Thursday, August 29, 2019

From the Vault: E-Dawn 29

    The final E-Dawn. We never did complete this campaign, one of the losses to the mists of time, a story without an ending.  

E-Dawn Volume 29: February 2007-April 2007 Edition

"His death, your death, either way this brings us closer to the ultimate goal."
Ristul to the Horror-marked Noratu

Spoiler Alert: This journal contains spoilers for the Legend of Earthdawn Volume 1 quest: The Heart of Heroes and The Book of Exploration quest a Plea for Help.


Pugsli’s Spy Report 16. Sacrifice.

Sollus 17-Sollus 20, 1521 TH Bartertown to Urupa


We boarded Roland’s airship, and flew from Bartertown to Urupa.

Sollus 20, 1521 TH Urupa


By the Passions. The cloud of dark corruption spans the entire northeastern horizon near Urupa. It’s almost too late for this town. If we don’t find the names of the remaining heroes soon…
After landing in Urupa, we went to the Liandrill and Zenicce section to the School of Adepts to meet with Noratu’s master Malvari. The coward put away his belt buckle before entering the school. I suppose the old saying is true, “A servant cannot serve two masters, or that servant will honor the one and offend the other.” Well I am offended. An admission that you needed help while away from your master a long time is not a sign of weakness.
We entered the massive School of Adepts. Devoid of the usual bustle of students and teachers, the empty hallways leading to Malvari’s office echoed as we walked. Once at Malvari’s desk, Coga and Ninheim reported what had happened since they had last seen him, including the fate of Malvari’s caravan, and how they came to be cursed and join our quest. Malvari then informed us about the current events in Urupa, including the pirates plaguing the docks, the bizarre kidnappings of children in Urupa, and the evacuations of most civilians from the city of Urupa. He asked Noratu how he would combat the cloud of corruption if we were forced to enter it. Noratu responded that a spell matrix or spell matrix object could be used to filter the corruption at the cost of the matrix. Malvari grinned at the cleverness of his apprentice, and gave us all spell matrix objects. Of course, Salishi and Laura could not thread the objects, so we arranged for them to stay with Malvari at the School of Adepts. Malvari surprisingly agreed quickly. I can only imagine it must be lonely for him with all the students and teachers evacuated.
As night approached, we decided to reconnoiter the area to look for information about Urupa and the cultists. From the intelligence we gathered, we learned that the city was split into sections based on racial distribution. From our previous battles, we knew that the cultists were predominantly humans and orks. So we decided to disguise ourselves as cultists in gray and black cloaks and investigate the human and elven section of Liandrill and Zenicce and the ork Ironclaws section to try and find out where their prisoners were held, especially if we could capture some of the cultists.  Coga and Ninheim investigated Liandrill and Zenicce and I followed them. The rest of the party followed by Luke left for the Ironclaws section. Coga and Ninheim made contact with the cultists who were planning a daring nighttime raid of the School of Adepts to kill Malvari and kidnap Salishi and Laera for sacrifices. Coga and Ninheim joined them on the night raid rather than attempting to capture them since if they captured new sacrifices, they could lead us to where the rest of the prisoners were held. The cultists used ropes and grappling hooks to rappel up the walls and enter the School of Adepts through the window. Once they infiltrated the building, the cultists captured Laura and Salishi, and Coga and Ninheim “killed” Malvari, who used illusory spells to appear dead.
The cultists continued to Central Urupa, where they took an unusual bathroom break to deface the Temples of the Passions. It took all my will to not kill them all for their impudence.
We continued to the edge of the Ironclaws section, where the rest of the group and the cultists and infiltrators met. The cultists were immediately suspicious of the new group for a number of reasons. For one thing their sudden appearance after the mission’s start, the size of the group, and the implausibility of two groups of initiate cultists joining on the same night of such an important mission. The cultists were not convinced by Laira or Zangetsu’s claims of being cultists, although Noratu managed to convince them he was a cultist. The cultists drew blades and captured Laira and Zangetsu. I used the confusion to enter a back alley and form a new plan with Luke. I hoped that Coga would explain the new plan to the second group who probably still believed the plan was to capture the cultists and interrogate them for information, as neither Luke or I could reveal ourselves if our plan was to succeed, especially since Ninheim was fully convinced he was a cultist for the moment and his actions may be considered hostile by the party.
The group of cultists, pretending cultists, and prisoners were led further into the ork Ironclaws section, where they were met by a group of ork cultists. The ork cultists led them to the troll Otosk section, where the shadow drakkar was standing by in a hidden cliff face. The prisoners were placed in individual cell rooms, each guarded by two cultists, as the ork Sky Raiders prepped the airship to transport the prisoners to their secret prison facility.
Laira and Zangetsu tried to escape; meaning Coga hadn’t informed them of the updated plan. Ninheim responded to Falcos breaking his manacles by dispelling him. He assisted the cultists with spells and helped them to retie Laira and Zangetsu. Laira was furious at Ninheim for betraying them. I can relate. No one wants to be taken prisoner, and based on the Duke’s last wishes after his death; I can only imagine how possessive he was of Laira in life. And who knows where Ninheim’s loyalties really lie?

Sollus 20, 1521 TH Urupa response dated Riag 16, 1521 TH



That’s what it feels like to be face-to-face with the truth of what you are fighting for. We all face that moment in the quest to be true heroes. Do not falter in your quest.
I am also offended by Noratu’s actions. He will find little aid from the Slayers from now on. If you find no pride in wearing the belt buckle, then you have no business wearing it in the first place. You know what to do.
Not a bad plan, and not a bad adaptation to a change in on the ground conditions.
Do not expect a Horror cult to respect their only true enemy.
I don’t trust Ninheim/Heimnin one bit myself. But where else are we going to find a dragonkin to go along with our crazy plan?


Sollus 21-23, 1521 TH Aras Sea


We left Urupa at dawn, and flew around the corruptive cloud over the Aras Sea, landing at a small alcove to rest, before continuing to a hidden mountain prison facility.

Sollus 23, 1521 TH Prison Facility


Once we landed, Luke and I leapt into action. Coming out of the shadows, we slew the cell guards, broke the prisoners free, and gave the prisoners back their stolen gear. We then went up to the top deck of the airship and fought the ork Sky Raiders and remaining cultists. It was a tough fight, and in the end it seemed that Ninheim’s foul spell won the battle for us and broke the formations and morale of the opposing Sky Raiders. Individually or in small groups, they were easy for Luke and I to pick them off.
After taking out the arrayed forces at the airship dock, we proceeded to explore the first level. Luke and I watched the group’s back from the shadows while they entered the barracks, defense points, and warehouses on the first floor. We only had to step in once to help out when an additional surge of cultists into the hallways occurred. Ninheim got hurt badly in the first two battles, so he retreated to the airship. After defeating all of the remaining ork Sky Raiders and cultists on the first floor, we prepared to take the stairs to the basement level.
As we descended to the basement level, shadow hunters surrounded and ambushed us from the shadows of the torchlights. Zangetsu and his bone walker, Sam, caught the brunt of the attack. We managed to dispel or defeat them all. Luke and I watched the group’s back as they entered the kitchen and pantry, food growth area, well and water storage area, forge, armory, and prayer room to Ristul. We proceeded further into the basement level and I unlocked a room with a bone spirit in a bone circle. While the bone spirit fought Zangetsu when he entered the room, more cultists ambushed us from around a corner and attacked Laira. We defeated them and Noratu dispelled the bone spirit. While walking down to explore the other room, more cultists attacked us from around the corner, and in the midst of combat, Zangetsu tried to open a locked door, and the door let out a poisonous, dark cloud. The cloud hit all of us, before it was dispelled. Luke and I finished off the remaining cultists and I disarmed and unlocked the trapped door. We found a small wooden chest reinforced with iron bars, which I unlocked, revealing a Nethermancer grimoire. Laira found some papers in his desk about the Nethermancer summoning Ristul and some of the specifics of the sacrifice to Ristul including how he was going to use his powers to protect them from the corruption until they arrived at the Abyss where they would be sacrificed. I unlocked a couple of doors to barracks, where the group found a couple of weapon lockers with some forged broadswords.
We proceeded to a large, reinforced, iron, double door that I unlocked. The door led to a large prison with over twenty cells, two with griffins, one with Lysander, and four cells containing Coga’s family guarded by over fifteen cultists and Ristul’s Nethermancer priest. Coga asked for him to release his family. The priest told him that if he wanted them released he’d have to go through him. So Coga glided over there and stabbed him with his tri-spear. The priest told him that if he were going to Ristul, he’d take his family with him, and emitted a black cloud enveloping him and his family. Someone dispelled the cloud and I briefly saw Coga fighting with four cultists and the Nethermancer before the cloud returned. The rest of us were fighting the cultists trying to get to Coga and the prisoners before it was too late. I heard the priest fall and he told Coga that it didn’t matter, that his master had already chosen another. The cloud was dispelled permanently, and we mopped up the remaining cultists.  Coga’s whole family, even his brother and father who helped with the kidnapping were imprisoned. I released Coga’s mother and sister, and Lysander with the Nethermancer’s keys to the prison.
According to Coga’s father and brother, they joined the Nethermancer to kidnap Coga’s mother and sister to stop them from being killed by the Ristular, since according to the cultists and notes found in the Nethermancer’s room they were not important to the sacrifice. When they later tried to escape with Coga’s mother and sister using their griffins, the Nethermancer caught them and threw them into jail. They asked us how they were going to pilot the shadow drakkar without any knowledge of Air Sailing. Laira told them that she could summon up the spirits of Air Sailors. Of course, what would happen to us if they dissipated at the helm of the ship? Coga could not bring himself to let them rot in jail, or kill his father and brother despite their misdeeds, and I released them. Coga and Zangetsu set aside 300 gold pieces to send Coga’s mother and sister across the Aras Sea, and Coga’s father and brother promised not to follow them, seeming not to care as long as they were out of Barsaive.
We returned to the shadow drakkar and found Ninheim to be missing. We heard a loud roar and Coga sent his eagle and Laira her spirits to investigate. After locating Ninheim, the bird and spirits returned and Coga’s father piloted the airship to his location on the cliffs. Ninheim had killed a Brithan, skinned it, and had started a fire to cook it. Ninheim flew to the ship with the Brithan’s meat in tow.

Sollus 23, 1521 TH Prison Facility response dated Riag 22, 1521 TH


It is dishonorable to kill a man rotting in a prison cell in cold blood vengeance no matter their misdeeds. Coga made the correct choice as a Slayer, especially if he really wants to be a Lightbearer some day.

Sollus 24-26, 1521 TH Aras Sea to Urupa


                With the help of Coga’s father and brother as captain and mate, as well as Ninheim’s and Laira’s spirits, we managed to fly the shadow drakkar to Urupa.

Legend Points And Loot 9

Session 1: Sacrifice 1

Cultists and Ork Sky Raiders Award: 1,970 Legend Points
Heroics Award:
1,100 Legend Points
Roleplaying Award:
2,200 Legend Points
Session Award: 2,200 Legend Points (Arriving at the Ristular Prison)
Total Maximum Possible: 7,470 Legend Points
Missed Session Award: 1,100 Legend Points
Loot: 220 silver pieces from Cultists and Ork Sky Raiders.
Equipment: 14 Forged Broadswords, 14 Broadswords, 14 Light Crossbows, 13 Bolts in Quiver, 14 Slings, 13 Sling bullets in Belt Pouch, 14 Thread Hardened Leather Armor, 14 Hardened Leather Armor, 14 Crystal Raider Shields, 14 Espagra Scale Cloaks w/ Cloaksense Brooches

Session 2: Sacrifice 2

Total Cultists and Ork Sky Raiders Award: 3,170 Legend Points 

Heroics Award: 1,100 Legend Points

Roleplaying Award: 2,200 Legend Points
Session Award: 2,200 Legend Points
Total Maximum Possible: 8,670 Legend Points
Missed Session Award: 1,100 Legend Points
Loot: 442 silver pieces from Cultists and Ork Sky Raiders.
Equipment: 16 Forged Broadswords, 16 Broadswords, 16 Light Crossbows, 13 Bolts in Quiver, 16 Slings, 13 Sling bullets in Belt Pouch, 16 Thread Hardened Leather Armor, 16 Hardened Leather Armor, 16 Crystal Raider Shields, 16 Espagra Scale Cloaks w/ Cloaksense Brooches

Session 3: Sacrifice 3

Shadow Hunters Award: 500 Legend Points
Cultists/Bone Spirit Award: 315 Legend Points
Cultists Award: 300 Legend Points
Ristul Nethermancer Priest/Cultists Award: 3,070 Legend Points
Heroics Award:
1,100 Legend Points
Roleplaying Award:
2,200 Legend Points
Adventure Award: 4,400 Legend Points (Defeating Ristul’s High Priest and saving the prisoners.)
Total Maximum Possible: 11,885 Legend Points
Missed Session Award: 2,200 Legend Points
Loot: 61 silver pieces from Cultists.
Equipment: 4 Forged Broadswords, 1 Forged Dagger, 25 Broadswords, 25 Light Crossbows, 13 Bolts in Quiver, 25 Hardened Leather Armor, Espagra Scale Cloak, Thread Boots, 3 Booster Potions, 1 Healing Potion
Notes:When Pugsli is in Bartertown usually no messages are sent since he reports directly to R. His journal is through his eyes, so events that he does not see do not appear in the journal.

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