Monday, September 30, 2019

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

[DramaScape] New 6 x 6 Printable Map Tiles Bundle.

Save up to 50% off on our printable tiles with the new 6 x 6 Printable Map Tiles Bundle! This set includes our popular SciFi Floor Tiles (an Electrum seller).

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

[DramaScape] Hunter's Lodge with 33% off discount coupon link that expires Sunday, September 15, 2019

Hunter's Lodge

DramaScape Modern Volume 83

This is a 48 x 30 inch Battlemap of a Hunter's Lodge, it has Hex, Square and No Overlays, it also includes the VTT files for online play.

“What? Were you expecting electricity and plumbing? This is a secluded lodge for real men!” —Robert “The Boar” Shaw

 Hunter's Lodge is a single level map of an interior secluded bar and lounge and an exterior dirt road leading to the lodge and surrounding wilderness of deciduous forest and grassland with shrubs.

 Hunter's Lodge is intended for use in near modern or fantasy games.

Below is a link for the 33% off, the link expires on Sunday September 15th, 2019

Thanks for supporting DramaScape.

[Game Publishers' Guild, Broken Ruler Games] The Deal (Standard Deck Edition)

Broken Ruler Games has released The Deal (Standard Deck Edition) on DriveThruCards.

Read the announcement here:

Buy it here:

Thursday, September 5, 2019

[Game Publishers' Guild, Broken Ruler Games] Broken Designs Patreon

Broken Ruler Games is proud to announce the launch of our Patreon page, Broken Designs. Here, our patrons will gain access to early drafts of various games and other projects in development (though not all of them – it’s worth noting that patrons will not, for example, get to see any of The Tower.) Some of these projects will provide exclusive access to certain projects, such as Dimensions, our long-brewing PbtA game of inter-dimensional travellers and the first game on tap for our patrons. Each playtest draft will include an online form to provide different types of feedback (from simply reading through the text to actually playing as a Player or Facilitator) to earn playtest points that are then used to earn bonus rewards for your feedback. Basically, the more playtesting you do, the more rewards you get. It’s the Patreon that gives back!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

From the Vault: Laera Melodie

      The last of the 7 Sands Campaigns in character recaps. Trying to do Laera Melodie Part 2 was trying to remember a game lost to the mists of time itself. I found that it was virtually impossible to remember everything that had happened nine years earlier to make the next one. 

7 Sands Campaigns

Volume 5: Laera Melodie’s Journal Part 1

"Hey why do I always get picked last?"
● Rognar Barland ●


Spoiler Alert: The following journal contains spoilers of the FASA adventure Mists of Betrayal. You have been warned!

A Brief Foreword From the Author

        This journal deals with my first campaign that I was the sole gamemaster. We started with Mists of Betrayal, a quest I was very well familiar with, having been part of four TPKs (Total Party Kills) trying to play the adventure (Even one with Straight 18 characters!).  It was considered a player murder campaign in our gaming group. It was obvious it would take a skilled gamemaster with a heavy dose of gamemaster fiat to pull the adventure off as written. Laera Melodie is definitely a heavy dose of gamemaster fiat herself, a windling troubadour with a 20 Charisma specifically inserted into the group to deal with the spectral dancer late in the scenario who had been the death of two parties herself. Since I only had three players and Mists of Betrayal required six minimum players, I ran three NPCs during this campaign. Laera Melodie was a required character, and the players had a pick of the other two from Han Olveran, Jelde Urik, and Rognar Barland. The two they talked to first in the starting tavern would join up. I left the NPCs pretty underdeveloped since I expected the players to carry most of the roleplaying load, with them only really having traits from the personality system, and some early flaws. Over time, Han Olveran evolved into a player favorite in spite of this.

CAST (PCs and NPC Allies)

In Order of Appearance

Player: Shawn Pitman
Race/Discipline/Circle: Elf Thief First Circle
Homeland: Tureem
Passion: Chorrolis
Organization: None
Character History:  An orphan whose adventurer parents left him in the relative safety of Tureem on their way to a dangerous mission in Parlainth that they never returned from. His struggle for survival led him to become a Thief adept. He is a troublemaker and risk taker who often gets in trouble with the local guards. He dreams of stealing treasure, then gambling it to make even more money, and being surrounded by elf women.
Long-term Goals: To make as much loot in as little of time as possible and then double it again.


Player: Robert Egli
Race/Discipline/Circle: Elf Nethermancer First Circle
Homeland: Tureem.
Passion: None
Organization: None
Character History: A former gravedigger who had turned into a Nethermancer adept. He spent some time examining the dead in the Tureem cemetery studying death and decomposition as well as looting them of valuables. While rotting in jail for grave robbing, he met Calaban Fasthand, and the two fast became friends.
Long-term Goals: To gain power by studying the boundaries between life and death.


Player: Joshua Murphy
Race/Discipline/Circle: Troll Sky Raider First Circle
Homeland: Caucavik Mountain Range
Passion: Thystonius
Trollmoot: Shrieker
Character History: Ravin Deathbringer was a Shrieker who left the trollmoot to seek an adventure that would get him noticed by the trollmoot, similar to what his idol Can’N the Jaw accomplished. The first town he found was a hamlet called Tureem en route to Haven. He joined the party after showing up at the Common House.
Long-term Goals: To become a crewmember of a Shrieker drakkar and destroy the Stoneclaws personally.


Player: Steven Black
Race/Discipline/Circle: Elf Archer First Circle
Homeland: Jungle near Tureem
Passion: Astendar
Organization: None
Character History: Han Olveran fled the elf tribe in the jungles near Tureem after hearing rumors of monsters living in the jungle. These monsters later slaughtered his elf tribe and Han was wracked with guilt for his craven act. He joins the party to redeem himself for his cowardice and free the jungle of the creatures that killed his elf tribe. He is known to have a weakness for elf maidens.
Long-term Goals: To become a legendary Archer.
Surface Traits: Courteous, Proud
Hidden Traits: Cowardly, Lustful
Flaws: Addiction (Elf Women)


Player: Steven Black Race/Discipline/Circle: Human Warrior First Circle
Homeland: Tureem
Passion: Thystonius
Organization: None
Character History: Jelde Urik was known for having a bad temper as a child in Tureem. He wanted to leave the town and seek adventure elsewhere. He trained as a Warrior, and tried to discipline himself to control his temper, but it didn’t work very well.
Long-term Goals: To become a legendary Warrior.
Surface Traits: Aggressive, Energetic
Hidden Traits: Impulsive
Flaws: Berserker.


Player: Steven Black
Race/Discipline/Circle: Windling Troubadour First Circle
Homeland: Jungle near Tureem
Passion: Astendar
Organization: Troubadour Guild of Tureem
Character History:  Laera Melodie fled the jungles near Tureem after unknown creatures wiped out her clan. She joined the party to gain revenge on the monsters who killed her clan and lover. She is known to have a weakness for strong windling men.
Long-term Goals: To become a legendary storyteller and Troubadour.
Surface Traits: Extroverted
Hidden Traits: Lustful
Flaws: Addiction (Strong Windling Men)


Player: Steven Black
Race/Discipline/Circle: Dwarf Weaponsmith First Circle
Homeland: Tureem
Passion: Upandal
Organization: Merchant Guild of Tureem
Character History: A Weaponsmith of Tureem who wanted to go on an adventure and gain his own forge. He instead stays in the tavern and drinks all night. He complains about headaches when hammering at work all day, then drinks all night and starts the process over again. 
Long-term Goals: To become a legendary Weaponsmith and obtain his own weapon/armor shop and forge.
Surface Traits: Drunkard
Hidden Traits: Creative
Flaws: Addiction (Alcohol)

CAST (NPCs/Enemies)

In Order of Appearance

Race/Discipline/Circle: Human Wizard Seventh Circle
Homeland: Haven
Passion: Chorrolis
Character History: See Mists of Betrayal page 91. See Parlainth: The Forgotten City page 23. IMB, Hiermon is a cranky, cursing, greedy Wizard (and was a PC favorite for it). 

For the others, see the Cast of Characters section on page 87 of Mists of Betrayal.

Laera Melodie’s Journal Part 1


Mists of Betrayal

Strassa 1, 1511 TH

        I remember being happy once. My clan lived in the jungles near a remote village called Tureem. We survived by gathering berries, and hunting small game. We lived as a small community, but it felt like a large extended family. My father, Galba, was the clan elder, and my Troubadour mother, Cerise, was the clan historian. I worked at foraging food and herbs during the day while the men hunted. At night, we sang, we danced, and we told stories. I loved the stories best, and begged to learn the oral history of our tribe from my mother until she finally relented. I soon became a Troubadour adept and one of the best storytellers and singers in the clan.
        One day, while looking for food in the jungle, I was startled by a lizard in the brush. I tried to fly away, but it was already too late. From behind me, I heard a sizzling sound. As electricity charged the air, my hair stood on end. Then there were two flashes of light accompanied by the crashing of thunder as two bolts of lightning coursed through my entire body. The shock of the blow forced me to the ground and I lay there stunned, with the smell of charring in my nostrils. I must have looked a mess and I could only stare out as I felt consciousness slipping away. Then seemingly out of nowhere came Azoul, a firebrand windling hunter of our clan famed for his fearlessness in taking on prey much larger than himself. He swooped down and landed a glancing blow at the side of the lizard’s head with his sword and placed himself between the lizard and me. As he distracted the lizard, the other hunters circled around to the back and stabbed the lizard with their spears connecting with its vulnerable tail. The lizard was unwilling to die for a meager meal of a wounded windling, and surrounded itself with an aura of crackling shards of lightning to serve as a warning to the windlings not to attack, and then it fled. I don’t know if they got the lizard, as I passed out.
        Azoul had carried me back to the village and his mother, Kashaya, our clan healer, saved my life with a healing ointment that soothed my burn injuries. It took a long time for my skin to grow back where the lightning struck and Azoul and his mother were my constant companions. I craved that companionship, and I needed them to hear my stories and my songs or else I would have gone crazy from loneliness.  I had also found out that Azoul was a worthy partner, strong enough to protect and feed a family, and a good listener. Azoul confessed his feelings for me when I became well enough to fly from his tree-house, and I confessed my own mutual feelings for him. After finally recovering from my wounds, when Azoul and I were out supposed to be gathering food and hunting, we were often making love in the woods instead. No one said anything about our light harvests, but by the looks in their eyes they knew the source.  I still wonder if I’d be betrothed or married by now to Azoul if not for the tragedy that struck our clan next. The night that made all of this seem like a happy dream that had never existed.
        One night, we were telling stories by a small fire like usual. That’s when the jungle seemed to grow thick before our very eyes, encircling us like viny fingers. Then we heard the blood-curdling screams of our hunters and guards. I ran from the campfire screaming out Azoul’s Name. I almost wish I had never seen Azoul that night. I found him on the ground, with his entrails hanging out of his gut, which had been opened by a rending claw of impossible sharpness. As I knelt close listening for breath and feeling his pulse for signs of life, he whispered out to me, “Laera fly.” He pointed with his index finger at a small opening in the jungle that had enclosed all around us like a trap. I hesitated and looked back to Azoul, but he had already moved on. I heard a cacophony of screams from my village. I knew at that moment that I was the last one of my clan still alive. I took flight for the small opening, and contorted my body to make it through the narrow space. Halfway through, I felt something strike the back of my leg, but I made it. I flew as fast as I could and when I could bear no more, and rested on a tree branch. I tore off the sleeves of my dress to make a tourniquet for my leg to stop the bleeding as I learned from watching Kashaya bandage the hunters of my village from bleeding wounds. I flew down to the ground and tested my wounded leg. I could still stand and walk, but running was out of the question. I walked to the edge of the jungle and saw the town of Tureem. Across the open plain, I decided to fly to my new home.
        I was a refugee and Tureem was my sanctuary. Tureem’s healer, Graka, healed my leg. But my respite was short-lived. The creatures had followed me to Tureem and began to stalk new victims in the town. I even wondered if they had left me alive just to chase me to another hunting ground. Am I cursed?
        They were picking off the villagers one by one. We were all wondering by this point—would this night be my turn to die in my bed? I for one would not die like that. If I were to die to these monsters, I would do it with my boots on and sword in hand.
        It began as a normal night at the Common House. I was singing and dancing to earn my keep; biding my time and waiting for a chance at revenge on the abominations who had killed my family, my clan, and my beloved. I was not alone in my determination for vengeance. Han Olveran had fled the jungle and his elf tribe as well because of the monstrosities. It was like I was just waiting for the opportunity, the spark, which would set events in motion. This just happened to be the night that a massive troll walked into the Common House. He was hairless, and white as a ghost carrying a scythe. The Common House that had been bustling with activity and noise became still with silence as if everyone in the room were viewing an apparition, or perhaps the Passion Death returned in troll form. The troll strolled through the room casually as if he hadn’t noticed everyone’s reaction to him, or he was so used to this reaction by now that he was numb to it and even expecting it. He took a stool at the bar and ordered some dwarf stout ale. With his back turned, most of the bar patrons decided to make for the door. I resumed my performance while keeping my eyes on the entrance.
        I finally saw what I was looking for, as the local overseer of Tureem, Turan, entered the room. Turan had no doubt heard about the troll and saw the same opportunity as myself. He took a seat at the bar and ordered a drink for himself and the troll. He made an offer of sixty silver pieces to go into the jungles near Tureem and slay the murdering monsters to the troll and any who would accompany him. Turan knew that the patrons who remained after seeing this troll would be courageous souls who could rid the village of its problem. The fact that many of Tureem’s most brave souls were its worst troublemakers was just a bonus as far as Turan was concerned. The troll decided to take the mission, as well as the mischievous duo of the local miscreant, Calaban Fasthand, a tall and thin elf Thief, and local grave robber Chris Divine, the short and stocky elf Nethermancer, the temperamental but well-built human Warrior Jelde Urik, the tall and frail elf Archer Han Olveran, and myself, the small and gorgeous windling Troubadour Laera Melodie. A lone dwarf was the only other customer at the bar remaining, and he spent the night drinking many mugs by himself. The troll introduced himself as Ravin Deathbringer of the Shrieker clan, stopping at Tureem en route to Haven. Turan gave us the run of the Common House, a thirty silver piece advance, and fifty percent off vouchers redeemable at Graka’s Hut and Turan’s Everygoods, and then left us to make our preparations for our journey into the western jungle.
        Calaban Fasthand decided that if he might die the next day, this night would be especially memorable. He flirted with the two human barmaids, and after a few drinks and enough cajoling, got the short and perky brunette with long hair, Malisa, to walk up the stairs with him. Chris Divine got the same idea and used the same technique on the remaining barmaid; the tall and athletic blonde with her hair in braids, Brynwar, but not the same results. A slap to the face is all that he earned. Most women would do that if a man smelling of earth and corpses were hitting on them. I know I would. If there were any worthy windling men around, I’d probably be doing the same thing as them. These creatures killed my family, my clan, and my beloved, Han Olveran’s jungle elf tribe, and many villagers of Tureem; they could very well kill us all tomorrow. If you had only one night before a possible death sentence the next day, you’d make that night count too. We all partied as if it were our last night alive. I passed out after overindulging in keesris wine.


Strassa 2

        We started the day by shaking off our hangovers, and hangers-on in the case of Malisa and Calaban to use our thirty silver pieces and fifty percent off vouchers at Graka’s Hut and Turan’s Everygoods. I suggested we buy healing aids from Graka. At the low price of twenty-five silver pieces apiece, booster potions would never be cheaper or more necessary. After making the essential preparations, we six adventurers set out to the west to hunt down the monsters.
       Fortunately for us, Han Olveran had experience in hunting and tracking and found the creatures’ tracks leading into the jungle near Tureem, where my clan used to be. According to Han, they had eight furry legs, and could be giant spiders. I knew these were no mere giant spiders, but something far more dangerous possessing magical powers, a cunning intellect, and strong sinewy muscles and sharper claws to match. I knew what I was walking into, and yet even as the canopy of the jungle I once called home enveloped me again, I did not turn back. We followed Han deeper into the jungle.
Han led us to an alcove in the jungle smelling of decaying flesh. I looked to the ground for the accompanying bodies, but instead watched as thistles and briars from the ground grew in an instant upward and above, encompassing me in a tunnel of thorns. There was only one path, forward, with no retreat possible. Worse, I stared down at the tunnel at the thing that was a spider—and yet was not—directly ahead of me. A humanoid face stared back at me with vacant eyes, as one of its spider legs scratched across its chitinous chest. Could this thing have once been a Name-giver? Had it seen me? I brandished my windling two-handed sword and dived at it, ignoring the pain of the flight caused by the thorny barbs tearing at me. I delivered a glancing blow to its jaw, and turned up to near the top of the maze, hoping that I could avoid its reach with its long legs. That’s when it extended its leg that it had dragged across its chest towards me, and all of a sudden an icy, barbed web ensnared me. The icy barbs pierced my flesh, freezing me to the bone. Unable to move, my wings were unable to keep me aloft and I started falling to the ground. I was so cold; I was surprised that I didn’t shatter to pieces upon impact with the soil. I looked up to see the Horror construct lording over me, with its forelegs raised in anticipation. I watched through unblinking eyes frozen to the sight, as icy spikes formed on its forelegs.
 It started to plunge its forelegs down at me, when it unexpectedly toppled over. A triumphant and bloodied Calaban Fasthand stood up from underneath the monster with his broadsword dripping with guts and blood in hand. When it had risen up to kill me, Calaban had slid underneath and delivered a deathblow to its tender abdomen, disemboweling it instantaneously. 1 The icy barbs and thorny maze dissipated in an instant. As I got to my feet, I watched the other one die after a berserk Jelde Urik slashed its head off with his battle-axe.
       It was just like before with the lizard, I couldn’t do anything. Knocked down and immobilized, I was just waiting for somebody to save me again. My chance for revenge for my beloved, my family, and my village wasted on one mere slash of my sword. But at least I was here to watch the pair die for their sins against my tribe.
       Calaban and Chris looted the pair’s lair, finding a mysterious amulet on a silver chain with a silver starburst pattern stained red in the middle. Chris was unable to view into astral space yet, and asked me to see if I could determine whether it was magical based on my natural vision into the astral plane. I looked into the astral plane and could not see the pattern of the item, but could tell that it was a magical item based on its astral aura. I told Chris and Calaban about how the spider-like being’s magic seemed to work, and the duo removed their forelegs and metallic deposits on the spider’s chests that looked like a metal web. Ravin used his scythe to slice off the head of the other spider construct and put both of the heads in a large sack. “Proof,” he said. I thought I was going to be sick watching these three slice and dice these dead constructs.
We returned to Tureem with the heads of the slain spider constructs and delivered them to Turan, earning us an additional 30 silver pieces apiece. We asked Turan about the magical amulet and the strange magic of the spider constructs, and he told us that no one in the town of Tureem knew anything of magic. Chris, of course, disagreed. Turan, perhaps seeing an opportunity to rid Tureem of its troublemakers forever, then continued talking about a Wizard Named Hiermon who lives in the Old Neighborhood of the town of Haven that borders Parlainth. Turan told us that the wise wizard Hiermon could help us identify and use the amulet, or at the very least appraise the value of the item and sell it at the markets of Haven. He also told us that Hiermon could explain to us how the spider construct’s magic works as well. He finally told us of the ruins of Parlainth and the great risks and dangers there, but also of the great rewards of treasure. Our greed, curiosity, and thrill seeking piqued, we asked for Turan to give us directions and we made plans to head for Haven.
        We returned to the Common House for a night of debauchery, performance, rest, or a combination thereof, depending upon our personal preference. Calaban returned to Malisa’s bed, and I think Brynwar had either too much to drink or too much euphoria and relief upon learning the news of the death of the spider constructs, because she decided to take Chris to bed with her!  I guess persistence does pay off sometimes.

Tureem to Haven

Strassa 3-4

        We followed Turan’s directions to Haven, and we were surprised to arrive in Haven without difficulty after hearing Turan’s stories about the dangers of the area around Parlainth.
        The ruins of Parlainth are both beautiful and terrible to behold. The shattered marble and stone Theran capital spoke of the Theran mastery of Barsaive, and how it all crumbled away during the Scourge. As well as the terrible price that was paid by those who turned away from the proven Rites of Protection and Passage to seek salvation from the Scourge to other unproven and unsavory methods. And yet, there was a beacon of shiny alabaster walls within the ruins, Haven. Can this Wizard, Hiermon, really tell us what magic lurks within the amulet and the spider chests we possess? We’ll find out tomorrow, I guess.


Strassa 5

        We entered Haven and after a quick survey of the town, Calaban returned to tell us that Hiermon lived on the second story of a shop called Brenula’s Arms. We made our way there.

1 Surprise Strike for 48 with Step 18 Damage!

Next time: Volume 6: Laera Melodie’s Journal: Part 2

Monday, September 2, 2019

From the Vault: Can'N the Jaw's War

7 Sands Campaigns

Volume 4: Can’N the Jaw’s War

“The Stoneclaws dare to emulate the dwarfs of Throal. They have begun to grow soft like our Lowland brothers. It would be mercy to kill them now so that they will be remembered as Sky Raiders rather than the soft and weak oafs they are sure to become.” —Can’N the Jaw to the assembled Shriekers in his speech pushing for declaring war on the Stoneclaws


A Brief Foreword From the Author

                This journal deals with the ascendance of Can’N the Jaw to the chief of the Shriekers trollmoot following his separation from the rest of the party at Bartertown as he used subversion, treachery, and war to usurp the position of Mad Off as head of the moot. Unlike Crag Hack and similar to Evok Nor, Can’N the Jaw’s chronicles don’t care much for chronological dating, mostly since he refused to use either the Throal or Theran calendar as he saw those two nations as enemies of the Shriekers and all trollmoots. Instead, he decided the months should be named after the twelve Passions! Fortunately, the order he used is alphabetical proceeding with Astendar, Chorrolis, Erendis, Floranuus, Garlen, Jaspree, Lochost, Mynbruje, Rashimon, Thystonius, Upandal, and finally Vestrial with the year equal to his age. Unlike Evok Nor who was driven down a dark path by a long list of personal tragedies, Can’N the Jaw was always a power-hungry, greedy villain. With a brilliant analytical and tactical mind, he was amazingly skilled at planning assaults both physical and social. And his physical strength and endurance as well as intimidating personality usually meant such plans succeeded.  The two sessions talked about here were called Assault on Dimazad and Eliminating Mad Off. 

CAST (PCs and NPC Allies)

In Order of Appearance

Player: Joshua Murphy
Race/Discipline/Circle: Troll Sky Raider Fifth Circle
Homeland: Caucavik Mountain Range
Passion: Chorrolis, Thystonius
Trollmoot: Shrieker
Character History: Can’N the Jaw was born in the Caucavik Mountains. He was drawn to a trollmoot born of castoffs and exiles from other trollmoots called the Shriekers who dreamed of founding a new trollmoot in the Caucavik Mountains. The clan leader, Mad Off, initiated him into the Sky Raider Discipline. The clan’s financial backing came from Pagmor Gilthroat, whose gambling racket in Haven secretly kept the trolls alive as they sought a new moothome in the Caucavik Mountains. Can’N the Jaw grew tired of this lifestyle and sought out on his own to find a drakkar for himself with which to challenge Mad Off for control of the clan. At Bartertown, he learned of the Stoneclaws, whose adoption of Throalic customs greatly angered him. Can’N the Jaw sought to establish the Shriekers in the Twilight Peaks by eliminating the Stoneclaws and taking over their part of the Twilight Peaks. A rumor of a drakkar sighting in the Servos Jungle brought him to that area. After destroying Dimazad and stealing their drakkar, he had gained much respect in the Shrieker trollmoot, and the Shriekers were currently gaining power in the Caucavik Mountains. Thus he began to scheme to take Mad Off’s place…
Long-term Goals: Becoming leader of the Shrieker trollmoot, eliminating the hated Stoneclaw trollmoot, and resettling the trollmoot in the Twilight Peaks.


Player: Eugene James Sherman
Race/Discipline/Circle: Elf Wizard Fourth Circle/ Nethermancer Third Circle
Homeland: Vors
Passion: Raggok Questor Rank 4
Character History: At Vors was born three brothers, each fifty years apart. It is most unusual for an elf family to have more than one child, and the mother and father knew that these three would be most special. The first-born was Mestoph Nor, the brooding older brother. The middle-child was Evok Nor, who knew only cruelty from his older brother and tricks from his younger brother. The youngest was Mephit Nor who delighted in tricks and later illusions. Mestoph Nor would become a Nethermancer, in part because of his gloomy outlook knowing of his responsibilities to take care of his younger brothers after the death of his parents, which drove him to seek treasure later in life to care for them, leading him to his sad fate. Mestoph Nor’s wandering out to get treasure greatly affected his younger brother Mephit Nor who would become an adept and leave to find treasure as well. Mephit Nor became an Illusionist and heard of a fabulous treasure in the Servos Jungle, but he never returned. Evok Nor became a Wizard to learn analytical skills that would help him investigate what had happened to his two brothers. Following a lead that Mephit Nor was seen in Bartertown before heading off to the Servos Jungle, he headed there from Vors. When he donned the bloodweave armor, he was afflicted with a terrible curse, and he seemed to change for the worse. He became a Nethermancer and Questor of Raggok at Dimazad.  He was unable to find his little brother, Mephit Nor because of Jaspree’s curse, and found his brother Mestoph Nor dead at Kaer Jalendale. By the time he meets up with Can’N the Jaw briefly in this story he is trying to learn the truth about the bloodweave armor from Hiermon in Haven.
Long-term Goals: Find a cure for his cursed bloodweave.

CAST (NPCs/Enemies)

In Order of Appearance

Race/Discipline/Circle: Troll Sky Raider Seventh Circle/Weaponsmith Fifth Circle
Homeland: Caucavik Mountains
Passion: Upandal
Character History: He was master blacksmith as a youth making fine tools and weapons from the ore mined in the mountains. He fell in love with the view of airships flying to and from Haven, which he watched after work each day from a high perch in the Caucavik Mountains. After defeating an Ice Flyer by chucking spears until one struck true, he was accepted as a full troll. He was re-Named Mad Off, and he left the Caucavik Mountains to become a Sky Raider.  After learning the Disciplines of the Sky Raider and Weaponsmith and obtaining a drakkar, he returned to the Caucavik Mountains, and began to form a trollmoot there, starting with his original mountain clan. His Passion is Upandal, to whom he attributed the greatness of his master weapon, a modified polearm with three blades Named The Mad Off Blade (The legend surrounding this weapon says that it was capable of gutting a Name-giver in one attack), the building of his drakkar, Upandal’s Anvil, and his ability to build such a strong trollmoot in the Caucavik Mountains in such a short amount of time.

Race/Discipline/Circle: Troll Troubadour Third Circle
Homeland: Caucavik Mountains
Passion: None
Character History: Norr’a was made a widow when her husband was slain at the Battle of Dimazad. She was known as the Shrieker clan historian, with a gift for both the written and spoken word. She showed an interest in Can’N the Jaw after repeated study sessions with her on how to improve his own writing technique for his journals. The journals and writings he showed her were not the real journal, but instead war epics and poems about his initial adventures with Crag Hack casting him in a much more positive light, and the Battle of Dimazad.

Race/Discipline/Circle: Troll Sky Raider Ninth Circle
Homeland: Western Peaks of the Twilight Mountains
Passion: Thystonius
Character History: See pages 89-90 Crystal Raiders of Barsaive and page 24 The Barsaive Gamemaster Pack.

Race/Discipline/Circle: Troll Sky Raider Fourth Circle
Homeland: Haven
Character History: See pages 267-28 Parlainth: The Forgotten City. In this campaign, Pagmor Gilt-Throat used the money earned from gambling on the Falseman Wars to fund the Shrieker Clan and establish a trollmoot in the Caucavik Mountains. As a result of his successful business relations with Mad Off, he was able to repair the hull of the Unyielding, with the help of Mad Off’s shipbuilding facilities at Mad Off’s alheim. 

Can’N the Jaw’s War


Assault on Dimazad

Bartertown, Approximately Veltom 30, 1509 TH, based on Crag Hack’s Journals:

Chorrolis 30, 15th year

                I am Can’N the Jaw! I write in this journal to plan my great assault on Dimazad. First, I will need to return to the Caucavik Mountains, for only there can I get a drakkar and crew necessary for my victory. Dimazad is ripe for the taking! All I need to do is get that drakkar and crew, and then we will board the Thera-in vessel, cut down its pathetic t’skrang Air Sailor captain and crew and then turn the vessel’s firecannons on the town and burn the whole Thera-in village to the ground! I will finish what I started in that shack in Astendar. And we will add a new ship to the Shrieker trollmoot. My new ship.

Erendis 14, 15th year

                After a long journey on foot from the gates of Bartertown to Darranis, a journey by riverboat from Darranis to Tansiarda, and another long journey on foot along the Old Theran Road and climbing through the Caucavik Mountains, I finally reached the mountain home of Mad Off, the center of the Shriekers. It occurred to me that there were many benefits to having such a mountain home far off the well-traveled paths. It was easily defended against exhausted explorers and enemies, and having a large family due to line marriage allowed one to have enough caregivers to support the backs of any navy or army. If I am to supplant Mad Off as leader of the Shriekers I will need to either emulate this strategy, or insinuate myself deep into his clan and take it over from within.
                I asked for an audience with Mad Off, which was granted. I explained to Mad Off the truth about Dimazad, and that the Theran-in scum had already infiltrated central Barsaive. I knew they were planning something big and that we had an opportunity to stop or disrupt it, steal a drakkar, and gain great ka’tral for our trollmoot, which would swell our ranks.  Mad Off asked many questions, especially details about their security and defenses. I simply said that they had one drakkar, piloted by Air Sailors, and all that it would take to win would be one drakkar filled with our best Sky Raiders. Mad Off told me it would take one week to prepare Upandal’s Anvil for flight to Dimazad. It would seem that he would lead the attack personally. All the better, I need to see how Mad Off fights, to see if I can defeat him in direct combat.

Erendis 21, 15th year

                It had taken a week of backbreaking labor, but the Upandal’s Anvil was finally set for flight. We had loaded several duari of rations, water, weapons, rope, and other gear and were prepared for war. Our best Sky Raiders had spent the week training and working for this moment. A great feast had been prepared, and we ate and drank well before leaving Mad Off’s alheim. After the feast, we boarded the Upandal’s Anvil and used our collective will to propel the drakkar forward with Mad Off steering us out of the moothome into our second home, the sky. Name-givers of Dimazad enjoy your final days of existence, for I am coming.

Approximately Charassa 25, 1509 TH, based in Crag Hack’s Journals:

Erendis 25, 15th year

                We skimmed the treetops of the Servos Jungle, like a mighty jungle griffin stalking lowly earthbound prey.  The weather was perfect, enough cloud cover to make visibility a problem aiding us to conceal our approach, and fortunately only a light wind, and no rain which would hinder our maneuverability. We flew in for the kill on Dimazad.
                Our target was the airship dock. We dropped off a few experienced raiders, who rode the wind down and landed as gently as a feather, getting the drop on the guardsmen. Surprised, they were easily defeated and our veterans entered the complex, hoping to stop the Air Sailors from reaching their vessel, Jaspree’s Kiss, and even from getting it off the ground. The Air Sailors managed to fend them off; however, and our troops retreated from the complex, using fireblood to heal their battle wounds, and then most managed to return to our drakkar by jumping onto the rigging after a daring downward rescue pass by Mad Off.
Meanwhile, the Air Sailors had managed to board their vessel and the Jaspree’s Kiss burst from the airship dock to do combat with us. They shot their firecannons at us, and tried to maneuver away from us, but we were already too close, and were soon using our grappling hooks to pull the drakkar towards our own. Once close enough, the veteran troops jumped to the other vessel, while raw recruits activated special planks attached to our drakkar to make a small bridge to walk to the enemy vessel.  With the battle turned into a grand melee, the Air Sailors were doomed. Mad Off used his Mad Off Blade to gut the t’skrang Air Sailor captain, T’lash Stormrider, in one stab to the gut. I need to steal or replicate this weapon. It could be of great use to me, and allow me to even the scales with Mad Off. After defeating a human gunner by crashing my crystal raider shield into him and knocking him off the ship, I turned the firecannon on him as he fell and the town, incinerating the airship dock and every wood and straw building present, while Sky Raiders loyal to me watched my back.
 I felt a sudden pain, as a wound ripped open on my chest. I tried to use fireblood to seal the wound, but it wouldn’t heal. So I drank a healing potion, which fortunately stopped the bleeding and sealed the wound, leaving a nasty scar. I suppose that means Puck was still in Dimazad, not that I care whether that filthy windling double agent and spy lives or dies. Once you work for the Thera-in, you are Thera-in as if born on the Isle of Thera itself.  The Group Pattern of Nirvana gave me power for a time, but I can always create a new group to regain that power.
The glorious battle was over far too soon for my taste. The Jaspree’s Kiss was devoid of human and t’skrang life, and the roaring flames of Dimazad soon cooled to ash and ruin. We stole the Jaspree’s Kiss and headed back to Mad Off’s alheim.

Erendis 29, 15th year

                We returned to Mad Off’s mountain home triumphant with us doubling our number of drakkars. We had a great feast celebrating our victory. Afterwards, there was the bequest ceremony, where the mighty Sky Raiders who had fallen in our great battle were mourned in our hearts, and their most precious heirlooms given back to their families. Many of these to my surprise were replicate Mad Off Blades made for Mad Off’s closest allies. There is a great advantage to being involved in these line marriages. I wonder if there are any ladies free in Mad Off’s own line that are sudden widows?  That would put me in line for getting the Mad Off Blade or even a replica, and get me that much closer to Mad Off. It would be inappropriate to act yet though. I’ll wait for a period of time for the mourning and grieving to end.

Eliminating Mad Off

Garlen 1, 15th year

                I waited for the month of Garlen to act, hoping for her blessing in these matters. The woman who I selected in Mad Off’s own line was Named Norr’a Se’lia Shrieker. She was a Troubadour, reputed to be the Shrieker clan historian. She also had a gift for gab and gossip, a useful skill to me. She was a plain troll, with sparse trolthelia patches, which is probably why no other troll showed any interest. I started seeing her about improving my own writing technique, in a series of study sessions where I showed her many war epics and poems about my adventures and asked her opinion of them. The interest I showed in her professional opinion about my writing, were a show of respect and greatly enhanced her katorr.   One day she composed a ballad of a hero who bravely battled the elements to reach his moothome. I recognized the hero as myself, a reenactment of my own tale of trying to reach Mad Off’s alheim from Bartertown.  We continued to court each other through a series of epic tales, finally culminating in her proposing to me. I accepted and entered the line marriage of Mad Off with her as my co-wife of the line. As a nice bonus I received her dead husband’s Mad Off Blade replica, “The Eviscerator” as a gift from Norr’a. The first step is taken; I am an heir of the Mad Off line.

Garlen 23, 15th year

                As I predicted, our moot had swelled as many trolls from the Caucavik Mountains had decided to join us after seeing our show of power with two drakkars flying through the area. We now had enough trolls to fully crew them both. The crew wished for me to change the name of the Thera-in drakkar to something else besides Jaspree’s Kiss. I would have none of it. To anger a Passion like Jaspree who had sacrificed the trees to create such a drakkar would be foolish and dishonorable.   However, the Thera-in had Named the vessel, so the crew had a point.  I told my crew that I would accept Jaspree’s challenge to the troll race personally by myself, and live for one month in the harsh Caucavik Mountains. If I returned to the alheim, it was Jaspree’s wish that the vessel keep its current name. If I did not return, Jaspree disapproved of the name, and it should be changed. The crew roared and cheered its approval of my act of jar’arak. I would put my very life at risk to prove my philosophy and religious views to be right on this matter. If I survived and returned, the act would bring me great katorr. 
                After my speech, I went to my line-mate, Norr’a, and explained that I would leave in one week to battle the elements and creatures of the Caucavik Mountains. I would leave during the month of Jaspree and commune with that Passion the only way I know how, through abor’a’kaf, the struggle to live. Norr’a approved of my actions, perhaps because fighting the elements and beasts for thirty days would surely create a tale of epic proportions. Or perhaps she could see what I was truly trying to do, gain the attention and admiration of my crew, and solidify my status as captain. Like many husbands and co-wives do before a dangerous journey, we spent the week with each other, creating new tales and making love.

Jaspree 1, 15th year

                I left Mad Off’s mountain home for the harsh surrounding Caucavik Mountains. Covered in frod year round, the area was filled with dangerous creatures including bears, brithans, earth elementals, espagras, gargoyles, griffins, ice flyers, mountain lions, snow badgers, snow eagles 1, stone lions, troajins, vettas, water elementals, wind elementals, and wolves, as well as dangerous humanoids like our barbaric cave-troll cousins, ogres, and savage Name-giver raiders.  Worse, rumors even had placed dragons and wyverns in the mountains, and even giants supposedly displaced from the Throal and Scythan Mountains by genocidal dwarves, eons ago. Survival would require me to find food, water, and shelter and defeat these threats that would seek to steal my gear, or even my life.
                I made a decision on how I would battle these creatures. I would fight those creatures on the ground with my bare hands and horns. Of those creatures in the air I would use my Troll Sling and the mountain’s stones until they landed and fought me fairly face to face. I would fight Name-givers and humanoids with the same weapons as they used. If they challenged me unarmed, I would fight them unarmed. If a dragon, elemental, or Horror should cross my path, I would use any weapon at my disposal, since they would certainly not bar themselves from the unfair advantage of spell magic. I also decided to not take trail rations or a tent, and only take unfilled waterskins and a minimum of gear with me. I would receive my food, water, and shelter from the land or none at all. This decision I then vowed to Jaspree, and that I would not break it the whole month.
                I first needed to find a water source and close by shelter. The Caucavik River was the best source for this, made up of melted snow that flowed into the Serpent River, and that was also the source of Mad Off’s alheim’s water.  I made the dangerous journey down the mountain to the river, and filled my waterskins with water. I still needed food though. I watched a white-furred bear jump into the river, dive into its waters, and leave with a fish in his mouth. I refused to be outdone by the bear, so I took a deep breath and dove into the Caucavik River, and tried to swim and catch a fish in my mouth as he had done. The ice-cold river quickly had me resurfacing and returning to shore. I came to the realization that the bear had the fur and fat for warmth as well as the patience to catch fish in this manner. I certainly could not, and did not have the skill to fish as the t’skrang do.
Cold, I searched for a suitable flint and some brush or branches. Unable to find suitable dead wood, I used a hand-axe to chop a live tree down, apologizing to Jaspree. I grabbed some rocks and made a circle, placing some of the tree branches and leave-like needles into the middle, and used my flint and steel to make a spark and ignite it.  It didn’t burn all that great and amounted to a small fire, but it was enough to warm me up slightly after that dip in the river. I went to sleep in my sturdy winter blanket next to the fire, with the bitter winter winds that night freezing me to the bone.

Jaspree 2, 15th year

I awoke and finished chopping up the tree into logs for more firewood for later, storing it in my backpack. I returned to the river to refill a waterskin. I saw a white-feathered bird swoop down into the river and come out with a fish in his talons, which he ate. Fish seemed to be a great food source to the creatures here. I wondered how I could get the fish if I could not swim in and grab it as the bear or fish it out as the t’skrangs do. Perhaps the bird’s swooping in to get the fish would be a better method.  So I leapt up and used windcatcher to direct my fall into the river and tried to grab some fish. I suppose the result; me swimming back to shore and then having to make another fire was predictable. If I had mastered the ability of gliding through the air as Crag Hack could do, then I could have emulated the bird’s technique. I returned to my spot from the previous night, hoping to start another fire. 
Of course, that’s when I saw them. A whole group of dirty Name-givers in rags were circled around my campfire site. They had probably been tracking me, and used the smoke from my fire yesterday to pinpoint my location. A twig from the tree I chopped down snapped underfoot, and they noticed me. I ran away from the savages, my troll stride quickly outpacing them. But they would be back and I still needed food, fire, and shelter. I couldn’t risk a fire out in the open now, and had to find a cave. I finally found a suitable cave, filled with bats. After I made the fire, the bats fled the cave for the night. It was an uncomfortable place to sleep, stinking of the bats, but I imagined the smell of those filthy humanoids to be much worse.


Jaspree 3, 15th year

I was starving. I started to wonder if those humanoids had any food to steal. I didn’t have time to wonder long as they soon found my trail. Exhausted, I found that I couldn’t outrun them this time. I decided that I’d outsmart them. I used winding mountain trails, well-placed obstacles behind me to slow them down, and was about to get away near dusk, when a yellowish, gray, and brown snake nearly three feet long got in my way 2. It coiled itself, raised its tail, and rattled a death warning to me. I had pledged to Jaspree that I would use no weapon against a ground-based foe, but knew that my hands would not grab his neck fast enough to snap it before it bit and poisoned me to death. I could only stare at the multi-colored scale snake, stand still, and wait. The bandits soon caught me, and attempted to rob me. Their quick movements caught the snake’s attention and he bit them instead. As the snake attacked them, I turned away from it and ran towards the other brigands, drawing my troll sword and screamed a battle challenge to the disgusting dwarves, elves, orks, and humans. Any foe that tried to outflank me, soon found himself or herself up against the snake, still defending its lair, and in a straight up face-to-face fight, the rest were defeated one by one.  After defeating them, I robbed them of their food; a few days worth of trail rations, not bad. At least I won’t starve for a few days. I went to a cave I had uncovered when moving a boulder to delay the bandits, and took shelter there.

Jaspree 4, 15th year

I left the cave to return to the river to refill my waterskins. I noticed a black bird following me in the sky. After I saw it, it cawed at me mockingly. I wonder what kind of bird that is and why it’s following me. And why is a black bird up here in the icy mountains anyway? All the rest of the birds I have seen are white or brown. After refilling my waterskins, I returned to the cave and repeated the process for the next three days as my stolen trail rations held out.

Jaspree 8, 15th year

                I was getting low on food. Fish just didn’t seem to be an option, so I could either try to gather edible plants, which were few and far between, or hunt for wild game. I looked for some suitable rocks to use for hunting with for aerial prey, and was prepared to battle with ground-based prey with my bare hands and horns. 
                The first creature I found was a horned, white bear that roared a challenge to me. I roared a challenge back and rushed forward at it. We wrestled, but the creature managed to gore and wound me. I used fireblood to heal the wound, and I retreated back to my mountain cave to rest. I couldn’t believe that I had lost. I would need to find weaker prey.

Jaspree 9, 15th year

                 The bear was too strong a foe for me to overcome in my weakened physical and hungered state. Instead I searched for some weaker foes. I found the animal plant-eaters to be too fast for me, at the first sight of me, they soon outran me. The flyers were more maneuverable and could fly high in the air beyond the effective range of my troll sling. I saw some animals that lived in the water, but they retreated deeper into the water, and in the case of one furry animal, it retreated to a wooden shelter. Hunting didn’t seem to be a good option either.

Jaspree 10, 15th year

                I decided to try to gather food from plants. Plants were scarce. Most of them were needle-trees, rugged grasses, and a few mountain plants sprouting flowers and berries. I ate some of the berries. The bittersweet berries had me coughing and trying to spit them out, but it was too late. I fell to my knees and then completely over. Some kind of poison was overtaking me. That’s when I saw the black bird again. It circled ahead, swooped down, and landed next to my face and paced around me in a circle.
                It cawed at me and said, “Do you understand yet?”
                I replied in disbelief, “Birds can’t talk!”
                It threw back its head and ruffled its feathers in some sort of rude gesture and cawed at me again, “Are you sure? Every screech, song, call, and caw is a word as long as you understand the language. You just aren’t listening.”
                I said, “Ok, well I am listening now.”
                It tried to peck out my eye with its beak, and I barely found the strength to roll my head to dodge it, it screeched and said, “You and I are the same.”
                I responded with, “But I am a Name-giver and you are a bird.”
                It jumped up on my chest, standing on me, and staring at me. It clawed at my chest with its talons, and pecked with its beak at my face leaving three nasty scars and called out, “The physical form is different yes, but the heart beats the same. You have much in common with the hyena, the coyote, the wolf, the jackal, and me, for you are a scavenger.  You are not an herbivore that lives on the plants, or a carnivore that preys on the herbivores. You are a scavenger who preys on all creatures who are weak, stealing their food and water, picking at the remains of the dead and the dying. You are not an individual; you are a member of a pack; members who would turn on each other at the slightest hint of weakness. And yet you pretend to be a carnivore or an herbivore in a challenge to Jaspree? Jaspree knows your true heart. If you wish to live through this trial, be the vulture that you are.”
                And with that the black bird flew off. I have no idea how long I lay there, my body battling the poison coursing through my veins. When I got up, I decided to take the bird’s words to heart.

Jaspree 11?-30 15th year

                I would be the scavenger, the vulture. I returned to the river and waited for a white bear to get a fish from the river. After the bear got out of the river, I roared a challenge and wrestled him until I got the fish, and ran away. I cooked his fish and ate it.
                I returned to the river and waited for a white bird to swoop down and get a fish. As it soared upward, I struck at it with a rock from my troll sling. It dropped the fish and I ran off with the fish to cook and eat later.
                I followed the horned, white bear at a distance and watched it kill a mountain lion. When the white-horned bear was done with its meal, I battled a pack of wolves, pounding them with my fists, goring them with my horns, and screaming to the moon itself, showing them who the master scavenger was, and stole the rest of the kill for myself.
                If I couldn’t fish, hunt, or gather myself, then I would steal what others had hunted, fished, and gathered. By the end of the month, I was the leader of a pack of wolves, with the black vulture as my aerial ally. I was a Beastmaster of scavengers and a Sky Raider in the wilderness itself. Jaspree himself had kissed my cheek as the vulture. The scar on my face proved to all that I had survived Jaspree’s challenge and accepted Jaspree’s Kiss, earning that name for my drakkar.

Lochost 1, 16th year

                I returned to Mad Off’s alheim and regaled my crew with my tale of survival. I had received the blessing from Jaspree to keep the ship’s name the same. I solidified the crew’s loyalty to me as captain of the Jaspree’s Kiss. The second step is taken; I am a captain of a drakkar and a loyal crew.
                I began to write speeches for use in my next month’s propaganda campaign against Thera and Throal.


Mynbruje 1, 16th year

                During the month of Mynbruje, I made several speeches about Thera and Throal as being enemies of all of the trollmoots. The Theran comments were readily accepted; the Throal comments were harder to accept.
                About Thera, I told the clan about their activities in Central Barsaive. It was a prelude to an invasion. The Therans were most likely going to ally again with their t’skrang puppets, the K’tenshin, and start a war from the middle of Barsaive itself, having learned something about supply lines in the last war. With forces in Southwest and Central Barsaive, they would more than likely attempt to crush Landis and Cara Fahd, siege Kratas, and secure Daiche and the Tylon Rivers. This would allow a fluid land and sea supply line to Central Barsaive, provided they were able to defeat House T’kambras. Of course, that meant that opportunities to raid the Therans would be bountiful in the Twilight Peaks, making the Caucavik Mountains a poor place to have the trollmoot for the coming war. 
Most damning to positive sentiments about Throal in the moot was my speech about how they had knew about Dimazad for three months as a result of Crag Hack’s Journals, and that they had done nothing about it, showing they were still in league with the Thera-in. The Council Compact is nothing but a hoax by the dwarves. Throal will not act alone against any foe, she will always use the other city-states and nations of Barsaive to act as her shield, so that she can weaken us and gain dominion of Barsaive in time. Throal is no better than Thera; her once pawn merely seeks to one day become the master.
Many trolls after the speeches asked how we would obtain a trollmoot in the Twilight Peaks. I pointed to one trollmoot, the Stoneclaws. They wore Throalic dress, and may as well be lowland trolls, and subjects of Throal already. They would be useless in the coming war with Thera, unable to act until their Throal masters allowed it. We could defeat their trollmoot and take our rightful place in the Twilight Peaks. 
The third step of my plan was completed. I had sowed the seeds of hatred for Thera, Throal, and the Stoneclaws. A hatred that would simmer and boil and give the motivation for war when we are ready.

Thystonius 1, 16th year

                I suggested a daring raid to the crew of the Jaspree’s Kiss. Urupa has long thought itself safe from raiding, boasting an impressive airship and riverboat fleet, defensive watch towers and fortifications, and was far away from most trollmoots that the place was considered safe from raiding. No longer. We would plan a daring raid that would make Thystonius proud, and hope to steal a drakkar, galley, or loot in the process.
                Mad Off had heard about my plan and begged me to reconsider. Urupa had eight or more airships, enough to knock any one drakkar out of the picture. Even with the addition of the Upandal’s Anvil, our drakkars would be hopelessly outnumbered.  
                I merely stated that no Air Sailor crew was as good as our Sky Raider crew. Besides I had no intention of fighting all of Urupa directly. First I would scout out the location, and see the patrol schedule first hand, as well as when trading vessels would be leaving or entering. With this information, I could plan a daring raid. I knew that my men and me could defeat any two trading and military vessels. Drakkar or galley, it doesn’t matter. Mad Off approved of my plan. Provided I got accurate information with the Jaspree’s Kiss, he would assist in my raid with Upandal’s Anvil.

Thystonius 4-18, 16th year

                I observed the flight plans of the Urupans for two weeks. Each day of the week, a different galley would go on patrol, meet up with any incoming trade vessel, usually mercantile drakkars and an escort war drakkar, and escort them to Urupa. The obvious attack time frame would be to surprise them during their engagement point outside of the city’s protection.

Thystonius 22, 16th year

                We returned to Mad Off’s alheim, and again prepared for war. The Upandal’s Anvil was already prepared for flight. The Jaspree’s Kiss had been out for a while, and we hastily prepared the ship for flight, loading up cargo for war and more supplies. We feasted and rested that night.

Thystonius 23, 16th year

                As many reserve Sky Raiders as possible were placed on the Jaspree’s Kiss, relieving most of the crew who had been flying the ship of late.  Our two great drakkars lifted off for war, and a surprise attack on merchants who had long thought themselves safe from my people. By the end of this month, they will know of their own vulnerabilities.

Thystonius 27, 16th year

                We flew to Urupa, and waited in the Caucavik Mountains for our time to strike. When we finally saw our chance, a merchant drakkar and escort were set for a rendezvous with a war galley. The war galley wouldn’t make it though, as the Upandal’s Anvil and Jaspree’s Kiss rushed in and flanked the war galley on both sides and boarded. The Urupan Air Sailors fought better than the Thera-in at Dimazad, but the initial surprise and flanking boarding actions doomed them to their fate. Reserve Sky Raiders from the Upandal’s Anvil and Jaspree’s Kiss manned the war galley and we soon took our three vessels and attacked the merchant and escort drakkars, raiding the merchant ship of all valuables, and killing the crew of the escort vessel and taking the war drakkar.
                When a group of four reinforcing war galleys came in, we retreated, leaving the remaining merchant drakkar minus cargo to the Urupans. Were did they come from? How did they know we were here ambushed their allies? The four war galleys had us outgunned and out manned, and attempted to pursue us. They used their superior firepower to launch many volleys from their firecannons, but the nimble drakkars avoided. The war galley was less lucky, with several explosions to the hull and sails doing significant damage, and was soon forced to turn sideways and return fire.   As the firefight raged, it was clear that the experienced war galley crews were winning versus our Sky Raiders who were not used to distance combat. Cowardly Air Sailors! There was nothing we could do further here, so we used the heroic last stand of the war galley to buy time, the smoke from the war galley’s explosion as cover for our retreat, and our greater knowledge of the wind currents of the Caucavik Mountains to get away from the Urupans. The war galleys all had taken some damage from our war galley’s firecannons, and couldn’t risk continuing their pursuit into the Caucavik Mountains.
We had managed to steal valuable elements of True wood and True air from the merchant drakkar, an escort drakkar, and briefly a war galley.  It was a fairly successful raid. Mad Off was angry about the loss of reserves and recruits and the failure to capture the war galley, but I rebuked him by saying that there would be more recruits than ever after word got around about our daring Urupan raid.

Upandal 2, 16th year

                We returned to Mad Off’s alheim. We began a massive project to cut down high-quality trees to create two new drakkars using the True elements obtained from the Urupa raid. After gathering the necessary wood, Shrieker craftsmen built the drakkar’s physical shells. Then Shrieker Elementalists weaved the True elements into the drakkar shells, creating the magical pattern of the drakkars. The end result was two fine new drakkars for the Shrieker moot. Upandal be praised! The Shriekers now have five drakkars!

Vestrial 1, 16th year 

The humans have a saying, “The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend.” Since I sought the destruction of the Stoneclaws, it would only be right to ally with their longtime enemies, the Bloodlores.
I prepared the Jaspree’s Kiss for a journey. I told Mad Off that I would be looking for signs of Theran intrigues in Central Barsaive, when in actuality I would be going to the Twilight Peaks to scout out the Stoneclaws and negotiate with the Bloodlores as my true purpose.

Vestrial 7, 16th year 

                We entered the territory of the Bloodlores, and they immediately attacked us. We defeated the drakkar who attacked us with a minimum of slaughter, and sent back their captain with a message for their chieftain, Chorak Bonecracker Bloodlore. The message stated that I wished an audience with him on neutral ground to discuss plans for an all-out war and alliance against the traitorous Stoneclaw moot. I also relayed to him that I had knowledge of Theran activity at the very heart of Barsaive. I told the captain I would return for a response in two weeks time.

Vestrial 14, 16th year

                We went to the Servos Jungle to investigate for any more clues of Theran activity in the area. We were unable to find out anything more about Theran activity near Dimazad, but the location seemed about ideal for a base in Central Barsaive. It was located nearly an equal distance from Bartertown and Throal’s gates, Darranis, and Ayodhya Liferock near the Floating Isle, and yet could easily be used to enter the Servos Jungle to gather slaves from the native people there. I just don’t believe Dimazad could have been just another cog in Thera’s slave machine. It had to have been something more.

Vestrial 21, 16th year

                We returned to Bloodlore territory. The defeated captain returned with a message for me. It set a location for a meeting with Chorak, a neutral location in Ustrect of all places. I followed the instructions to the letter and arrived at the location, with four Bloodlore drakkars stationed there. I landed the Jaspree’s Kiss and left with a small Sky Raider escort.
                I walked to a small, lowland troll village, and entered a tavern there. There was Chorak and a bunch of rowdy Sky Raiders in blood-red armor. I ordered us some drinks, and sat down at a large table with Chorak and his bodyguards, at an empty chair.
                I told Chorak about my hatred of Throal, Thera, and the Stoneclaws; about what had happened at Dimazad and how I had burned the Thera-in town to the ground; about my suspicions about the Thera-in reinvading Barsaive soon; and about the Shrieker clan now having five drakkars, and beginning to be a trollmoot to be reckoned with.
                Chorak told me that his trollmoot had nine drakkars, and that the Stoneclaws had at least ten drakkars. I did the math and said that an alliance with the Shriekers would bring the number to fourteen drakkars versus ten drakkars.
                We began to hammer out the terms of our agreement. I wanted to use the Bloodlore trollmoot as a supply base and resting place in the Twilight Peaks, since making war on the Stoneclaws from the far away Caucavik Mountains would be difficult, as well as an alliance against the Stoneclaws in war once we were prepared. I offered Chorak several agreements in exchange for these terms, a mutual defense pact guaranteeing our aid in any war with another moot after the destruction of the Stoneclaws, and a mutual attack pact guaranteeing our assistance in any attack versus Thera or Throal by the Stoneclaws.
                Chorak was satisfied and agreed to the terms. When I return to see Chorak again, the Shriekers and Bloodlores will ally against the Stoneclaws and wipe out the dwarf-trolls. With this fourth step, the stage was nearly set for war.   

Astendar 1, 16th year

                I returned to Mad Off’s alheim and told Mad Off about my failure to find any further signs of Thera-in activity in Central Barsaive. 
I spent the month of Astendar with my wife, writing some new speeches to prepare the Shriekers for war, and romancing Norr’a.

Chorrolis 1, 16th year

                Chorrolis was a month of risk and adventure for me. I planned a raid on House Syrtis, which they never expected. A drakkar-boarding raid on a riverboat! We flew above one of their warships escorting a merchant riverboat. We jumped off our ships, and used windcatcher to direct our fall onto the decks of the t’skrang vessels. A few Sky Raiders didn’t make it, falling into the depth of the Serpent River. The Shriekers didn’t need failures like them anyway. Once on deck, we continued to gut t’skrangs until they gave up their precious cargo.
We managed to steal some True fire and True air, as well as precious t’skrang spices, fish, sculptures, and peach wine. We sold some of the True elements, and all of the t’skrang commodities for profit. I have a plan for the rest of it…

Mad Off’s alheim, Approximately Charassa 1510 TH according to Evok Nor’s journals.

Erendis 29, 16th year

                I was surprised to see Evok Nor in the month of Erendis. Some Shriekers had apparently “captured” him and brought him to see me. Amusing. They may have reacted differently if they had any indication of his true power.
                Evok Nor mocked me, “I see you have selected some men after you our heart. Perhaps they need a lesson on whom to raid?”
                I leapt off the drakkar to greet him. I would never have accepted that tone of voice from a lesser man, “Evok, it’s been a while. I can’t say that you look well.”
                Evok responded, “This cursed armor is truly a burden. I quest to discover the truth of the armor at Haven.”
                I laughed heartily, “Well you are in luck my friend. We prepare to fly to Haven on business. Care to accompany us?”
                Evok replied, “Has to be better than walking.”
                I continued to laugh; “ I’ll take that as a yes! If you’ve never flown before you are in for a treat!”
                Evok rested from his journey for the night. I used the time to prepare the Jaspree’s Kiss for flight, and figure out how I can get Pagmor Gilt-Throat to join us in full.

Haven, Approximately Rua 1510 TH according to Evok Nor’s journals.

Floranuus 1, 16th year

                We arrived at Haven. Evok Nor left for Brenula’s Arms to see Hiermon. I told him that I would be in town for a while, so if he wanted a ride back to the Caucavik Mountains after he talked to Hiermon, it could be arranged. I knew I wouldn’t see him return though. Whatever old Hiermon would have to say, would probably lead Evok Nor to the Blood Wood. That’s where Hiermon’s interests lie if you believe the rumors. Or he might be headed back to the Servos Jungle, where it all began for him with that cursed armor. Either way, I am glad to see that cursed Wizard go. Evok had that same aura around him since we left Dimazad; of barely contained violence and power, like lightning in a bottle waiting for someone to remove the cork. I don’t want to be around him when that cork comes off.
                I was here for another matter entirely. I needed to see Pagmor Gilt-Throat. He had long been the financially backer of the Shrieker trollmoot. But he had a drakkar, the Unyielding, and if it came to war, I wanted his support. I would do whatever it took to get that support.
                I went to see Pagmor Gilt-Throat. As always, he was taking gambles on the Falseman Wars. I waited for the customers in line to take their bets, and then went to talk to Pagmor directly in his place of business.
                I started by saying, “It is time for you to become a full Shrieker.”
                Pagmor said simply, “I am already a part of the Shriekers.”
                I made my case, “You are a Shrieker financially, but what of in raiding and in war? Your ship the Unyielding has shown resilience throughout the years. It can be a worthy vessel in war.”
                Pagmor laughed, “The Unyielding is ancient, not maneuverable, and slow. Even with its hull repaired.” 
                I heard a challenge of Floranuus and accepted, “If I can beat you in a race with me as captain of the Unyielding versus you as captain of my own Jaspree’s Kiss, will you then join our cause in full?”
                Pagmor growled knowing that katorr required that he accept such a challenge, “Agreed, but you will lose.”
                Preparations for the race continued for two weeks.  Of course with Pagmor involved, gambling bets were being taken with the Jaspree’s Kiss highly favored over the Unyielding.  An elaborate course to test speed and maneuverability of the airships was set up, with Elementalists using Sky Lattice spells to hold up buoys to act as boundaries for the race. The local Grim Legion, the Loyal Order of Delvers, and the Association of Unaffiliated Explorers had been hired out to hunt Horrors in the days leading up to the race, especially rumored flying Horrors. Torgak set up several pavilions with benches for the crowds of onlookers; the greedy troll certainly felt he could make money off this too, or else why allow the race in the skies above Haven? Meanwhile, I had taken the best half of my crew to work on repairing and modifying the Unyielding. The worse half of my crew teamed up with Pagmor’s henchmen to work on the Jaspree’s Kiss.
Thus we were set for a grand race in the air currents of Parlainth and Haven.


Floranuus 15, 16th year

                I had prayed for Floranuus’ aid in learning how to use my will to fly the Unyielding to victory. I had learned how to use my tremendous skill as a Sky Raider captain to imbue an airship with temporary speed and maneuverability at a cost of my own health 3. It didn’t matter; I would fly the Unyielding to victory or die in the process. I cannot live with the shame and dishonor of defeat.
                Our assigned crews used our collective wills to propel our ships to the agreed upon starting location and landed. The race would start with our effort to propel the ships back into the air and go through the obstacle course that had been created.
                The Unyielding and Jaspree’s Kiss rose into the air for the race. I would use speed increasing on the straight ways, and maneuverability increasing on the curves. Using my will, we managed to keep pace in the first Haven part of the course with the Jaspree’s Kiss despite the Unyielding’s problems.
                But in the Parlainth part of the course, things got interesting. Flying over Parlainth, a jet of flame came from below; nearly burning both our ships, and it took everything we had to stay in the course. After that, gargoyles soared up from below and assaulted our crew. They bore the insignia of Charcoalgrin’s group, the Unforgiveables.  I suppose she was a bit miffed that no one had asked her permission to use Parlainth’s air space. Or perhaps, she was a betting dragon…
My veterans had no problem with the gargoyles although I suffered a wound while trying to hold the ship on course, and although my crew on the Jaspree’s Kiss was not as formidable, Pagmor’s henchmen rose to the challenge. We both got out of the Parlainth course intact with a few casualties and injuries, and the final part of the course in Haven loomed before us.
                I gave it everything I had, but noticed my wound starting to affect me. It hurt to steer the wheel, and I couldn’t fireblood, since the loss of time would surely give Pagmor the race. So I bled and I sailed, and in the final straight way before the end of the race, and I fell unconscious. I barely survived; the ship’s physician saved my life. My crew told me later that even in slumber I still held the wheel steady, and we won the race by a few feet. Pagmor would support us in war. It had all been worth it.

Garlen 1, 16th year

                I returned to Mad Off’s alheim, and trusted Garlen to heal my wounds during this month, and gathered my strength for the next month.

Jaspree 1, 16th year

                I began my final propaganda and speech campaign. This time the true target was the Stoneclaws.
                I started by restating last year’s case about Thera and Throal. I expanded upon this theme saying that loyalty to Throal or Thera over the trollmoots was treason to the troll race. And I further expounded upon the treachery of many troll groups.
                The first group to receive my ire was another group Chorak hated, the Forgiven of Jaspree. Like Chorak, I called these fools who thought of Jaspree’s gift of struggle as a curse, traitors to troll kind. After all I went through in a month of struggling with Jaspree to survive, I felt these people had dishonored both Jaspree and me.
                I stated my case against the Stoneclaws next. They reminded me of lowland trolls who were forgetting their very heritage, and were turning their loyalty over the dwarves of Throal. I called for open war on the Stoneclaws. Mad Off tried to calm the moot’s bloodlust knowing that war against one of the strongest trollmoots was risky, but the seeds of hatred I had planted last year sprouted and the moot would not be calmed.
                Next I called for an alliance with the Bloodlore moot, enemies of both the Forgiven of Jaspree and the Stoneclaws.  I would go to negotiate the alliance myself if need be. With our powers combined we would cleanse these stains upon our katera.
                Mad Off was very angry. He wanted no part of any alliance or war with trolls of the Twilight Peaks; it was against the very ideal he had started the Shrieker trollmoot on. I told him that if he did not participate in the war, he would be seen as a coward and would lose control of the trollmoot altogether.  He knew I was right. We knew from that point on we would be enemies. I had usurped control of the trollmoot right out from under him, and I would soon kill him and become chieftain in name as well.

Lochost 1, 17th year

                I went to the Bloodlore trollmoot and told Chorak that the Shrieker trollmoot was ready.

Rashimon 1, 17th year

                After returning to our moothome, I gave them the details and terms of our alliance and we readied our six drakkars for war. I had made sure some “special” cargo had been discretely placed on the Upandal’s Anvil.

Rashimon 20, 17th year

                In our first engagement with the Stoneclaws, the Bloodlores and Shriekers flanked them and fought them in their air space about their moothome. During a critical moment, I tossed a Spike Bomb onto the deck of the Upandal’s Anvil near Mad Off. The explosion triggered the “special” cargo, True fire and True air that had been rigged to combine with enough pressure. The explosion tore through the ship and immolated Mad Off.
                The Upandal’s Anvil was grappled by the Unyielding first and the Jaspree’s Kiss second. We took the crippled drakkar home. We were forced to retreat from the battle as well as our Bloodlore allies.  Mad Off had died a martyr for our cause 4.

Thystonius 10, 17th year

                I contested for chieftain with others of the trollmoot, and defeated all challenges to be crowned the new chieftain. I claimed the Mad Off Blade, the symbol of our trollmoot. I would lead our trollmoot in war and lead us to victory over the Stoneclaws!
                Pagmor Gilt-Throat left us soon afterward, the grieving period over the death of his longtime friend Mad Off would be much longer than most of ours.

Upandal 1, 17th year.

                We built a new drakkar and repaired the Upandal’s Anvil.

Vestrial 1, 17th year

                With six drakkars again, we flew to the Twilight Peaks to continue the war with the Stoneclaws.

-Written by Can’N the Jaw

1 Snow eagles are a variant creature type of the fire eagles IMB having a snow trail following them and an icy aura, otherwise statistically similar to the fire eagle.

2 Ancistrodon halys, more commonly known as Pallas’ Pit Viper. Distributed north of the Caspian Sea (Aras Sea in Earthdawn) and living in areas near the Ural and Volga Rivers (Serpent River in Earthdawn). The bite of the serpent is not usually fatal to human-sized humanoids as Can’N the Jaw believes. It would certainly be unable to stop a troll with its venom. More than likely most of the non-elf bandits bitten by the snake survive.

3 A reference to what would become the Air Sailing talent knacks Windship and Aerial Maneuvers on the 7 Sands.

4 Unknown to Can’N the Jaw; however, Mad Off had not been killed. The body found had been a young troll recruit killed in the blast, not Mad Off. Pagmor Gilt-Throat in the chaos of the explosion had quickly moved Mad Off to the Unyielding after the blast.  Mad Off had lost his left eye, and his face and body had been badly scarred. He was taken by Pagmor Gilt-Throat to Bartertown in the Unyielding, and became an advisor to Crag Hack’s navy in exile. There he began to plot his revenge on Can’N the Jaw.

Next time: Volume 5: Laera Melodie’s Journal: Part 1