Monday, August 31, 2020

RPGaDay Day 31 2020: Experience

         I've been playing roleplaying games since 1993 and running them since 1997. So 28 years of playing experience and 24 years of game mastering experience. Most of them were spent running Earthdawn from 1997 to 2013 for about 17 years with some Dungeons and Dragons, Shatterzone, Shadowrun, etc. mixed in. I've been running Savage Worlds for about 6 years now with completed Shaintar and Necessary Evil campaigns and current 50 Fathoms and Saga of the Goblin Horde campaigns on hiatus.
          The most experienced character I ever had in Dungeons and Dragons was that Level 30 epic level Halfling Rogue that became a God. In Earthdawn, it was Garthan Zufere at like Tenth Circle  as a Nethermancer. In Savage Worlds, it was Admiral Kirel in 50 Fathoms with 120 XP (Yeah we didn't go into the Flotsam Sea until we were good and ready). In D20 Modern I got my Strength Hero, Gen Bu, to 4th Level.I haven't played too many other games where it lasted more than 1-3 sessions.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

RPGaDay Day 30 2020: Portal


         Portal brings me back to Shainar. One of the possible new campaign ideas was a mixture of creatures of the Flame and Builders from Shaintar combined with elements of Codex Infernus: The Savage Guide to Hell to create Norcan Darr. The goal would be for Dru-Karra, Camille, Phelos, and others to try and escape the hellscape of Norcan Darr and return to Shaintar via a Portal of some kind. An interesting idea for sure, but I don't know how viable it would be this far down the road.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

RPGaDay Day 29 2020: Ride

        Ride brings me back to Deadlands: The Flood. Zachariah's horse was a black mare with demonic red eyes named Luciphia. Luciphia slowly became more and more important to Zachariah as the quest continued. When Los Diablos took him to Hell, Luciphia went into the portal after him (after a Out of the Fire Into the Frying Pan play to escape death). He fought off Los Diablos with Luciphia's help and rode out of Hell through a portal back to California. When he became afraid of fire due to his near death and trip to Hell, (and Fuego had a Flamethrower!) he blindfolded himself and trusted Luciphia to be his eyes (To make matters even worse he had the Bad Eyes hindrance so it was a bandana over his glasses). The end result was Mr. Magoo, huckster (You ever make a reference so old that it makes you feel old?). But somehow, Zachariah did it, he survived the entire The Flood campaign. 

Friday, August 28, 2020

RPGaDay Day 28 2020: Close

          Close is both a verb and an adjective. The verb generally means a denouement or blocking whereas the adjective means objects in close proximity to one another in space, time, score, etc. In any case, it is an odd choice for this year for RPGaDay 2020 of all years where we are affected by Covid 19 with closures of work, school, and r&r and being close to one another is now a bad thing because it could spread the disease. 
         One thing in RPGs that has always haunted me is the action of opening and closing a door. Is it an action? A move action? A bonus action? A free action? I have generally ruled it as an action in Dungeons and Dragons, Earthdawn, and Savage Worlds. In Savage Worlds, this tends to not be too hindering as you can have an extra open a door or use a multi-action penalty to do more on your turn. Losing your one and only action in DnD or Earthdawn hurts because you have so many attacks you can do with one action that you lose if you do anything else. But the same always goes for the NPC bad guys and there are more of them than PCs usually, so it is one way to make extras and other characters use their turns without getting an attack on the PCs (and losing a gang up bonus, flanking, harried on those attacks depending on system).

Thursday, August 27, 2020

RPGaDay Day 27 2020: Favour

         Favour brings me back to Earthdawn. One of my favorite NPCs was a merchant in Bartertown who sold only minor magical items. Or at least that is what he said. You needed to buy a minor magical item before he'd sell anything like a pattern item, even a minor one. So you'd have to buy something you might not even want like a Firestarter to get the good stuff. In a way, now that I think about it, he was like the BJs or Sam's Club of magic item merchants. You have to pay the entry fee to get to the good stuff. 

         Then there were the dark favors granted by Warren a.k.a. Nemesis who would make deals with the NPCs and PCs for power with a price. My favorite deal involved Rigate, Dwarf Warrior, who wanted a crystal tail. So he got it for the price of a Horror Mark and blood magic. Unfortunately, he was addicted to crystalline body enhancements. So by the time he got this, most of his body was crystalline replacing arms and legs with crystal and growing living crystal on flesh. The crystal tail pushed him beyond what his body could take in a battle and he exploded in a crystalline storm from too much blood magic usage. The lesson here is don't make deals with Horrors. Or some favors aren't worth the price.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

RPGaDay Day 26 2020: Strange


        My wife got the Stranger Things Dungeons and Dragons box last Christmas. Still looking forward to running that as a one shot. 

        One time we were playing Earthdawn and the party was facing jehuthras. This was the ill-fated let's drink while underage and play game session. A girl that had come to the game to drink and watch the game sat on the figures and wrecked the board which ended the session. One of the players hurled on a couch cushion they were sleeping it off on. That was a Strange night of gaming. Drink and game responsibly and don't do it when you aren't of drinking age.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

RPGaDay Day 25 2020: Lever


          Levers show up in a lot of RPGs. Especially video game RPGs. I don't know how many levers I've seen my wife push in Skyrim, but it is a lot. 

         Of all the games I've run, I think levers showed up the most in Earthdawn Cathay Quest. Probably surprising considering how much Dungeons and Dragons we have played, but it is interesting how much of that time we were above ground or in space rather than in dungeons. The levers controlled mining shaft elevators in a lot of the dungeons as the main bad guys for a time were enslaving miners and kidnapping blacksmiths to forge enough weapons and armor to make an army. One of the mines was also located beneath an ancient Cathay city which was full of traps. One of them was a pressure plate trap that was tied to heavy ballistae in the city towers which would crank the crossbow lever and fire at those on the ground stepping on the plates. It only worked once because the nocked bolt would need to be manually reloaded and the inhabitants that made the traps were long dead, but usually once was enough to kill an intruder. The players spent an entire session just going through that ancient city and dealing with all sorts of traps while exploring the ruins for treasure. It was very Indiana Jones. 

Monday, August 24, 2020

RPGaDay Day 24 2020: Humour

          Humour has always been in my games. Then again when you run a dark fantasy game like Earthdawn, the humor is a requirement to balance it out. I love giving NPCs and my characters accents.

         My greatest comedic achievement will always be Admiral Kirel. The character had an accent that my wife has described as Fez-like (From That 70s Show). He was cowardly, hedonistic, and lazy but competent at boating and logistics. He was a Christian man who confessed away his sins on Sunday and sinned the rest of the time.  

        He was beheaded by a monkape club swing and became Ghost Kirel. Ghost Kirel could be seen in times of strange weather or by the redman assassin So Cai when he took opium. He would often juggle his own severed head when seen. Tellah struggled with playing as captain getting in the way of his Ahab-like obsession on getting revenge on the Sea Hags. When the opportunity presented itself, he brought back Kirel with one of the only two ways to be resurrected in 50 Fathoms

       A few moments stand out for me, Kirel stealing a Lich's treasure and running away as Tellah fought off the Lich. Kirel getting high on opium and needing a Catnap card to wake up and get the ship out of Deiking in a chase. Kirel always surrounding himself with extra sailors as human shields and forcing one of them to load his crossbow so he could keep one hand on the wheel and one on his crossbow. Kirel insisting on being absolved of all his sins on Caribdus before navigating to the Flotsam Sea to take on the Sea Hags. This quest involved going to the New Madrid cathedral and taking missionaries to Torath-Ka for the Church.  Then he had to leave Caribdus without committing any other sins. It was just one more delay for Tellah. 

     But in the end, Kirel made it home to Earth but left with Tellah, a stranger coming to a strange land...

Sunday, August 23, 2020

RPGaDay Day 23 2020: Edge

         Edge is the name of a ninja in Final Fantasy IV. Edge is pretty unique as he has the Throw ability that became synonymous with ninjas in Final Fantasy. If you haven't played it, it is one of the best RPGs on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, just not in the spotlight because Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, and The Secret of Mana are even better by the same company Squaresoft (and Shadow is a superior ninja too but has the benefit of not being introduced late in the story like Edge).  

       As a person who uses battlemaps on the tabletop, I still can't believe how often characters run off the edge of the map, even with our larger battlemaps. This often happens in Savage Worlds due to the Panicked status on Extras after a failed Fear roll. 

      In Shaintar, the All Out Move was often used to go from one edge of the map to the other side. Then again that is what happens when you double your pace and add +2d6 run dice. The funny thing is that average 31 movement gets you nearly from corner to corner on most DramaScape maps which tend to be 48 x 30 inches a lot of the time.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

RPGaDay Day 22 2020: Rare

       The most rare item I've ever possessed as a character was a god-slaying dagger that my halfling thief used to stab Tiamat and kill her in Dungeons and Dragons. Then the gods were so afraid of me that they exchanged immortality and godhood, the God of Daggers to my character, for the dagger. And the character rode off into the sunset, an epic game over. 

      If it were mythology, I'd like to think my character was given godhood and immediately stabbed by the god slaying dagger by one of the evil gods in revenge for what he had done.

Friday, August 21, 2020

RPGaDay Day 21 2020: Push

       The most epic Push I ever heard in a game was in Dice Funk Season 4. Katarina Brooks pushed the head of Crown Corporation's Agriculture branch right off his own pleasure Zeppelin. The iguana lizardman flipped her off as he plummeted for ten minutes to his death by skydiving.

       Something similarly happened in Earthdawn. The famous total party kill (TPK) from Terror in the Skies. Earthdawn had a lot of these. Mists of Betrayal was a TPK (Twice!). Throal Adventures had a TPK from an avalanche. I even had a TPK from Cavalrymen early in the Vivane Resistance quest (Where I learned that First Circle Cavalrymen against a First Circle party is death).  Earthdawn Cathay Quest ended with half the party dead and half Horror-marked. We even had a party killed by a flood. And a TPK in the first session of a game right after we made characters. Dead in media res trying to save the village we started in! Bonus dice and lots of dice to roll are often a cruel combination. And players wanting you to roll in front of them. The successes were the Earthdawn Ten Year campaign and Earthdawn Kratas Quest. But we had a lot of failures around those successes.

       Back to Terror in the Skies though. The group was fighting a Horror and his crew of undead cadaver men on an airship but were losing. So their human Air Sailor Cid grabbed the ship's wheel so the Horror couldn't navigate and jumped off the ship! He then tried to use Wind Catcher to save himself but botched the roll so fell to his death holding the ship's wheel staring at the Horror as he fell. The last survivor was the ork Thief Bane who was pushed to the bulwark of the ship by the surging wave of undead and jumped to his death in a tree below refusing to die and be reanimated as part of the ship's crew by the Horror. With no way to navigate, the Horror ship crash landed which saved Travar. They died, but they died as heroes. It may have been a TPK, but it was a satisfying conclusion to their arc. I can't say that about most of the TPKs.

      Never forget that the Push maneuver exists in Savage Worlds when fighting in positions of height like on a ship over water, in an airship, fighting on a cliff or mountain, etc. Against a very tough opponent, it might be the best way to get rid of them permanently or for a breather to give you time to recover. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

RPGaDay Day 20 2020: Investigate

        I want you to Investigate A Dirty World by Greg Stolze. A full Film Noir game system with a concise 70 pages. It features some very interesting character sheet mechanics with a slide system between two antagonistic character traits. The pure can become corrupt and vice versa.  

       Probably the best detective novel I've read in a long time was last year with Haftmann's Rules by Robert White. An old detective is trying to solve a girl's disappearance and it gets very dark and gritty. The first f bomb is on page 2, so it is full of cursing, violence, sex, and vulgarity.  Haftmann is an old, jaded detective but with a morally intact core seeking justice. And you are along for the ride.

[DramaScape, Game Publishers' Guild, DriveThruRPG] Cthulhu Mythos Sale.

      DramaScape has two products at 20% off in the Cthulhu Mythos Sale at DriveThruRPG, The Lighthouse and The Asylum

     Our fellow Game Publishers' Guild member Mystical Throne Entertainment also has Five Points (Dark Streets) available in the sale at 20% off.


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

#RPGaDay Day 19 2020: Tower

           Tower is a tarot.

UPRIGHT: Sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening.

REVERSED: Personal transformation, fear of change, averting disaster.

         In Season 3 of Dice Funk: Ilium, the Tarot cards came into play in a big way and Tower was pulled just before an incoming disaster. I was very into Tarots as a means to guide character development back in the late Earthdawn days. I had bought a Mage: The Awakening Tarot deck and was playing around with it as a way to read the fortunes of characters to create them.

That deck is still available here:

         Tower is a also a fortress. Perhaps the greatest dungeon I have ever made all time never saw use. I had crafted a 22 level mage tower for Dungeons and Dragons 3e. It started out with Hanz and Franz, barbarian sorcerers on the first floor who run a surplus magic item shop for the 20th level wizard on the 22nd floor of the tower. You could buy magical potions, scrolls, etc. in preparation for ascending the tower.

"I am Hanz. And I am Franz. We are here to pump...your magic up!"--Hanz and Franz in Arnold voice

       Hanz and Franz were also the gatekeepers of the tower. Entering the second floor required adventurers to sign a legal waiver that put the blame for any death, injury, or maiming squarely on the adventurer, but it also said that getting to the 22nd floor with the signed waiver would earn them a prize. The waiver was also enchanted with a sort of Sanctuary spell which meant the wizard could not harm them unless they attacked the wizard, tried to steal his belongings, etc.
     The magical tower itself was supposed to be a rogue-lite kind of simulation. Every 24 hours it would reconfigure every floor 2-21 with shifting walls. So you couldn't just map it, rest, and come back. Because the map would have changed. This also meant it would have a lot of undead, constructs, slimes, etc. Because otherwise all these shifting tower floors would end the guardian monsters too, so they had to be resilient or malleable in some ways to getting moved around. The store was always closed every 8 hours for 2 hours to give Hanz and Franz some rest and one of these periods was when the shift occurs.

    The wizard at the top of tower was quite mad and would attack anyone without a waiver on sight. So if you thought planeshifting to the top would be cute, prepare to get time stopped and delayed blast fireballed. But if you actually succeeded in getting to the top with a waiver, the wizard would exchange a magical item for the waiver. That he would then sign, and would act as a sanctuary spell against the person who had signed the contract. The wizard remained friendly to them as long as the contract held. The wizard had been cursed by a devil of some kind that had made him delirious. 

   Sequels could have been the magical item they were given was cursed by the devil that cursed the wizard and would slowly drive them insane as well.  Which might have ended up with them going to Hell to confront this devil perhaps freeing themselves and the wizard.

[Game Publishers' Guild, Mystical Throne Entertainment] August Throne Report

 Fellow Game Publishers' Guild member Mystical Throne Entertainment has released their August Throne Report detailing updating products to SWADE and Entropic 2.0.



Tuesday, August 18, 2020

RPGaDay Day 18 2020: Meet

           I really loved meeting Earthdawn and DramaScape friends, fellow gamers, and fellow publishers at Origins, GenCon, and Con on the Cob. I can't wait until I can afford to go again and we aren't in the middle of a global pandemic. I also miss meeting with my gaming group every few weeks to play.

          The Meet in the game itself usually happens at a tavern in a lot of fantasy games like in DnD and Earthdawn. Shaintar saw the group meet at a Grayson's Gray Ranger military camp. Necessary Evil had them make a prison break. Saga of the Goblin Horde had them meet at the Redfang Tribe camp. 50 Fathoms sees the group shipwrecked and needing to escape Torath-Ka. In Deadlands we usually meet up on a train or a stagecoach. All of these represent a shared space which allowed for introductions to occur, especially being trapped on the same vehicle together for a time is an effective device for this. The ship or a spacedock is an effective meeting device for a sci-fi game but we haven't really played any of those yet (although Necessary Evil is a little bit of that).

Monday, August 17, 2020

RPGaDay Day 17 2020: Comfort

           "Follow me my friends. I know this tavern owner, and he keeps a cask of special brew behind the bar for me...Myrthion, my good man, five mugs of the good stuff, please. Zounds--you aren't Myrthion!"--Swordmaster Luthan discovers that one more reliable fixture in his life has changed.

         The word Comfort in RPGs leads me back to the quote above from the Earthdawn Gamemaster Pack. Things were getting too comfortable and reliable, so the GM has shaken things up. Is Myrthion dead? Fired? Is the bartender an agent of one of the character's enemies sent to remove and replace Myrthion and poison the player?
        You can't let the characters get comfortable. You have to change and mix it up at times to add wrinkles and curves to the story.  It also makes the world feel more realistic and believable when no NPC is forever.

         As for me, missing my Comfort of running and playing games lately. 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

RPGaDay Day 16 2020: Dramatic

         What is the most Dramatic turn of events in any game as a Player or GameMaster? I think for me it was probably when Garthan Zufere turned against The Usurpers in Earthdawn Kratas Quest. The group decided to turn against Garthan's mentor and friend. Rather than go along with it, Garthan betrayed the party to save him. This was a hard choice, but it was what the character would do versus what would keep the party cohesive. I ended up playing a couple of other characters who died late in the game (one of them was a dwarven archer who only lasted one session!) before playing Garthan again in the campaign finale (an enemy of my enemy is my friend for now situation). 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

RPGaDay Day 15 2020: Frame

        The Frame of your adventure is how you visually see the major points in a game session...before you add in the player characters and their actions anyway. Like frames in a movie that I am writing that the players are going to "edit" later. I usually visualize them as individual scenes when writing up an adventure myself filling in gaps in the story which I used a lot in Earthdawn and Shaintar. Usually a scene descriptor like combat, social encounter, hazards, etc., maps if needed, minis if needed, and motivation, objective, personality (aka MOP) for pertinent NPCs.  Basically it is all the notes you need to run the encounter at the table.
       Savage Worlds
and One Sheets tends to make it even easier on GameMasters with a sequence of combat scenes, interludes, chases, mass-combat, quick encounters, social encounters, and other framing devices for each scene during an adventure. Saga of the Goblin Horde in particular has some well constructed adventure frameworks and One Sheets for game play.

Friday, August 14, 2020

RPGaDay Day 14 2020: Banner

         Banners and heraldry can be a major part of RPGs from knights and religions in fantasy games to  sports and nations in modern games. Coat of arms can be used to recognize knightly orders on the battlefield to discern friend and foe much like uniforms today.         
        Symbols are an important detail of RPGs that can make them seem more intricate. For example, the difference between an encounter with simple goblins wearing non-descriptive tattered clothes and fighting with knives versus a hobgoblin unit in uniforms bearing a kris knife on the shoulder with chest armor and shields etched with the symbol is a more interesting encounter. The hobgoblins might even fight with a kris knife and favor finesse instead of the brute force that they are known for. Hobgoblin rogues? What does the kris knife symbolize? Who do the hobgoblins work for?

Thursday, August 13, 2020

RPGaDay Day 13 2020: Rest

      The Earthdawn Ten year Quest began at The Wanderer's Rest in Bartertown and ended with a modified version of the adventure Fallen Leaves. 
      The Wanderer's Rest is an Earthdawn and GMing website you should check out. It was one of the first Earthdawn websites that I read thoroughly on the internet and was an inspiration to my longest campaign.

      The Earthdawn material is quite good.

     But the GMing articles section and particularly Musings of a Madman is well worth a read.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

RPGaDay Day 12 2020: Message

      Communication is important in RPGs. Both in and out of games.
      Once the age of computers began, Earthdawn was run through Yahoo! Geocities on a group for messaging about game as well as the E-Dawns which were mostly in character written recaps. Earthdawn 7 Sands was a website that was dedicated to my in-game house rules.  The original Earthdawn ten year campaign remains one of the most organized campaigns of all time with a lot of surviving content although much of the early days of that campaign are lost to the mists of time and only exist in the memories of the gaming group and myself. Especially since the death of Geocities and the 7 Sands.
      These days, recaps are mostly done from the GM's perspective in most campaigns as I often don't have an NPC to record the relevant session and offer their thoughts. Earthdawn Cathay Quest didn't have a relevant NPC voice. Necessary Evil was an outlier because of Dr. Destruction. Shaintar had Hiraltki, Phelos, and Grundy who aren't writers but were a warrior, comedy relief, and an engineer. Return to 50 Fathoms is similar with Equias gone. Saga of the Goblin Horde doesn't have any NPC to write except for perhaps Chief Bignose as leader of the Redfang Tribe. And writing a blog trolling the players in the voice of Chief Bignose doesn't seem fun (at least for the players that read the blog to remember what happened last session).
      Now games have their own dedicated Facebook group and a Facebook messenger group to keep people informed about game. I moved the recaps to Blogger. I used to just post them in the Facebook group, my wall, and other places were people might be interested around the net. Blogger is a useful app because of its photo upload capacity. I used to lose a lot of pictures by just uploading recaps to walls and such. I still don't have a full campaign here on Blogger as I started about using the app about 1/3 into Necessary Evil and the newest campaigns are still in progress.    

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

RPGaDay Day 11 2020: Stack

     The word Stack will always remind me of Magic: The Gathering, the stack of cards that one must work through as responses to spells being played. It also reminds me of Axis and Allies and the huge infantry stacks indicated by a single infantry on a mountain of small poker chips in the late game.

     When it comes to role playing games, I've been known to stack Axis and Allies chips next to a character on the map as status modifiers in a game like Earthdawn (like 2 blue chips for Harried, 5 red chips for Taunt, etc to remind me of a -7 Action test penalty). These days in Savage Worlds I've been known to stack my foam core status modifiers like wound counters, shaken counters, -2 parry counters next to a character on the map. Or stack a flying character on d6s or d10s to indicate height on the map. More recently I've used platforms from Magic: The Gathering Arena of the Planeswalkers for flying creatures.

Monday, August 10, 2020

RPGaDay Day 10 2020: Want

    The word Want always brings me back to Babylon 5 and Mr. Morden oft said phrase. "What do you want?"

     As per Day 4: Vision I have several Savage Worlds campaign ideas. For the Blackwood and Interface Zero, I have everything I need. For Solomon Kane, I'd want the core book at the least. For Hellfrost, I want the Bestiary and maybe the GameMaster's Guide. For the Suzerain jumping around idea, I'd want the Accursed core books at the least.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

RPGaDay Day 9 2020: Light

      Light brings us back to Shaintar: Rangers Riding out the Storm. In the final battle against The Tempest, Asteron used his legendary bolts to clear away the minions of the Tempest. This allowed Muinor to reach the master of the tempest, the big bad boss at the end of the campaign, Ragar. The Aevakar Paladin prepared for a final winged charge with his white silver skylance and charged into Ragar's eye becoming an Arrow of Light as if shot out of a bow by Archanon. A beam of light erupted from Ragar's eye as Muinor reached Ragar's brain. More and more light beams coruscated from his eyes as Muinor sacrificed himself to save Shaintar using his Martyr edge taking Ragar with him. Ragar's final tempest took half the party to Norcan Darr while the rest who managed to hold on remained in Shaintar.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

RPGaDay Day 8 2020: Shade

     Shade brings me back to Earthdawn Cathay Quest. The party had found a mysterious evil book, a pattern item for a Horror and burned it to ash. They had placed the ashes inside a pouch afraid to let the evil dust out of their sight. The Horror had horror-marked Vek, a Sorcerer, and told him to bring it the ashes. But Vek refused the Thought Worm. Furious, the Horror killed Vek and then brought him back as a Shadow using Create Shadow. Instead of controlling it myself, I gave the player, Kevin, the stat sheet for Shadow Vek and ordered him to get the ashes by any means necessary. Then I just sat back and watched the carnage at Kevin's repeated attempts to get the ashes back. Shadow Vek was eventually defeated, but it was definitely a highlight session of the Cathay Quest...and lazy Gming. 

Friday, August 7, 2020

RPGaDay Day 7 2020: Couple

      Couple returns me to Shaintar: Rangers Riding Out the Storm. Where not one but two PCs were involved with NPCs. First there was DruKarra and Grundy, two orcs who were very much in love and bloodlust for most of the campaign, who split up in a wild session late in the campaign after she accused him of sleeping around on her. Then there was Camille, a dwarf whose curiosity made her want to learn to become an Arcmaster. So she kidnapped an Arcmancer Builder named Phelos Smythe and forced him to teach her the craft. Somewhere along the way they fell in love. He left her for a time for another woman, but he came back to her near the end of the campaign. To me what is funny is that Grundy didn't really cheat on DruKarra, and Phelos did cheat on Camille yet things didn't turn out the way you would think in either case.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

RPGaDay Day 6 2020: Forest

     A couple of the most famous and unique forests are in Barsaive in Earthdawn. The Blood Wood is the result of elves altering the nature of the forest and themselves, bringing pain to all who dwelt within the Wyrm Wood to make them unpalatable to the Horrors after their wooden kaers failed. The Blood Wood has creatures, plants, and elves pierced by thorns and blood and sap everywhere. The Poison Forest is a unique forest where the cycle of life and death have ended in decay for all that dwell within the forest with creatures trapped between the states of life and death. 
    One of the more interesting forests lately is the Great Forest in Saga of the Goblin Horde in Savage Worlds. The home of the forest humans, it has an interesting mechanic brought about by Forest cards. The Forest cards are small encounters that accentuate the daily dangers of walking through the Great Forest. These twelve cards add hazards and enemies to the journey within the forest while not taking up too much game time. Since Saga is free I recommend checking it out and investigating its Ambush and Forest card mechanics at the very least.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

RPGaDay Day 5 2020: Tribute

     The word Tribute takes me back to Earthdawn. A flatulent dragon by the name of Windbreaker landed and demanded tribute from the group. Did we bow to the dragon's demands? Yes, we totally did. A Named dragon versus Novice adepts? It would have been a slaughter. Lost about half a hoard's worth of treasure, mostly magical items. And Evok Nor swore that he would have revenge one day...

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

RPGaDay Day 4 2020: Vision

     The word Vision brings me back to StarCraft 2. Back to Char.

Zagara: If we surprise the terrans, we can make it through with acceptable losses.
Kerrigan: And if we don't,the Swarm dies. You need to learn vision, Zagara. Planning,calculation, cunning.
Zagara: Your strategy against the terrans was strange. But I understand it now.
Kerrigan: Abathur's changes are bearing fruit. Do you remember what I told you on the battlefield?
Zagara: Vision, Is this like cunning?
Kerrigan: Partly
Zagara: Viciousness?
Kerrigan: Abathur. Go to him.
Zagara: His work is painful.
Kerrigan: He work will make you understand vision
Zagara: I will go.

  I am currently on hiatus with Saga of the Goblin Horde and Return to 50 Fathoms. But a GameMaster is always like this:

    So what future campaign visions are floating around in my head? I own the Blackwood book so it is definitely an option on the table, probably more geared towards the family/new group then the experienced crew.  For the experienced crew, there is an option of Solomon Kane with the slight change of Tellah and Captain Kirel having been thrown into that time period following their escape from Caribdus at the end of the original 50 Fathoms campaign.
    I have the Hellfrost Player's Guide and it might make for an interesting crossover with Game of Thrones. A Suzerain campaign where they have to go to many other settings to solve problems throughout the Savage Worlds. An Interface Zero 2.0 Shadowun cyberpunk campaign. 

Monday, August 3, 2020

RPGaDay Day 3 2020: Thread

     The word Thread always returns to me Earthdawn. Of course, I play Savage Worlds now. So here is a random thought from 2013 trying to convert magic from Earthdawn to Savage Worlds.

Earthdawn Savage Worlds Magic

Arcane Background [Magician]: [Choose One Elementalist, Illusionist, Nethermancer, Sorcerer or Wizard]
Requirements: Novice, Special
Arcane Skill: Spellcasting (Smarts)
Starting Power Points: 10
Starting Powers: 2 from their spell list
Starting Spell Matrix: 1
All Magicians need a hand free to cast and thread spells. 

Arcane Background [Shaman]

Requirements: Novice, Special
Arcane Skill: Nature (Spirit)
Starting Power Points: 10
Starting Powers: 2 from their spell list
Each spell is contained in a spell fetish.
Shamans do not need a hand free to cast spells. Instead they need to hold a spell fetish in their hand that represents the spell they are casting.

Shamans are protectors of the untamed, wild lands of Barsaive. They may find themselves suddenly without their powers if they knowingly harm nature (such as a blast spell they wielded burning a forest down) and needing to perform a Ritual of Atonement or Deed in order to regain their powers.

Special Advancement Rule:
For every 2 New Powers Edges obtained, characters with a Magician Arcane Background gain 1 Spell Matrix.

For every New Power Edge obtained, characters with the Shaman Arcane Background get 1 Spell Fetish to contain the spell. Each spell fetish weighs at least 1 lb.

Additional Edges:

Enhanced Fetish

Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane Background Nature
Upgrades one Spell Fetish to hold one additional spell characteristic.

Enhanced Matrix

Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane Background Spellcasting
Holds one additional spell characteristic.

Armored Fetish

Requirements: Veteran, Arcane Background Nature
Upgrades one Spell Fetish to hold one additional spell characteristic. The Fetish gains a +4 bonus to Toughness to resist all Damage Types for the purpose of Breaking Things (see p.71 Savage Worlds Deluxe hereafter SWD). In addition, the Armored Fetish grants the character a +1 Parry bonus when targeted by a Disarm Called Shot attempt (see p.72 SWD) on the Armored Fetish.

Armored Matrix:

Requirements: Veteran, Arcane Background Spellcasting
Holds one additional spell characteristic. The Matrix gains a +4 bonus to Toughness to resist all Damage Types for the purpose of Breaking Things (see p.71 SWD).

Share Fetish

Requirements: Heroic, Arcane Background Nature
Upgrades one Spell Fetish to hold one additional spell.

Share Matrix

Requirements: Heroic, Arcane Background Spellcasting
Can hold 2 spells.

Concept: Characters use their Nature/Spellcasting to thread.

Flow of Casting.

A character can only have one spell in a spell matrix at any one time (with the exception of Share Fetish/Matrices).

Placing a spell in a Spell Matrix requires a Spellcasting (4) Test. Shaman spells are already contained in their Spell Fetish, however they need to grab the spell fetish to cast (which costs them a –2 draw multi-action penalty unless they have the Quickdraw Edge)

A spell in a Spell Matrix or Spell Fetish requires 0 Power Points to cast the basic ability. For example, they can cast a 2D6 bolt every round. A magician can either thread the additional spell characteristics of the spell costing them time and increasing the difficulty of casting or they can spend their Power Points to quick cast spells.

Spellcasting (4) Test
Spell Characteristics:

Can be done once:
Adds a D6 to a Damage Spell
Add 25% to the Range Increments of a Spell
Add 1 round to the Spell’s Duration (not available on Instant Duration).
Add the Heavy Weapon characteristic to a Damage Spell.
Improve a Burst template from Small to Medium or Medium to Large.
A raise on a thread weaving attempt allows the magician to add two burst categories if available.
Can be done twice:
Add an additional target to a single target spell.
A raise on a thread weaving attempt allows the magician to add two spell characteristics of their choosing if available.

The best example of this is the Bolt Spell
0 PP: 2D6 damage, all the time instead of the usual 1 PP as long as it is in a Spell Matrix.
Spellcasting (4) to thread once or 2 PP: 3D6 bolt
Spellcasting (4) to thread once or 2 PP: Range 16/32/64
Spellcasting (4) to thread once or 2 PP: Heavy Weapon
Spellcasting (4) to thread once or 2 PP: 2 Bolts
Spellcasting (4) to thread twice (Or a single (8) Raise for one thread weaving) or 3 PP: 3 Bolts
Or a combination such as:
Spellcasting (4) to thread twice  (Or a single (8) Raise for one thread weaving) or 4 PP:  3D6 Heavy Weapon bolt
Restriction: Cannot combine D6 damage with multiple target bolt options.

Unlike Earthdawn, where magicians cannot thread and cast in the same round, it is possible in Savage Worlds to do so with the multi-action penalty. They can also use their small pool of Power Points to quickly cast spells when needed without threading.

So most Spellcasters will be dealing with MA penalties for Spell Matrix attunement to switch spells or for Spellcasting Characteristics. Shamans will deal with MA penalties for switching spell fetishes out for grabbing different spells.

Spells not in a Spell Matrix can be cast from the magician’s Grimoire. Spells not in Spell Matrix cost their normal amount of power points to cast. A 1 on the Spellcasting or Wild Die when doing so causes 2D6 astral backlash to the grimoire. If the grimoire takes a wound (Toughness 8), the spell is wiped from the grimoire and the character can not use the spell again until he can copy the spell from another magician’s grimoire (this doesn’t cost an advancement)

A character can also cast any spell they do not know as long as they have access to another magician’s grimoire, as long as they have the Rank requirements to cast it (Novice spells for Novice magicians, etc.). This extremely dangerous method of casting is called Raw Magic, and uses the wielder of the spell as a conduit for the corrupt magical energy. Raw Magic spells always cost power points.  A 1 on the Spellcasting or Wild Die when doing so causes 3D6 astral backlash to the caster. Double 1s usually catches the attention of a Horror through a Horror Mark as well.

Shamans do not have grimoires so cannot grimoire cast. They can attempt raw magic casting of any spell normally available to them at their rank using themselves as a conduit for nature’s magic. They make their Nature skill roll at –2 when doing so however since they have no spell fetish to act as a focus and must have a hand free to cast in this manner unlike their normal casting method.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

RPGaDay Day 2 2020: Change

     It has been a hard few months for all of us. The end of February with 50 Fathoms is the last time I played on the tabletop. I have a lot invested in tabletop gaming. Two shelves worth of maps and minis! But it looks like I either have to learn how to use the virtual tabletop like Roll 20 and teach it to the rest of the gaming group or wait for a vaccine to Covid-19 to play again on the tabletop. I do have an extensive collection of DramaScape maps and minis in the virtual realm, but I really don't have 120 extra dollars to have a Roll20 GM subscription at present either. So I have to either change to play or stop and wait.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

RPGaDay Day 1 2020: Beginning

     The beginning of tabletop RPGs for me was Dragon Warrior (aka Dragon Quest) on Nintendo. The first fantasy RPG that I played. This led to a lifelong interest in video game RPGs. But it also led to trying out tabletop RPG-like board games like DragonStrike and HeroQuest. Then came a visit to KayBee toy stores close out sale at the mall where I got the Dungeons&Dragons First Edition Red Box set and about twenty-two years of playing Dungeons and Dragons up to Fourth Edition.