour

Homeland: Ayodhya

Passion: None, later Lochost

Character History: Barsaive Gamemaster Pack page 30. Pre-Liferock Rebellion/Behemoth at this point.


Race/Discipline/Circle: Non-adept Dwarf Merchant

Homeland: Throal

Passion: Chorrolis

Character History: Jefkat is a dwarf merchant who has made a living smuggling goods for years. He had wanted to hand his caravan business over to Jeffro “The Reckless,” his son, but he seems to have no business acumen at all.


Race/Discipline/Circle: Human Fifth Circle Ninja/ Second Circle Beastmaster

Homeland: J’Pang

Passion: None

Character History: Shadow was a Theran slave who escaped to Barsaive. He works as a mercenary and his reputation is well known as a warrior who fought in the last Syrtis-Ishkarat conflict. Not much is known about his past, except that he is originally from the island of J’Pang. His constant companion is his war dog, Interceptor.




Day 40-46 Training as a Warrior

Veltom 10-16, 1509 TH

                 I learned what roof-hopping is. It is jumping off roofs to learn Down Strike and later Gliding Stride! Loth Pay Thorn taught me for six days, allowing me to advance from Third to Fifth Circle Warrior.

Day 47-50 Contemplation

Veltom 17-20, 1509 TH

                I returned to my Liferock at Zenita, and I meditated on my current situation. My rockbrothers were gone and only I remained. As a Warrior, I could survive through any fight, but the battle to find my rockbrothers would not be fought with strength of arms. I had learned that money could be used to buy anything in Bartertown, even information. It would require vast amounts of money and negotiation. Adventuring would not be enough to get the money I needed. I needed to learn the ability to earn and make money continuously. The Weaponsmith and Troubadour Disciplines were ideal for this purpose. As a Weaponsmith, I could make money by creating and forging weapons of war, and at the same time hone my own blades for my future battles. As a Troubadour, I could spread the tales my own adventures and learn the ways of negotiation. After my long introspection, I returned to Bartertown to train in these other Disciplines.

Day 51-59 Path of the Weaponsmith

Veltom 21-29, 1509 TH

                I trained to become a First Circle Weaponsmith under an expert weaponsmith and elementalist enchanter called Valaan. I learned how to create arms and armor, forge blades, concentrate my force of will to resist spells, and how to unlock the history of weapons. After I completed my training, I started to look into the pattern of my two Named weapons, Bladesblood and Slicing Web.

Day 60 Separation

Veltom 30, 1509 TH

                All of the members of Nirvana had decided to meet today. Each of us had trained heavily in Bartertown and most had decided to move on. Evok Nor had decided to continue to search for his two brothers. Puck had “bought” a thread pouch that could store his vast treasure at Dimazad. Can N’ the Jaw had decided to leave for the Caucavik Mountains to vie for control of the Shriekers. Jim had decided to live permanently on Mount Horrorsbane, a place of unusually high horror activity in the Throal Mountains. I decided to stay in Bartertown, as my training was incomplete. The five of us chose a different direction and left Bartertown’s gate.

Day 61-71 Path of the Troubadour

Charassa 1-11, 1509 TH

                I trained to become a First Circle Troubadour. I learned how to converse properly without angering others, and use songs to affect the emotions of an audience easily. I had a lot of trouble learning how to disguise my voice and body. It seemed to be the mark of a coward to me to do such things. I had a dream from Lochost. The apparition said, “It is sometimes necessary to become the wolf in sheep’s clothing, for the sake of freedom.” I was then able to learn the talents, but vowed to only use them in the cause of Lochost, never for myself. I had studied Bladesblood for a long time, and had come to understand that the weaponsmith of Dimazad had used blood magic to change its pattern. I decided to journey to Dimazad.

Day 72-84 Return to Dimazad

Charassa 12-Charassa 24, 1509 TH

                I traveled south to Dimazad. As a Fifth Circle Warrior, First Circle Weaponsmith, and a First Circle Troubadour, the challenge of such a journey was much less than before. When opponents fought me with power, I crushed them as a Warrior. When opponents fought me spells, my determination as a Weaponsmith won out. And sometimes I was able to convince people as a Troubadour to not fight me at all. I could win a battle without a drop of blood being spilled. I had studied Spinning Web and found the weapon to be losing its power, as if my attached threads were unraveling. I later learned that the pattern of Nirvana was slowly fading due to our separation. On Day 84, I saw a group of drakkars fly in towards Dimazad.

Day 85 Dimazad

Charassa 25, 1509 TH

                On Day 85, I felt pain, as if a lightning bolt had shot through me. I hurried towards Dimazad, and found the town on fire, with a group of drakkars flying off in the distance. I found Puck on the outskirts of town, bleeding to death from his injuries. I gave him a Booster Potion, and asked him what had happened to Dimazad. Puck told me that Can N’ the Jaw and his Shriekers had assaulted the town, capturing its drakkar in a boarding action, and turned the Theran drakkar’s fire cannons on the town, torching it. Almost everyone had been killed, even Puck’s windling mistress. I asked Puck what had happened to the town’s Weaponsmith. Puck told me he had died shortly after we left Dimazad for the town’s kaer. He had died forging Bladesblood with his very blood and life. And I had become a Weaponsmith with ease, now finding out that I had replaced him. I will never forget this day, Can N’ the Jaw. The senseless deaths of all these women and children, you attempting to kill Puck, knowing he was here. I can only hope the Wound on your very heart never heals for betraying Nirvana in this way. 

Day 86-97 Journey to Bartertown

Charassa 26-Rua 7, 1509 TH

                We returned to Bartertown, with me slowly nursing Puck back to health. Puck told me of a man called Jafeedehelaah who he had been known to work for on occasion. Perhaps I could get some information from him about my rockbrothers.

Day 98 Conspiracy

Rua 8, 1509 TH

                We went to see Jafeedehelaah. I asked him if he knew how to find my rockbrothers. He said that he could try, but only if I helped him with his Clystone problems. I told Jafeedehelaah that I would not fight the local rulers for him. But Jafeedehelaah then told me about Thrasher’s long-time employer, Charek Crystalhand, who worked for Clystone. I told Jafeedehelaah I would go talk with Charek.

I followed Jafeedehelaah’s directions and found Charek’s mansion. His dwarf guards were hesitant to let me in at first, but I convinced them that I had once worked for Charek and was seeking a job as a mercenary. I left my weapons with the guards and went to see Charek. I asked him why he had sent Thrasher to compete with us to get the tome. The fat dwarf merchant just laughed and said, “I don’t have to tell you anything. I am on the Council of Merchants; I am one of the powers of this town.” I responded, “ Really, so Clystone is not the one in actual control then?” Charek howled out enraged, “ We elected him as magistrate, but he has betrayed us. The power of the twelve shall finally crush him and restore power to the merchants. The passions have given us sanction via this golden tattoo.” He curled up his shirtsleeve showing me an odd gold tattoo. Charek continued to rant, “Too bad you know too much. Too much about Dimazad, and too much about our plans. We have no choice but to destroy you.” Dwarf guards surrounded me. I had one chance. I looked for the dwarf guard who had confiscated Bladesblood. I used my superior speed and knocked out the dwarf guard with one fist to the face through the magic of Tiger Strike. I grabbed up Bladesblood and prepared to be surrounded by foes. One dwarf guard went down to a stab in the back, Puck. A human in full plate armor accosted Charek. How did he sneak in here? With my unexpected companions aiding me, I was able to beat back the circle of dwarf guards and make my way to Charek. The crazy human had lopped off his good arm and was climbing out a window. Charek was livid, striking out in anger against the human as he climbed away. He never saw the Down Strike coming with Bladesblood. Charek was dead, and his remaining guards fled in terror. I had learned that the Council of Merchants planned to kill Clystone.

I rushed out the window, using Gliding Stride to fly towards the human in full plate armor. He was running away with the arm of Charek, but I caught up with him. Up close now, I saw who it was, Jim of all people. I asked Jim what had brought him to Bartertown from his hunting grounds on Mount Horrorsbane. He told me that a horror had corrupted most of the Council of Merchants, and that they were planning to kill Clystone tomorrow. He examined the tattoo on the arm of Charek, and he told me that he had no doubt who was the culprit now, Nebis. We had only one chance; find the place of the ritual that would allow Nebis to enter the physical world and stop it, or else Clystone would be dead by morning. The real question was where would the ritual be in a place as large as Bartertown? We started our search by looking through various temples to the Passions, but this idea did not pan out. We went to the Council Hall as well, but the merchants were not there either. Of course! Where we would least suspect, Clystone’s mansion! We rushed to Clystone’s mansion, finding signs of forced entry into the building’s basement. We entered the basement window to a horrible scene; a squat creature of white and brown fur with five arms, and four legs had grabbed one of the surviving merchants and crushed the life out of him. The floor was riddled with bodies, a headless merchant, a merchant with no torso who looked like a pile of dismembered parts, and other merchants who were missing arms and legs and were either dead or dying of blood loss. The Horror spotted us, and turned and ran upstairs. We gave chase, but with four legs, we just could not catch up. The Horror dispatched many of Clystone’s guardians and made his way to Clystone’s bedchamber. The merchant and his remaining guardians faced the Horror as we came in and attacked its flank. The Horror dispatched Clystone’s guards and then grabbed Clystone by his throat and started choking the life out of him. We managed to kill the Horror, but not before Clystone was killed. We had failed. Jim and Puck fled, and I was left to face many of Clystone’s guardians who had rushed to the mansion after hearing the sounds of battle. I was chained and put into jail where I was interrogated about the whole tragedy.


Day 99-106 Imprisoned

Rua 9-16, 1509 TH

                I was left in jail for a week, as the guards tried to figure out what to make of my tale. Meanwhile, the city descended into chaos. The death of Clystone, and of most of the Bartertown Council of Merchants had left the guards leaderless, and law and order melted away. Throal sent in troops to restore order and called for new elections on the Bartertown Council and a new magistrate. 

Day 107 Freedom

Rua 17, 1509 TH

                The Throal guards had me released, as I had helped stop the Horror before it could cause further harm and attempted to foil the murder plot, even though I was unsuccessful. I went to Jafeedehelaah and asked him if he had found out anything about my Liferock or rockbrothers. He told me that the Zenita Liferock had only one other member known to Barsaive, a warrior called Dracuth Crevase who disappeared before the Scourge. All of my other rockbrothers had seemingly been absorbed by the Liferock in the dreaming and never made it out. Jafeedehelaah told me of his personal theory about Zenita; that this Liferock only released its obsidiman one at a time. This meant I was all alone in this world, except for my Liferock itself and Nirvana. I asked Jafeedehelaah to see if it was possible to research other Liferocks to see if his theory was a common one among other Liferocks. He told me he would look into it. As I wandered the streets of Bartertown, I heard my name on many of its citizen’s lips. “Did you hear about Crag Hack? He saved Bartertown from the Horror that got to the Council.” I saw the people bullied and oppressed by Throal guards, just like they were under Clystone’s guardians. A foreign country had occupied this town as far as I am concerned. I decided upon a course of action. I would rebuild the Council of Merchants and become Magistrate of Bartertown. I would throw these Throal occupiers out on their ears and allow Bartertown to stand on its own.

Day 108 Recruitment

Rua 18, 1509 TH

                I started by contacting merchants that I knew, including Jafeedehelaah and Valaan and convinced them to join the Bartertown Council of Merchants. I even managed to convince one of the old surviving council members, Charboyya to join my cause, as this Throal occupation rankled him. He apparently wants Throal occupation of Bartertown, but only if the people of Bartertown accept it of their own free will. I may not respect his position, but the moral philosophy behind it is sound and respects the principles of Lochost. I have a feeling me and Charboyya are going to get along. That’s three votes so far.  

Day 109 Recruitment Day 2.

Rua 19, 1509 TH

                I talked to a few more of the old guard of merchants, including Barth Northton, Arsis Tanfeather, and Hithorn. Barth Northton runs a bunch of inns and taverns on the route to Darranis as well as a few well-known spas in the Lake Ban region. Arsis Tanfeather is a tanner who works with leathers to create clothing and armor. I managed to convince Barth and Arsis to join me relatively easily. Hithorn said he respected my abilities as an adventurer willing to do whatever it takes to get a rare item, and was on my side. That’s six votes so far.

Day 110-119 Campaigning

Rua 19-29, 1509 TH

                Since Throal has set Rua 30th as the day of the vote for Council Members, I campaigned hard for the six candidates who had said they would vote for me as Magistrate. With only twelve positions now, with six of them in my corner, I had a good chance of becoming Magistrate.

Day 120 Vote

Rua 30, 1509 TH

                There were no real surprises in the campaign. The six candidates I had campaigned for had been elected, and the other six would fall in line.

Day 121-127 Magistrate

Mawag 1-7, 1509 TH   

                The Council of Merchants went back in forth after I was nominated for Magistrate. After much haggling, I was finally made Magistrate. The Council of Merchants gave me Clystone’s old mansion. Everybody was afraid of the place with rumors saying the place was haunted, but I accepted the deed to the mansion.

Day 128 Mansion

Mawag 8, 1509 TH      

At the mansion, I brought in Puck and Jim to help clean up the place. The place was haunted! Clystone and the merchant ghosts had gathered in the basement. They told me that Nebis was still alive, and had vowed to have revenge on us. With that said, the ghosts disappeared. We cleaned up the place from top to bottom and installed a forge on the first floor, and a library on the second floor. Puck had also found a large vault filled with silver hidden in the basement. I gave Puck and Jim 1000 silver pieces of the money for helping clean up the place. This was all the money that Clystone had extorted from the people of Bartertown. I pledged to Mynbruje that I would use the money to help the people of Bartertown. I re-Named the mansion as Crag Hack’s Mansion.

Day 129-150 Clan Crag Hack

Mawag 9-30, 1509 TH

                The first thing I did was created Clan Crag Hack, a Weaponsmith guild to help rebuild Bartertown. Some merchants, like Valaan joined the Clan. I also recruited mercenaries and ex-guardians to guard guild buildings and the streets of Bartertown.

Day 151 Meeting with Varulus III

Gahmil 1, 1509 TH

                With the Council of Merchants elected, a Magistrate chosen, and a town guard in place, Charboyya and I went to Throal and demanded that Varulus III withdraw his troops from Bartertown. Varulus III accepted and withdrew his troops and I pledged to defend Bartertown and thus the Gates of Throal to my last breath. Varulus III came to understand the need for Bartertown to either stand on its own or become a Throal protectorate, but the people of Bartertown would have to decide that for themselves. If Throal continued to occupy the town without a mandate from the people of Bartertown now that the crisis was over, they were no better than the Theran oppressors that they were supposedly better than. 

Day 152-180 Protecting Bartertown

Gahmil 2-30, 1509 TH

                I started two major projects in Gahmil. One project was a wooden wall around Bartertown with stone strong points with firecannons. These fortifications would help protect the town from ork scorchers and foreign armies of other city-states. The other project was building an airship dock near my mansion. I had come to realize that to continue to keep the Bartertown army funded, I would need to start to conduct trade. The fastest way to conduct trade was through the air, and drakkars would have the added benefit of being able to be converted to war purposes by adding a few firecannons. Jafeedehelaah had also learned a lot about many of the Liferocks nearest to Bartertown. Ayodhya was a Liferock with many obsidiman released. One of the most notable was a merchant called Omasu, who owned a vast trade network called Overland Trading Company. I asked Jafeedehelaah if he could arrange a meeting for me.

Day 181-185 Festival

Holiday 1-5, 1509 TH

                We had a subdued celebration of the Summer Festival. On the first day, we had a mourning ceremony for all those who had died in the coup attempt earlier this year. On the second day, we celebrated our Throalic friends who had aided us in our time of need. On the third day, we honored everybody who was working so hard to rebuild and reshape Bartertown. On the fourth day, we celebrated the earth itself. On the fifth day, we partied while looking to the future of Bartertown. 

Day 186-191 Journey to Darranis

Raquas 1-6, 1509 TH

                Jafeedehelaah had arranged a meeting with Omasu for me. He was coming up to Darranis from Travar. I left for Darranis with a few of my most trusted guardsmen. 

Day 192 Business Meeting

Raquas 7, 1509 TH

                We met in a tavern by the docks in Darranis called the Swan Dive. Omasu’s Overland Trading Company had an extensive network of caravans that criss-crossed Barsaive. What he lacked was airship trading. Since my shipyards were in the process of being built and I would soon have merchant drakkars available, he wanted me to act as a distributor of his products all across Barsaive. For now, he was willing to sell me building materials at a low cost out of a soon to be built outpost here in Darranis. Wood would be cut from the Servos Jungle and sent via caravan to Bartertown. This would help me tremendously with building the wall around Bartertown. We agreed to be business partners. 

Day 193-200 Journey to Bartertown

Raquas 8-15, 1509 TH

                I thought about the new trade route. I would need someone willing to go back and forth to Darranis in an almost constant running caravan. They would need to think of a way to make the trip there profitable. I would need to consult the Council of Merchants.

Day 201 Consultation

Raquas 16, 1509 TH

                I asked the merchants what could be sold in Darranis. Almost to a man, the reply was weapons and armor. Therefore, I asked who would be willing to run a caravan back and forth from Darranis selling arms. A dwarf merchant on the Council called Jefkat stood up and said he would run this caravan. I gave him a month to set up the caravan and supply before almost constant caravan runs back and forth. Jefkat said that this would be enough time, and set about collecting his team.

Day 202-232 Flight

Raquas 17-Sollus 17, 1509 TH

                I had come to realize that there was no way I’d be able to fly on a wooden drakkar, or probably even galley. And not even Throal had a galleon. The only way I’d be able to fly was in a stone ship.

I made a call out to the best mercenaries of the land, with an almost ridiculous amount of silver up for grabs. I wanted nothing less than the plans that Therans use to make their stone vedettes. One man, called Shadow seemed especially qualified for the mission. An ex-Theran slave as well as thief and scout, he had the knowledge of Thera and the stealth for the job. If he managed to steal the plans, 1,000,000 silver pieces would be his. His simple reply, “Better start collecting my money.” I expected he would not return for some time.

Day 233-250 Intersection

Raquas 18-Raquas 30, 1509 TH

                I had decided to start changing the layout of the city. The first thing that was necessary was a second main road running west to east and two gates on the walls at those locations.  I know that many people were not going to like that, but the city has grown so large that it needs two large laneways now. I’d also like to see more organization in the districting of the town. Perhaps a merchant type district running north and south all the way to the south gate of the Royal Road, and two residential districts in the west and east.  Some of the merchants were not at all happy with this arrangement. Of course, they only wanted Bartertown to be a merchant town, not a place where people lived. Without permanent residents, the town would always have to rely on taxing the merchant class; with residents I could shift some of that tax burden to them. This brought the merchants on board.

Day 250-381 Continuing Construction

Sollus 1, 1509 TH-Strassa 16, 1510 TH

                 The city of Bartertown’s wall and second road was completed as well as the airship dock was built.

Day 382 Shadow’s Return

Strassa 17, 1510 TH

                 Shadow actually made it back with the plans. I paid him and then I read them. I was very mad when I saw what the power source of the stone vedettes was, the life force of slaves. There had to be a way for me to use the stone vedette without using slaves as the power source. I decided that there was only one thing to do, go see the wisest Name-giver around, Icewing.

Day 383-390 Journey to Mount Vapor

Strassa 18-25, 1510 TH

                I was attacked several times on my way to Mount Vapor. Bears, brithans, ice flyers, and other creatures tried to stop my progress. Bad footing in the icy mountains and terrible traps were also everywhere. It wasn’t enough to stop me though.

Day 391 Sage Advice

Strassa 26, 1510 TH

                I knelt before Icewing and offered my 1000 silver pieces in tribute. I asked him about the Theran stone ships and how it might be possible to create one without using life energy as the power source. Icewing looked furious and said, “How do you know about the truth of the power source of the stone ships?” I replied that I had agents who had made a thorough investigation of the matter for me over the last six months. Icewing said, “So do you think you really can make a stone ship with your meager airdock and shipyards? And will you risk it if you cannot find an alternate power source?” I replied that I was not planning to make a stone airship in the middle of Bartertown. I had plans to make a much larger shipyard in the Throal Mountains.  I also would make the stone ship even if an alternate power source could not be found. However, I was not a Theran, I would tell the people who would operate such a stone ship the risks involved. And I would only use the stone ship if there were a great need. Icewing then said, “I will contact another great dragon who has an expertise on the subject. In the meantime, I give you permission to build your shipyard village in the Throal Mountains.” I would get my answer soon enough, and decided to begin building the village of Mist, which would act as a shipyard for larger ships like galleys and the stone ship as well as be a place to evacuate civilians in case Bartertown was ever attacked. 

Day 392-396 Journey to Bartertown

Strassa 27-Veltom 1, 1510 TH

                The journey back was much smoother. Griffins attacked me, but otherwise it was an easy trip. 

Day 397-420 Prelude to Expansion

Veltom 2-Veltom 25, 1510 TH

                At Bartertown, I gathered materials from Throal and Darranis and sent out survey teams headed by Valaan to look for a proper location for the town of Mist, as far away from Bartertown and Garahamite villages in the mountain, but close to Mount Vapor and its covering mist and my Liferock, Zenita. After Valaan found the proper location, we started our exodus of workers and material to the location. I arranged for Jafeedehelaah to make a caravan route between Bartertown and the burgeoning village to keep fresh workers and new supplies coming in and tired workers to return to Bartertown to relax.

Day 421-545 Condensing Mist

Veltom 26-Gahmil 30, 1510 TH

                The building of the town took hard work in often brutal conditions and temperatures. In the early month of Charassa, it was especially difficult to construct much because of the low temperatures, so we spent time merely getting supplies into position, as well as putting together a map of the town we were building. In Rua, the temperature started to rise and we started getting the headquarters done. In Mawag, we built the airship dock and shipyards. In Gahmil, we built the houses for the people who would staff the outpost. 

Day 546-550 Party!

Holiday 1-5, 1510 TH

                We had a huge party to celebrate the completion and naming of the town of Mist. We honored the earth for allowing us to work with her to build such a fine town. 

Day 551-558 Return to Mount Vapor

Raquas 1-Raquas 8, 1510 TH

                I gathered up the tribute money and set off to Mount Vapor. With the village of Mist completed, I wondered whether Icewing had found out if there was an alternate way to power the stone ships. The trip there was not difficult, except for a vicious fight with a pair of gargoyles.

Day 559 Return to the Sage

Raquas 9, 1510 TH

                I again knelt before Icewing and offered my 1000 silver pieces in tribute. Icewing immediately said, “We believe we have a solution to your problem. We have an experimental elemental engine that we believe may work as a power source for the stone ship you are trying to build. Of course, there is a price. Any and all airships that you build at the village of Mist must be available for Throal’s defense should it be attacked by Thera.” I replied that I would assist in helping to defend Throal, but I would not help in any Throal aggression. Icewing paused for a moment and then held out a claw to me, “ Deal.” 

Day 560-566 Journey to Mist

Raquas 10-Raquas 16, 1510 TH

                I traveled back to the village of Mist with a huge elemental engine strapped to my back. I can’t wait to show Valaan sees this!

Day 567-730 Shaping the Stoneship

Raquas 17-Doddul 30, 1510 TH

                I showed the elemental engine to Valaan, and we got to work on the blueprints for the stone vedette and how to attach it. Meanwhile, my workers started building the frame of the great stone ship, with my Elementalists and Weaponsmiths enchanting it with the True kernals that would enable it to float in the air. It will be my flagship, and my new way to travel. I have also managed to build four drakkars as well at Bartertown, giving me the ability to trade all over Barsaive. The airdock in Bartertown continues to produce good air sailors for the drakkars, but I’m going to need more experienced crew for the stone vedette. I decided to contact Omasu and the Jerris Falcons looking for quality air sailors willing to work for me. I was also pleasantly surprised by an influx of exiled sky raiders who asked to join up. Their experience in working with drakkars will be of huge help to me. Bartertown has grown strong, and may one day be a real power in Barsaive like many other city-states. When the stone vedette is finally completed, I can finally adventure occasionally like the old days, as well as make new allies and trading partners.

Written by Crag Hack

Strassa 1,1511 TH is the beginning of the second campaign. The next two journals will be about what happened to Evok Nor and Can N' the Jaw after separating from Crag Hack though.

Next time: Volume 3: The Torment of Evok Nor

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