Saturday, August 15, 2020

RPGaDay Day 15 2020: Frame

        The Frame of your adventure is how you visually see the major points in a game session...before you add in the player characters and their actions anyway. Like frames in a movie that I am writing that the players are going to "edit" later. I usually visualize them as individual scenes when writing up an adventure myself filling in gaps in the story which I used a lot in Earthdawn and Shaintar. Usually a scene descriptor like combat, social encounter, hazards, etc., maps if needed, minis if needed, and motivation, objective, personality (aka MOP) for pertinent NPCs.  Basically it is all the notes you need to run the encounter at the table.
       Savage Worlds
and One Sheets tends to make it even easier on GameMasters with a sequence of combat scenes, interludes, chases, mass-combat, quick encounters, social encounters, and other framing devices for each scene during an adventure. Saga of the Goblin Horde in particular has some well constructed adventure frameworks and One Sheets for game play.

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