For #RPGaDay 2019, the first word prompt is first.
So I thought I'd talk about my first GM experience. Previously, we had played board games like #DragonStrike and #HeroQuest. I went to KayBee toys at the mall (before they closed) and got a Red Box D&D "board" game. This set was really cool. Color coded d4-d20 dice set; a green d4, red d6, blue d8, black d10, yellow d12, orange d20 if I remember correctly, 6 red plastic figures, a poster map of Zanzer Tem's dungeon, folding paper miniatures for the other characters, and an instruction booklet introducing us to #DnD1e. So in our first real introduction to roleplaying games, the PCs had to survive a rather large dungeon filled with creatures and Zanzer Tem himself. After a couple TPKs, the group eventually did make it out alive and then came what do they do from here? So I made my first campaign which had a lot of defeat the kobold tribe, goblin tribe, orc tribe, etc. (In my defense, I was only 13 and the pamphlet that came with the base red box set is rather limited in comparison to the Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master Guide and Monsters Manual). From here, we went on to play #AD&D2e with the PH, DMG, and MM. We played some sessions and eventually some epic campaigns before #Earthdawn and #D&D3.x.
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