E-Dawn Volume 1: January 2004 Edition
Mawag and Holiday Newsletter
Alert: The following journal contains some spoilers pertaining to the FASA
adventure Blades.
Blades Adventure #3: A Traitor's Fate
After an extended trip through the
jungles of Cara Fahd, and through the Delaris Mountains, we arrived in the Liaj
Jungle, only to be “persuaded” by Jungle Griffins to go to a different
location, deeper in the Liaj. Here we were put to sleep by a strange, goat like
creature called Vetta, along with two other unfortunate adventurers. The
newcomers were Shaq, an obsidiman Troubadour/Weaponsmith and Myth “The
Riddler”, a madman who walked with a hunch as if he were a cave troll despite
being human. While traveling in the Liaj Jungle, following the Seal of Truth to
our destination, some strange creatures attacked us, the Tignatha, and
Elarin was slain, but later revived by Willow's Last Chance spell.
The next day some Lightning Lizards
appeared, tossing twinbolts around, but we defeated them, only to feel as if
something or someone was watching or testing us. That night Willow mysteriously
disappeared. The following day, most of us including myself were drawn in an
eastward direction away from Drudge and the northward direction the Seal of
Truth pointed to. As we did not go for the change of direction through
illusionary magics away from their territory, the Tamers attacked in full force
with surprise, their best poisons, and their beasts. We were eventually
overcome and forced to surrender. Somehow Myth escaped and followed the Tamers
to their base camp. He attempted to set a fire to the main tent but was spotted
and killed.
Meanwhile, we were tied to stakes
in some bizarre sacrificial ritual to Usun, Green Dragon and self-proclaimed
ruler of the Liaj. The Tamers tortured Willow, her right arm cut to ribbons all
the way to the bone marrow, and bleeding even more than usual. That night,
terrifying screams were heard in the distance and soon most of the Tamers left
the camp to investigate. We saw our chance to escape and thus broke free of the
ropes or wiggled out of them, reacquired our gear in the pile near the now cold
campfire, and went to investigate what was going on. They found the leader of
the Tamers lying next to a slain Tamer a Blade of Cara Fahd in hand, and
Betrayers laughter echoing in our heads. The Tamer leader attempted to kill
herself realizing what she had done under Betrayer’s control, stabbing herself
in the stomach. Drudge finished her off, reacquiring the Blade and thanked
Betrayer for his “help”.
The next day we traveled even
further north to the tomb of the traitor of Cara Fahd’s Protectors. After
entering the tomb, the spirit of the traitor emerged, refusing to give us his
name, we bargained with him, the spirit trying to persuade us to burn his bones
to get the name. The Seal of Truth in the presence of such lies melted
completely away. The spirit became enraged and attacked us and we fended it
off, it returning to its pile of bones. A medallion was found in the marshy bog
as well as the traitor's bones. The traitor's name was Kragen Overtall, and we
scattered his bones to the four winds.
-From the Journal of Lilandra Silvertongue Rua 28-Mawag
14 TH 1517.
Blades Adventure #4: With an Axe in Hand
Blades Adventure #4: With an Axe in Hand
leaving the Liaj Jungle and going east to the Tylon Mountains, Willow left,
saying she could only be fully healed of her illness by returning to the Blood
Wood. The next day, we stumbled upon a horror-destroyed town and Rthda started
looting the place, and then set the village aflame. A strange one-armed man
came up to us. His name was Lakcaj, and he sought the horror who had destroyed
his village and took his right arm. Shaq convinced Rthda to take him with us
and take care of him since he destroyed his home. V’Dor forced the Jackal to
mark him by beating Lakcaj senseless, thus gaining a horror mark to use to
track the horror. We then continued on our way to the Tylon Mountains.
At the
Tylon Mountains, we found a cave and rested, leaving a message in Obsidimen for
some Purifiers. Three days later the Purifiers came and talked to Luke and he
convinced them to lead us to the Tylon Mountain Liferock. While traveling the
next day, some merchants heading to Jerris were met, but quickly scarred away
by Lakcaj who showed them his right arm, sliced off and stored in his backpack!
Lakcaj was then told of the horror moving south away from the party by V'Dor
and started to leave. Rthda then hired Thrynn and Falchion to kill Lakcaj,
which they did for a measly 50 silver pieces each. V’Dor and Zim, bows in hand,
had been ready to kill him to keep "quarantine".
We next
visited the village of Smallstream, stopping briefly to swap stories and share
a meal. On the next day of travel, a band of troll mercenaries called “Trolls
for Hire” were met. The leader of the band was named Gustibius, a name that
seemed familiar somehow to me. The trolls, on granlains and most bearing full
plate armor and troll swords certainly looked tough, telling the party that
they were on route to Cara Fahd, guarding an ork merchant named Bogadan
Tuskhammer to Urkula from Kratas. The trolls warned of the orks and blood elves
filling the streets of Kratas with blood in their racially and politically
charged conflict.
The next
day, we arrived at the village of Ridge, where a bunch of Ice Flyers were
raiding the fish pens used to store food for the village. We drove them off,
and Elarin spent the night fishing for more food for the village. We earned the
gratitude of the troll leader of the village; Trawet and he let us stay the
night and shared what little food they had with us. The party then met a
wandering sage, a person named Zibna who had stopped for some water at a tiny
stream. We approached him and asked what he was doing here. Zibna replied he
sought Drudge to help him find a Book of Prophesies stolen from the land of
Cathay of his birth, a powerful grimoire perhaps or a tome of long forgotten
writings, with certainty, Zibna knew it had been stolen by a group of assassins
who had killed his master and taken the book. The party knowing that Cathay is
near Runwood, immediately met him with suspicion and asked what he could
possibly do to help them in exchange for their help. The sage was puzzled by
this having thought of Drudge and his companions as do-gooders from our
reputation, and looked on in silence, dumbfounded. Unfortunately, Zibna did not
understand that his mission would never take precedence over our quest to
uncurse the Blades and save the nation of Cara Fahd nor our mission to save
Barsaive from Theran occupation. We soon left Zibna and he followed on his
horse, and made a small camp that night near the party’s camp. Rthda took
offense and decided to do something about Zibna, but Drudge intervened saying
that he would not condone the taking of a life in cold blood when he had done
nothing wrong except stay near a powerful group of adepts in the hinterlands
near Kratas, perhaps a wise move considering the circumstances. The next day, a
group of griffins and k’stulaami Beastmasters and Cavalrymen of the
Theran Seventh Legion attacked us, killing Zibna and Falchion, and nearly
slaying Elarin and Shaq as well. We continued traveling to a village, but our
guides said that parties with an obsidimen will be met with anger and
suspicion, regaling the party with tales about how the tainted Liferock
released its obsidimen upon the town killing many villagers.
The next
day, we met a madman afraid of threading, who told the party about black shapes
in the skies above and to flee or die. When threading was mentioned of his
stick and stone, he fled in terror. We turned north, to a mountain trail
leading into the Tylon Mts. The obsidimen then proceeded to leave, warning Shaq
about the dangers of the corrupted Liferock and the Blades, Luke thanking them
for their aid, and we camped. The next day, a Journeyman from Kratas came
asking to travel with us and learn new talents from Willow and Thrynn; he was
surprised that Willow wasn’t there. The “necro-warrior” joined us and we
continued up the mountain trail to a cave, with a giant blue and white rock in
the middle with markings saying Rokkaku or “Secret Rock” on it. When
Shaq neared the rock, 8 corrupted obsidimen came out of the Liferock and
assaulted the party, killing Elarin, who recovered as a blood charm blackened
and came out from his body miraculously. We further investigated the cave finding
an obsidiman in a weakened and unconscious state and a letter from the Blades
of Cara Fahd. We removed the obsidiman and allowed him to awaken in three day.
He told us his name was Asmerius and the name of his Liferock
"Ashivinam", before rejoining his Liferock for the final time.
then traveled to Daiche and were met at the gates by Blood Elves who screamed
out “Death to the Orks!” and attacked the party, trying to kill Gertrude and
-From the Journal of Lilandra
Silvertongue Mawag 15-Raquas 2 TH 1517.
War Recap
War Recap
temporarily allying and attacking the K’tenshin on the Tylon River combined
with a merchant vessel of House T’kambras and a few Scavian Barges, Vistrosh
and Jorvin Torgin returned to their blood feud, and the streets of Kratas ran
red with blood. The fighting has even spilled into Daiche…House K’tenshin has
sent all available ships to assault and take Daiche and should arrive in about
a week’s time. The combined navy at Daiche’s port continues repair and resupply
in the hopes of staving off the K’tenshin advance.
Seventh Legion troops advance on Darranis from Bartertown and occupy the city,
taking the vital northern Coil River for themselves. Theran Seventh and Eighth
Legions attack southeastern and northern Cara Fahd, and start to encircle the
orks. The southeastern based Seventh Legion is surprised by the ferocity of
some of the ork attacks in the region and fails to take many of that months
objectives; however the northern front of the Eighth Legion makes good
progress. Theran Navy refits their airships at the Theran Behemoth and Sky
Stetgarth narrowly avoids ork and blood elf bandits and Iopos assassins on his
return to Bartertown. Upon seeing the destruction of Bartertown (And possible
destruction of Throal), he and his remaining men stage a furious charge against
the Theran garrison remaining their and the Questors of Dis. Captain
Stetgarth’s whole unit is annihilated, but most of the Therans are killed.
V’strimon refits its warships and repairs damage to the Syrtisian Behemoth. The
Slayers make a daring plan to aid the war effort...
Travar is evacuated in full as a
horror army overruns the city. The residents retreat to Urupa. Moltaa’s Grim
Legionnaires and the heroic sacrifice by Linnarg Blindingshout staved off the
assault just long enough to get most of the remaining citizens out. It’s said
Linnarg fought the horrors on the Sky Tower’s steps for as long as possible,
retreating to the very top of the steps, giving ground but still fighting as
many Horrors advanced, allowing Moltaa and her crew to escape with many
citizens of Travar and adepts part of the last stand/rescue effort.
attacked? Apparently Iopos forces have captured Jerris from within, said a
merchant observer fleeing the battles in northwest Barsaive.
black cloud has started appearing in the Throal mountains where Mount
Horrorsbane used to be. No I’m not making this up!
A large
black form was spotted in central Barsaive in the Travar region. No
confirmation of what it is, many believe it to be the ghost airship Earthdawn.
is a tropical region in the Throal Mountains featuring stormy weather, a bunch
of storm wolves were heard howling in the distance and we left soon after.
Holiday News
Holiday News
five-day holiday between Gahmil and Raquas was certainly muted this year, as
the war efforts turned against us. Many tournaments were cancelled. The big
winner at the tournament in House V’strimon this year was a human named Rahl
Mageblade. His brother Thorin also made a strong showing.
-Sorvenia, dwarf Traveled Scholar, and leading Throal
scholar on assignment at House V’strimon. Raquas 1 TH 1517.
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