Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Return to 50 Fathoms Recap #29: A Sordid End

February 29, 2020 @ 2:00-6:00 P.M.


Day 242

       La Arcadia sailed away from the last Kraken Great Ship towards Torath-Ka.  The Kraken Great Ship left the vicinity of the Burning Sea but sailed around the edge of the Flotsam Sea slowed down by the golden sphere as it faded in the distance.  

Day 243


       Captain Red Pirate Roberts saw a junk following La Arcadia but managed to shake them.

Day 244-245

       Several provisions rotted away but the crew managed to find some game to get back more food in the hold. 

Day 246

       The group found sunken ruins. Horventerous discovered some cookware in good repair and an entire holds worth of iron. 

[Andrew played Sunken Treasure for the iron.]

Day 247

        La Arcadia headed southeast through some shoals towards the northern tip of Torath-Ka.

Day 248

       Captain Red Pirate Roberts saw Vittoria repel an assault by Ugaks with her spyglass. Suzu asked to leave the ship. Kahoola tuned the chronometer.

Day 249

       Captain Red Pirate Roberts dropped off Suzu on the shore of Torath-Ka near Vittoria and then headed north towards Kiera. Captain Red Pirates Roberts saw Vittoria's 50 ' tall walls smashed apart by a gigantic monkape with her spyglass as they sailed away from Torath-Ka.

Day 250

       Suddenly Carifax, Tressa the Red's parrot, crashed into the deck of La Arcadia. Horventerous picked the bird up off the deck.  Carifax told them that Tressa the Red had been kidnapped by Torquemada of the Inquisition. Kahoola remembered that Torquemada's barge was located at Isla Dios, the island of God, in the Grey Isles. She also remembered that King Amemnus had a son who may still be alive.

Day 252

       The ship stopped near Kiera. Kahoola calibrated the chronometer as Carifax complained about the boat stopping. 

Day 253

        Carifax dropped to the deck of La Arcadia in a seizure. Horventerous went to check on him and the voice of Tressa the Red came out of Carifax's mouth. She told the group to find her body and remove her heart. Crush her heart in your fist and you will gain 17 minutes of unlimited power, the same amount of days of torture she had endured at the hands of Torquemada. After the voice stopped speaking, Carifax passed out. 

Day 254

        The Perdition was in a lagoon where La Arcadia could not reach. The group saw Torquemada sitting on a throne underneath the crucified corpse of Tressa the Red. The group decided to prepare the longboats and sneak those alongsides The Perdition under the cover of darkness. A half-moon offered enough reflected light off the water to navigate but a misty night made it hard to see them approach. Captain Red Pirate Roberts and Chug piloted the longboats astride The Perdition on both sides. 

[Andrew played Inspiration with a Bennie. This added +2 to +4 for the drop for a +6 on actions during a surprise round.]

[Surprise Round] 

       Horventerous in a rage ran off the longboats first and stabbed at Torquemada with La Espada de Vampiro but it didn't even pierce his chest! The old man looked up at him from his chair with rheumy eyes and said, "As if your devil sword could harm me." 
       Kahoola severely wounded an Inquisitor that called her, "Heretic", before screaming in pain as her second pincer finished him. Kahoola's slashed another Inquisitor with her cutlass who cried out, "Blasphemer!" 
       Captain Red Pirate Roberts shot an Inquisitor with her pistol and he cried out "Sacrilege!"       

      The allied sailors rushed in to engage Inquisitors and enemy sailors. The two previously wounded Inquisitors were impaled on spears. The allied sailors wounded the other two Inquisitors. One yelled, "Apostate!" Two enemy sailors were defeated as well.
     Chug grabbed a rope hanging off the bulwark of The Perdition and used rope monkey to get to the crow's nest. He impaled two marines like a shish kabob with his harpoon gun.  
      Natsu Nara unleashed a burst that struck two allied sailors although one dodged it. Five enemy combatants were killed, three guns destroyed, and the deck itself was damaged. 
      Felicity glided up to Tressa the Red's body.

[First round]

       Torquemada unleashed a blunderbuss shot with a button press on his throne. The shrapnel ripped into Horventerous, Kahoola, and an allied sailor. The allied sailor dropped and Horventerous and Kahoola were moderately wounded. 

[Randall played Volcano bringing a Hazard into play (a storm). This allowed all players to play an additional card this session without the use of a Bennie. Andrew used this to play Last Stand and soaked it down to two wounds. Chessie played Teamwork which added +4 to her soak roll and soaked it down to two wounds. She then played Riled Up on Torquemada who had wounded Kahoola for her second play.]

      A storm suddenly appeared to the west and a bolt of lightning flashed behind the crucifix. Horventerous gained a fear of crucifixion and one of his tentacles turned white from fear.
      Horventerous cast a heavy bolt at Torquemada. He laughed as if he were being tickled.
      Felicity cut Tressa the Red's body loose from the ropes holding her to the crucifix, gliding back to the longboat as the battle raged around her
      Kahoola slashed at Torquemada with her pincers and cutlass, wounding him. The old man's near toothless grin turned into a grimace. 
       The Inquisitors took down three of the allied sailors that had struck them. The enemy sailors unsheathed knives to defend themselves and marines brandished muskets forming a firing line. One of the marines headed below deck to wake up the sleeping crew downstairs. Most had been awakened by the burst hitting the upper deck. Marines quickly grabbed muskets but had no time to don their chain hauberk and followed the marine upstairs above deck. 
       Captain Red Pirate Roberts shot an enemy sailor dead. She ordered her sailors to remove Torquemada from the throne but he held on with a white knuckle death grip to the chair.  Other allied sailors engaged the line of enemy sailors and killed a few of them. 

[Ellen wanted them to grab Torquemada with her sailors and chuck him into the Kieran Sea!] 

       Chug reeled back his harpoon and put the harpoon gun away. He drew out his Grael Battleball. He cut a rope and came crashing down at Torquemada. The ball cracked Torquemada right in the unmentionables and his eyes bulged out from the force of the blow. Chug's body weight landed on an Inquisitor and forced him back a few feet from the impact. The Inquisitor screamed and said, "Nonbeliever!"

     Natsu Nara cast another burst that took about half the remaining marines on the upper deck. 

[Second round]

       Chug sat down on Torquemada. After a sickening crunch, the old man's surprised expression shifted as his eyes rolled backward and closed forever.

[Randall played Seize the Day.]

     The enraged Inquisitor hit Chug in his legs as he sat on the dead Torquemada on the throne. But the attacks just bounced off the blubber. Then his eyes widened in surprise as another Inquisitor stabbed him in a berserk rage while striking down an allied sailor. The remaining marines shot a few of the allied sailors with their muskets. Marines started appearing from below deck. 

       Felicity tried cutting open Tressa the Red but was then attacked by Carifax who tried to peck out her eyes. Felicity managed to persuade him to stop. He flew to the other longboat next to Natsu Nara and began to sulk.
     Natsu Nara unleashed a burst that killed a few marines in the middle of The Perdition and further damaged the upper deck.
     Kahoola took down the last Inquisitor with her pincers.  

     Captain Red Pirate Roberts started assisting Felicity with the extraction. She ordered a retreat with Torquemada dead and Tressa the Red freed. Allied sailors grabbed their unconscious fellow crew and headed to Captain Red Pirate Robert's longboat.
     Horventerous cast a blast at the marine reinforcements that missed into the Kieran Sea and headed towards Tressa the Red. He brought a bottle of brine to store the heart. 

[Andrew spent his last Bennie on Hidden Stash after refusing to Bennie the blast.]  

[Third round]

     Captain Red Pirate Roberts and Felicity removed the heart of Tressa the Red. Horventerous put it inside the jar of brine. 
      Chug grabbed two allied sailors and put their unconscious bodies on the east longboat. 
      Kahoola grabbed four allied sailors and put their unconscious bodies on the east longboat. 
      Natsu Nara directed a fourth burst at the side of The Perdition. The burst caused a gaping hole to form in the middle of the ship and it started to take on water. The structural damage done to the middle of the ship above combined with this hull damage below started to make the ship begin to split in half. The order to abandon The Perdition was given and they headed to the longboats and dinghies to survive. 
      The longboats started heading back towards La Arcadia. Two allied sailors were left behind and died.

     Horventerous cast healing on himself and then cast settle storm. The storm was quelled long enough to allow the longboats to get back to La Arcadia and prevent the sailor at the helm of La Arcadia from losing her in the storm.  
     With Captain Red Pirate Roberts back at the helm, he cast healing on Kahoola but this broke his concentration on settle storm and he was forced to cast the settle storm again.
     As La Arcadia raced away from Isla Dios, two Kieran cutters arrived to pick up any survivors. After picking up the survivors, they headed after La Arcadia.

[Settle storm here was important. The trip back to the ship was going to take 30 minutes and a sailor extra was at the helm of La Arcadia. This meant only the longboat that Red Pirate Roberts was on would probably be safe (due to her Wind Sense edge). The storm would also probably be trouble for the enemy reinforcements and the remaining crew of The Perdition would probably not make it trying to survive in the roiling storm in their small boats. So the settle storm saved all of these boats, both allied and enemy.]

Day 255

     La Arcadia had a sudden burst of speed and quickly outpaced the Kieran cutters. 
     Captain Red Pirate Roberts opened up a fine cask of wine and the crew made toasts to the two dead crew members who had died.

[Ellen played Homing Beacon to increase their travel speed back to Tuck. Then she played Fine Wine for a carousing effect which woke up many of the unconscious crew members who had survived the battle.] 

[End of session.]

XP: 3 Heroic, 4 Veteran, Missed XP 2


LOOT: Kitchenware, 1 cargo hold of iron


     DramaScape's Print on Demand version of the River Barge was used for The Perdition.


       Trifolds used are from 50 Fathoms Figure Flats and the metal Kraken miniature made by Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Additional cannons are from a printable page from DramaScape's The Western Keep.  Longboats were printed from DramaScape's Above Decks PWYW (Pay What You Want).  

DramaScape's Western Keep

DramaScape's Above Decks PWYW


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