Thursday, August 15, 2019

RPGaDay #15: Door

For #RPGaDay2019, the fifteenth word prompt is Door.

     Door reminds me of the time I scared my players so much approaching a door that they ran away from the whole dungeon and never returned. The group had just defeated a Yen'hi'ji Obsidiman with stone bat wings (Think #Gargoyles for a mental image) in #EarthdawnCathayQuest. They were proceeding down a long mine tunnel with a sharp grade. All of sudden they heard many piercing shrieks. As if in response, the group saw rats crawling up the tunnel and bats flying past them. As they got closer to the bottom of the tunnel, a thick mist started obscuring their vision. They approached a door that was covered in runes and glyphs and the screaming on the other side got louder. The group then bolted out of the mine tunnel and were accompanied by various rats on a lift out of the primary mine shaft. Unknown to the group, the Yen'hi'ji were shapeshifters. With their lair discovered and their leader dead, they created an illusion of a worse encounter to come while taking the form of rats and bats to enhance their own illusion and escape (with their own enemies!). This was one of my prouder GM moments because it was so engrossing a description of the scene they never asked for a Disbelief Test (which costs strain (i.e. damage) after a tough encounter) and the players never run or at least almost never. 
       #TheDoor is also a cool #DramaScape map of a hilly swampland with a burrow with a singular door. I used the map as an encounter in #Shaintar against some tough Dregordians that I made.


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