Thursday, August 27, 2020

RPGaDay Day 27 2020: Favour

         Favour brings me back to Earthdawn. One of my favorite NPCs was a merchant in Bartertown who sold only minor magical items. Or at least that is what he said. You needed to buy a minor magical item before he'd sell anything like a pattern item, even a minor one. So you'd have to buy something you might not even want like a Firestarter to get the good stuff. In a way, now that I think about it, he was like the BJs or Sam's Club of magic item merchants. You have to pay the entry fee to get to the good stuff. 

         Then there were the dark favors granted by Warren a.k.a. Nemesis who would make deals with the NPCs and PCs for power with a price. My favorite deal involved Rigate, Dwarf Warrior, who wanted a crystal tail. So he got it for the price of a Horror Mark and blood magic. Unfortunately, he was addicted to crystalline body enhancements. So by the time he got this, most of his body was crystalline replacing arms and legs with crystal and growing living crystal on flesh. The crystal tail pushed him beyond what his body could take in a battle and he exploded in a crystalline storm from too much blood magic usage. The lesson here is don't make deals with Horrors. Or some favors aren't worth the price.

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