Sunday, August 11, 2019

From the Vault: E-Dawn 11

E-Dawn Volume 11: November2004 Edition


Captain’s Log

Written by Theodore Favinger and Edited by Steven James Black

Strassa 13th, 1519 TH
9/3 1076 TE

I am James T. Kirk Jr. My mother Kimberly, and my father James T. Kirk Sr. were kidnapped by Khan and taken to the Liaj Jungle.  I started this journal to record my journey to save them. In addition, to my mother and father, Khan attempted to kidnap Mareth’s sister Marissa but the attempt was foiled by Mareth and Spock, and he successfully kidnapped Teefa, Gallway’s childhood sweetheart. Calhoun, Gallway’s rival, joined us to save her and beat his rival.

Strassa 14th, 1519 TH
9/4 1076 TE

The eight mountain lion bodies are gone. Spock says he can’t track them since the bodies were drug away over a week ago.  

Strassa 15th, 1519 TH
9/5 1076 TE

Wolves attacked us on the way to Crossacre. All except for Gallway, who couldn’t kill anything, killed them expediently. Then we arrived at the town of Crossacre. We ran into the Troll Sky Raider Bonehead at the Traveler’s Lodge. Khan had kidnapped his troll girlfriend, Ceren. He agreed to come with us and pay us for the safe return of his beloved bar maiden. 

Strassa 16th, 1519 TH
10/1 1076 TE

We awoke to screaming. A mass of genhis babies, 200 strong had been laid near the town. The things had destroyed over half of Ustrect in the past, and were about to add another village to that total. Boneheads wanted to stay and fight to save the town, but we ran away instead, escaping towards the Liaj Jungle. Crossacre was swarmed by the rabid genhis, and many town residents eaten alive. Crossacre is no more.

Strassa 18th, 1519 TH
10/3 1076 TE

On the plains of Ustrect, heading to the border of the Liaj Jungle, Cheetahs attacked us. We dispatched them easily except for Gallway, who was killed and then resurrected by Bonehead’s Last Chance Salve.

Strassa 20th, 1519 TH
10/5 1076 TE

We entered the Liaj Jungle and were attacked by two abominations, a bulbous reptile with 4 heads. We quickly dispatched them and went deeper into the Liaj Jungle.

Strassa 21st, 1519TH
11/1 1076 TE

Today we met Gema, a Questor of Jaspree. He was in the Liaj Jungle investigating the effects of “seasons” on the Liaj Jungle. We asked him what “seasons” were. The Questor replied that they were a result of the Death Sea changing into the Black Sea, so named because of the cooled magma at its bottom giving it a black look. The end of the permanent heat sink meant that weather would change as the year passed. He commented that this would be the strongest cold period ever, and that next year would be much worse, possibly having some consequences on the Jungles of Barsaive. We then asked what happened to the Death Sea. Gema replied that Death had been released. He said that he thought the deaths of so many Blood Elves, and T’skrang during the Last Battle of Blood Wood had spilled so much blood that death was released. We then further asked what the Blood Wood was. Gema then asked us where we had been for the last six months. We told him we had been sealed up in a Kaer that had just been released. Gema then told us about the Wyrm Wood, Blood Elves and the Blood Wood, and the Heart Wood. Elves with Thorns protruding everywhere and bleeding profusely? Psh, what nonsense.  We asked Gema why he was alone. Gema said his bodyguards had been slain by Tamers and that he had barely escaped due to their bravery and his Questor powers. We then asked what the Tamers are. Gema responded that they were a group of Name-Givers, mostly human who reject society and technology and believe in the savage laws of the jungle. He warned us that they would attempt to kill any who bore heavy weapons and armor of any kind. He bade us good day and continued on his way south, finishing his studies before leaving the jungle. We continued north.

Strassa 22nd, 1519 TH
11/2 1076 TE

As Gema had warned us, we were attacked by Tamers. The Tamers demanded that we give up our weapons and armor. I took off my armor and shield, but the rest of the party refused. Thus I fought them naked from the waist up. We defeated the Tamers and their Tiger Companions. We found a remnant of Gema’s bodyguards still alive. His name was Bob the Beastmaster. A Troajin who came to assist his had saved other Troajin and Bob. We continued north. We finally found Khan surrounded by his men with my parents. Khan told me that I had a choice, save my parents or chase him. Khan then put some kind of small slug on my parents’ faces. Khan told me that first comes pain, then madness, and then finally death from the creatures. I asked him why he hated my family so much; Khan replied that we were the last descendants of the ship’s original Captain, Jonathan Kirk. Khan told us that if Sky Raiders had been at the helm, we would have never crashed and ended up stranded in the Twilight Peaks, and that my failure of a bloodline must be wiped out. I told him he was full of it that no one could have navigated through the sudden storm. It was a show of my ancestor’s skill that he managed to crash-land the ship safely at all. Khan then looked upward and we saw a drakkar drift into view. Khan told me that the ship was called the Botany Bay, made from the trees of the Liaj Jungle, in exchange for all those kidnapped with a Nethermancer named Nibaz who had a lair somewhere to the east. Khan told Jedda, his first mate, it was time to go, and they jumped onto some rigging ropes on the ship. Khan then ordered his second mate, Terrell, a gigantic black ork, to kill us all. The drakkar flew south away from us. Spock and I saved my parents from the mindslugs, and we were shocked to find out that Terrell was also controlled by one too. The slugs had hurt my father and he was ill. Slate carried him.  Meanwhile, the rest of the party fought off the Ork Sky Raiders. An Ork Sky Raider’s Shield Charge with a Crystal Viking Shield killed Gallway. Out of Last Chance Salves, Calhoun buried him and pledged to continue their quest to save Teefa in his absence.  We headed east to Nibaz’s lair to rescue Teefa and Ceren.   

Strassa 23rd, 1519 TH
11/3 1076 TE

We found a large clearing in the Liaj Jungle. There was a door surrounded by moss guarded by charred zombies. All of a sudden a female wingskrang and her war dog charged them. They soon surrounded her mount and her dog. We then rushed to save her, defeating the zombies. Brax, Slate’s rockbrother, had caught up with us, and helped defeat the zombies. He volunteered to stay outside with my mom and dad. We entered the rune-covered door and went down a sloping hallway to a catacomb, where 5 skeletons attacked us and were defeated. The next room was filled with vegetation. Looking up, we could still see the sun, and the glint of a Citadel dome. Additionally, there was a hole in the wall as well. We decided to go to the next room. This room was filled with dead animals. When Spock entered the door on the other side, eight of them jumped up, showing ferocious Ivory Tusks, which killed the Wingskrang and her dog. Spock had explored an observatory structure and an Elementalist’s house in the next room, and told us to move on through the door. Another sloping hallway down later and we entered a maze of doors and short dead ends. Bonehead touched a trap trigger, and nothing happened. The smell of sulfur, ash, and oil and holes in the wall meant a firetrap was once here. We thought it burned the zombies from earlier. We continued onward and were attacked by guards alerted by our talking in the labyrinth or perhaps the trap trigger had an alarm on it.  Their leader screamed out something like Ristul demands our deaths. The eight cultists attacked. It was a tough battle since they were Swordmasters. Many of the warriors got riposted. After we defeated them, Brax, accompanied by a human warrior called Vivit Vain and an obsidiman wizard named Para showed up. Vivit Vain and Para were from the Hammerhills region, which was under attack by undead. Para was part of the Liferock in that region, and had been sent to find Slate and Brax, after the Liferock detected their awakening. Vivit Vain was his bodyguard. We placed my mom and dad in the Elementalist’s room in the upper level, and the injured Slate as well as Rast and Ni’ Bawn decided to stay and guard them. We returned to the underground level and after that we explored the next few rooms. A guards barracks, an armory, a forge where I picked up some forge tools, an alchemy shop with a bunch of lead in it, an alchemist supply lab where we found some potions and some elemental jars with kernels, a temple to the nine sane passions where Mareth prayed to Garlen, a mess hall, a prison, a food and water storage area, a food growth area overrun by weeds, and a library where the wizard was attacked by a black book which Vivit, his bodyguard, placed into a large sack thinking it might be valuable to someone. We next explored a mining shed, and then went further into the underground. The stone became a lot rougher, as if digging were more recent. We also heard water running, and explored until we found an underground river. We continued through the underground until we found a chain gang of Name-Givers, furiously digging a tunnel. They paid us no heed, as they were under complete control of the mindslugs. We took a path to the right and saw an altar to a twisted black being. Four women, 2 elves, 1 troll, and 1 human, were tied to four tables. The Nethermancer Nibaz turned around pledging the four maidens to Ristul and breaking two glass jars, each filled with four mindslugs. Calhoun saved Teefa, Bonehead saved Ceren, Vivit saved an elf maiden named Lita, and I saved a human bar maiden named Jill. I recognized her from the Traveller’s Lodge, Ceren’s coworker. Meanwhile, the Nethermancer’s plan was to use the spell Pain on us and allow the mindslugs to enter us and control our minds. He did this to Brax, and Mareth, but they survived somehow. We killed the Nethermancer and his mindslugs and saved the ladies. We then escaped the Kaer/citadel.

Strassa 24th, 1519TH
11/4 1076 TE

We returned to the area where we fought Khan’s men. All nine ork corpses had vanished with tracks leading back to where we just were. I decided to ignore this and move on, our mission had been fulfilled.

Strassa 27th, 1519TH
12/2 1076 TE

Jaguars attacked us. They killed Brax Greystone, we tried to revive him with a Last Chance Salve, but it failed. He was buried by Slate and Para. Para lamented his death, unable to return to his Liferock one last time after so long.

Veltom 1st, 1519 TH
13/1 1076 TE

We arrived at the ruins of Crossacre. The bottoms of all the buildings had been chewed through. Bonehead, Ceren, and Jill decried the destruction of the Traveller’s Lodge, and wondered if the bartender Nybik was still alive. Bonehead told us he would come to Kaer Cellesis after about eight to ten days with our money, and would pay us extra 50 silver pieces for saving Jill.

Veltom 3rd – Veltom 10th, 1519 TH
13/3 – 14/5 1076 TE

We arrived at home. Spock sold the journal of Razelsus to Ray Toujours. He recounted to us the tale of the crazed elf Elementalist and alchemist. He had built the citadel and Kaer of Odystar specifically for his alchemical studies. He needed a lot of different things for these studies. He needed various plants and herbs to create chemicals, especially acids, for his quest for the Elixir of Life. He needed various animals to create bases for his experiments. He needed lead, and thus a mine and an area rich in the stuff. He wanted to convert lead to gold and silver through a process called transmutation. He was thoroughly convinced that the Philos Stone was somewhere in the Liaj Jungle. He also thought that the planetary alignments had something to do with his experiments success and failure. He invited people near Odystar to live there when the Scourge came. Apparently it was breached in the Scourge, and the people were killed. The journal recounts the madman’s paranoia at the end as a result of gigantic worms and then abruptly ends. Vivit tried to sell him the cursed Black Book, but the sage wouldn’t. They eventually were forced to destroy the book. Some of the pages creepily described some of the recent events in Vivit and Para’s lives. Meanwhile, Mareth bought Gallway’s house for three months and promptly moved his sister Marissa in. Calhoun invited Teefa and Lita to stay with him, but Teefa refused. She is in mourning for Gallway, and always wearing black dresses and a veil these days. Lita is pretty crazy, she thinks herself some kind of prophetess. She told Mareth that Upandal’s Twenty Hammers will move and the Blood Quake will ensue when the Twenty Resume. Whatever that means.  We went to Garlen’s temple. Lita was there for some reason with Calhoun. I prayed to Garlen to heal my dad and paid some tribute. I brought my dad before the temple’s Questor to Garlen, Vahla, and she healed him. My dad’s speech and consciousness returned. He rested a few days and then trained me to Third Circle. Spock was trained to Third Circle Scout by his dad, Sarek. He then went to the airship and teased his sister, Sarah about him being the same Circle as “big sis”.  

Veltom 11th, 1519 TH
15/1 1076 TE

Bonehead comes to Kaer Cellesis. He has the wings of some animal strapped to his back. Bonehead pays us each 500 silver for saving Ceren and Jill, who are both at the Stoneheart trollmoot. Bonehead then goes and inspects our airship, and then he demands to see our leadership. So we take him to the Council Chamber. Bonehead proposes an alliance between the Stonehearts and Kaer Cellesis to hunt down Khan. Our council accepts his proposal, and he gives them 5000 silver pieces and prisma wings to sell to come up with more silver to repair the airship. Spock gives 2000 silver pieces and I give up 800 silver pieces to repair the ship. Khan leaves a note on my door saying he has gone to Cara Fahd.

Veltom 12th, 1519 TH
15/2 1076 TE

Slate Greystone and Para go crazy. They start trying to leave the Kaer saying their threatened Liferock has summoned them. I go look over the Enterprise; I think it’ll take 11 weeks to repair. The Obsidiman say it’ll be a month journey to the Hammerhills and a month to get back again. Meaning the ship won’t be repaired yet by then. So we all decide to go on their quest with them.

Veltom 13th, 1519 TH
15/3 1076 TE

Bonehead travels with us as far as Crossacre, he wants to get back and spend time with Ceren. Nine ork cadavers attack us as we leave Kaer Cellesis. They are decayed, but the black ork body of Terrell is unmistakable. These are the same undead as before. Someone or something is reanimating the bodies of things we kill.

Veltom 14th, 1519 TH
15/4 1076 TE

We come to the ruins of Crossacre. Bonehead parts company with us. We decide on going to Cara Fahd via Ustrect.

Veltom 17th, 1519 TH
16/2 1076 TE

We are attacked by Blood Circle Troll Warriors who want us dead as we pass through Ustrect, even more no that we are officially allied with their enemy trollmoot, the Stonehearts. We defeat them, Para is killed and then revived by Mareth with a Last Chance Salve, and we continue on towards Cara Fahd… 



Male Elf Beastmaster Second Circle
Long-term goals: Acquire new animal companions including a Gorilla or Ape.
Ancestry notes: Of Barsaivian descent.


K’stulaami Female T’skrang Beastmaster First Circle / Cavalryman First Circle
Long-term goals: Become a K’stulaami Griffin Rider and train Griffins for General Nikar.
Ancestry notes: Of Theran descent, formerly of House Carcini.


Obsidiman Wizard Second Circle
Liferock: Hammerhills Liferock called the Bloodyear Rock.
Discipline Teacher: Silc of the Bloodyear Rock.
Long-term goals: Save the Hammerhills from the undead armies.
Friends: Vivit Vain, Bodyguard.
Ancestry notes: Of Theran descent.


Human Warrior Second Circle
Background: Stormhammer Jungles on the night of a ferocious storm. His mother was killed during childbirth. His father traveled to the safer Hammerhills region and left him at the Theran Village of Rafrancher’s Claw where he was taken in by a family of farmers. He grew restless in his adolescence and traveled north to Balkaria where he trained with the Therans and spent a few years as a guard as payment. His wanderlust eventually brought him north to the Bloodyear Rock, which accepted him in strangely. The elders there told him of the death of a member of their Liferock who must be replaced and charged him with guarding Para to find some recently awakened Obsidiman.  They also told him of the two undead armies circling the Hammerhills. To save his foster family in Rafrancher’s Claw, he reluctantly agreed to the long journey.
Discipline Teacher:  Gerrald, a Lieutenant of Balkaria’s Military Garrison.
Long-term goals: Save Rafrancher’s Claw from the undead armies. Find his real father to discover his true ancestry. Continuing the path of the “Vain” Warrior.
Friends: Para.
Ancestry notes: Of Theran descent.


Gallway Lennox (Eric): Killed by a Control Slug dropped on him by Kirk after being knocked unconscious by an Ork Sky Raider’s Shield Charge.

Selena Silent tail (Eric): Killed by a Knife Cat in Citadel Odystar.

Brax Greystone (NPC Ally): Killed by Jaguars in the Liaj Jungle.


New Riposte rules. Riposte is now considered an evasion and counterattack IMB. This means that Avoid Blow, Riposte, etc can counter a Riposte that hits an opponent. This rules change is a necessity due to the commonness of the skill, which I expect will be a common choice for PCs and NPCs alike due to the skill point system.


Warrior Discipline Change. Warriors now take Wound Balance instead of Avoid Blow at Third Circle. Why? Well my PCs wanted the change for one thing. Their reasoning is this, a Warrior rarely sees a successful avoid due to Acrobatic Strike and Anticipate Blow at higher Circles. A typically Fifth Circle Warrior has a Physical Defense Value of 12 (10 Physical Defense + 2 from Bracers) + 5 from Acrobatic Strike equal 17 Physical Defense Value. +5 from Anticipate Blow equal 22 Physical Defense Value. A typical Avoid Blow at Fifth Circle is 5 Ranks + 7 Dexterity = 12 + Karma. Which means only humans, orks, and windlings tend to still be able to avoid after a successful Acrobatic Strike. And no one tends to have a chance after Acrobatic Strike and Anticipate Blow. Since a poor success on the Avoid Blow has you end up on the ground, most people are forced to take the attack at this point. And ending up on the ground, where Air Dance is impossible is truly horrendous for warriors. That’s why not being able to stand after a lethal blow is so horrible for them. A warrior on the ground is soon defeated. Due to their typically bad Perception Step, Silent Walk using characters, especially thieves and scouts, and getting armor-defeated due to surprise is always happening to them. Avoid Blow doesn’t help in these situations for this character either. The Wound Balance Skill could be useful, but these skill points are better going to the Riposte Skill, which is at least competitive with their Physical Defense Value due to the +3 Step bonus. A typical Riposte at Fifth Circle is Rank 3 + 7 Dexterity + 3 Steps = 13 + Karma, meaning elves, dwarves, and t’skrang can Riposte if they Acrobatic Strike only easily. There is also no knockdown, making Riposte a great skill choice and worth the risk even at higher Physical Defense Values such as with Anticipate Blow. They also don’t get Karma on STR until Ninth Circle, making the Wound Balance Skill less of a good choice for Warriors than for the Sky Raider.


Characters who are in town may buy a number of skill points equal to 1 per week for 250 LP. This approximates the time necessary for picking up skills. If not in Kaer Cellesis where such training is free, the Skill Points also cost 25 silver pieces per each skill point due to training costs as well.


T’skrang Sky Raider

Advantages: +1 dexterity, toughness, and charisma make for a great Sky Raider. Dexterity is important to help with attacking and evasion, toughness helps Fireblood a lot, and finally charisma improves Battle Shout.

Disadvantages: No strength or willpower bonuses. Strength is important for being a key component of the sky raider’s damage, and willpower is important for Air Sailing and Windcatcher. No bonus to perception is hardly a disadvantage, considering no Sky Raider talents are based on this attribute.

Attributes (66 purchase points):
DEX: 15+1= (16): 7/D12
STR: (13): 6/D10
TOU: 13+1=(14): 6/D10
PER: (13): 6/D10
WIL: (13): 6/D10
CHA: 13+1=(14): 6/D10

Commentary: This character is an odd choice due to it being a sky raider from a culture known to be major boatman and merchants of the Serpent River. Playing a k’stulaami would make more sense, but I think role-playing wise it’d be more fun to play a normal t’skrang who is an outcast from his house and holds a grudge versus them. One of the character’s major goals would be to raid and punish their original house. Thus character goals would include getting a drakar and using it to steal from their old house. This provides for some interesting role-playing possibilities.

                Statistically, this character needs a +1 in perception for an 8 spell defense value, a +1 in willpower for +1 base mystic armor rating. After this it requires a lot more points to gain power. +2 in toughness increases your Death Rating by +3, your Wound Threshold by +1 and your Unconscious Rating by +3. However, a +2 in charisma adds +1 to social defense value and a charisma step, just in time to use it with Battle Bellow. A +3 in dexterity will add a dexterity step and +1 physical defense value. Still, +3 to strength seems key due to the weight requirements of the class. To be an effective sky raider you’ll need melee, missile, thrown, and maybe even unarmed combat weapons, as well as shields for Shield Charge and good armor. The +1 to strength step also increases your damage and knockdown key for Sky Raiders.

For skills, consider Wound Balance, as it is great when combined with Karma on Strength at Fourth Circle. Tactics is a solid choice by Fifth Circle, as it can be devastating with Battle Bellow. (Tactics to add +Rank to attack for allied Sky Raiders who are loyal to you as an action and Battle Bellow to add +Rank to Battle Shout for allied Sky Raiders as a non-action). A Sky Raider using Fluid Blade forged weapons could find the Anticipate Blow Skill useful to help trigger Momentum Attack.

      Additionally, this Sky Raider has great offensive capabilities. Take for example the racial tail attack. By Third Circle, the Sky Raider gets the Unarmed Combat talent, making him able to do a Shield Charge and then follow it up with a racial tail attack. Pick up Violent Thrust talent knack as soon as you can. Although it hurts your defenses, it negates the step penalty of the racial tail attack. Although be careful of aggression, since a –5 to physical defense value tends to be deadly. Additionally the fun continues at Fifth Circle with Swift Kick. Get the Melee Swift Kick talent knack so you can use it after a Melee Attack. At Seventh Circle you get Momentum Attack, making your Sky Raider able to do four attacks potentially, keeping up with Air Sailors, Warriors, and Swordmasters.

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