Tuesday, August 18, 2020

RPGaDay Day 18 2020: Meet

           I really loved meeting Earthdawn and DramaScape friends, fellow gamers, and fellow publishers at Origins, GenCon, and Con on the Cob. I can't wait until I can afford to go again and we aren't in the middle of a global pandemic. I also miss meeting with my gaming group every few weeks to play.

          The Meet in the game itself usually happens at a tavern in a lot of fantasy games like in DnD and Earthdawn. Shaintar saw the group meet at a Grayson's Gray Ranger military camp. Necessary Evil had them make a prison break. Saga of the Goblin Horde had them meet at the Redfang Tribe camp. 50 Fathoms sees the group shipwrecked and needing to escape Torath-Ka. In Deadlands we usually meet up on a train or a stagecoach. All of these represent a shared space which allowed for introductions to occur, especially being trapped on the same vehicle together for a time is an effective device for this. The ship or a spacedock is an effective meeting device for a sci-fi game but we haven't really played any of those yet (although Necessary Evil is a little bit of that).

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