Friday, February 7, 2025

Spelljammer Recap #2


Spelljammer Recap 2 Sunday May 5, 2024 @ 12:00-3:00 P.M.





Player Name: Shaune

Character Name:
Nebun Underfrocker

Race: Plasmoid

Class: Cleric

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Subclass: Nature Domain

Background: Sage

Personality: I am willing to listen to all sides in an argument before making my judgment.

Ideals: Emotions must not cloud our logical thinking.

Bonds: My life’s work is a collection of times related to biology lore.

Flaws: I speak without thinking through my words.

Character Appearance: A Plasmoid bearing a holy symbol of Beory, a goddess of nature from Greyhawk.

Character History: Originally from the Greyrealms.  Nebun joined the crew as a healer in order to visit more planets to study their biology. Ironically, it was his desire to see other planets and their wildlife that had them visit the planet that P40-X is from. Nebun Underfrocker acts as the medic of The Moondancer.




    The crowd of panicked people pushed Captain Elaina Sartell, P40-X, and Blackbird from the docks and back into the city streets. More of the plant creatures shambled forward towards them. Captain Elaina Sartell threw her daggers at the plant creatures, P40-X shot at them with her pistol, and Blackbird shot his light crossbow at them. Only one of them made it into melee engagement distance but it delivered two powerful critical hits to Captain Elaina Sartell, leaving her chest burnt with the radiant damage and her skin pale from the heat drain. Captain Elaina Sartell countered with her scimitar and dagger and the last creature fell. The trio returned to The Moondancer at the Waterdeep docks and directed townspeople to help raise the gangplanks again.


[I decided upon a little flashback fight to give Shaune some time to create his character and to give Tristan a first taste of DnD combat.]


    Captain Elaina Sartell healed her wounds during the short rest. Blackbird tried to find an armory but couldn’t as he was disorientated while on a ship in space for the first time. P40-X had visions of the destroyed husk of the planet Toril after the crystalline vines had finished their work. She did this in front of Flapjack the Flumph and he took on a red and black color. P40-X asked the Captain about it and she said that those were colors of anger and fear. Flumphs are good creatures and the sight of such destruction and loss of life must be nearly unbearable for them.    

    Suddenly a star moth came into view from behind an asteroid in the Tears of Selune and started chasing The Moondancer. Captain Elaina Sartell ordered Flapjack to do a hard about and charge them since they could not outrun them and their mangonel would outshoot them at such distances. In the ensuing ship battle, P40-X and Blackbird fired The Moondancer’s ballistae at the star moth and the star moth fired back with its mangonel and ballista. The star moth looked much worse than The Moondancer before they closed the distance. In short range, Blackbird fired his eldritch cannon at one of the astral elves on board. He countered by firing his longbow twice. The second arrow with a streak of light behind it struck Blackbird and he winced in pain.

    Once the two vessels had joined their air bubbles together and stopped side to side, the three astral elves on the deck of the star moth jumped over to The Moondancer and demanded Captain Elaina Sartell’s surrender. She politely declined and told them to get the hell off her ship. They responded by dropping their longbows and brandishing their glowing long swords.

    P40-X fired her pistol and Blackbird fired his eldritch cannon at the astral elves as they rushed up the sterncastle stairs to attack them. Captain Elaina Sartell and the lead astral elf went toe to toe in a deadly dance of blades. Suddenly a Plasmoid in green robes appeared. The Captain called out, “Nebun you still alive?” Nebun asked where the thugs were that had knocked him out. “Traevus is taken care off, different enemy fighting us now, trying to take the ship!” Nebun unleashed a spray of poison but the astral elf dodged it. The sailors took control of the ballista while the enemy Hadozee on the star moth fired their ballista trading shots. One of the few hits on The Moondancer struck home on the starboard side.

    Forced into melee, P40-X drew her rapier and Blackbird drew his spear. Unfortunately, P40-X had her rapier parried by the astral elf and it struck Blackbird instead. However, she used her shield and metallic faeries to push the astral elf back down the sterncastle stairs. The astral elf got back up and ran towards P40-X. Meanwhile, the other astral elf fighting Blackbird stunned him. Nebun’s hands cracked with necrotic energy and he severely wounded the astral elf fighting the captain. Captain Elaina Sartell was badly wounded by the astral elf but managed to finish him off with a slash of her scimitar. She then ran up to the sterncastle. Nebun followed her up. The sailors struck the star moth with the Hadozee hitting The Moondancer with their ballistae.

     P40-X took a severe wound from the angry astral elf fighting her. The astral elf on Blackbird knocked him out. P40-X delivered a severe wound with her rapier after a feinting first strike. The Captain finished off the astral elf on P40-X. Nebun lightly wounded the astral elf on Blackbird with a touch of necrotic energy. The last remaining astral elf disengaged and jumped for the deck of the star moth. The star moth disengaged from The Moondancer and started to flee.

    Nebun woke up Blackbird with a light cure wounds. Blackbird grabbed is eldritch cannon and fired at the enemy astral elf but missed. Nebun cast a guiding bolt and struck the astral elf which knocked him unconscious. He drifted into the void of space and presumably died of asphyxiation. The star moth fled.

    The group looted the two astral elves and found 20 gp that they split as 5 gp each. They also found 4 potions. Nebun managed to figure out they were Potions of Healing x 2 and Potions of Climbing x 2 with his alchemical expertise. Blackbird took a long sword but it no longer glowed with radiant light in his hands.

    Nebun woke up one of the astral elves after the rest of the group bound them in ropes. They removed his helmet and visor. They asked him about the seeds that had struck the planet of Toril. According to the astral elf, the process was irreversible once begun. The crystalline vines would consume all life and heat from Toril and leave it a barren husk of a world. The Xarxyian Empire had ordered Toril’s destruction. The Dark Star, a star moth, had carried out the order by seeding the world with the crystalline seeds which had burst forth from the ground sprouting as crystalline vines. The Xarxyian Empire was in Xaryxispace. The astral elf refused to tell the group how to get their beyond entering the Astral Sea and finding it for themselves. “You are in Realmspace by the way.” he said sarcastically. The group resorted to torture, removing his fingernail from his index finger, and then Blackbird slipped a long sword between his shoulder and neck. He didn’t survive the severed right carotid artery.

     So Nebun woke up the other astral elf. He introduced his rank as Lieutenant and his name as Zanth. He rehashed the information given by the other astral elf.  The group decided to let him live in case he might be useful later.

   Captain Elaina Sartell bade Flapjack the Flumph to head for the Rock of Bral. During a long rest, two of the sailors who had participated in the battle resigned in protest of the torturing of an unarmed man, leaving the party with only three crew left beyond the party.

[End of session.]

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