I have been putting together ships for a Spelljammer campaign. It is actually fairly difficult to find print out ships that have renaissance or archaic weapons that are compatible with the tech level of Spelljammer instead of cannons. DramaScape happens to have three ships that fit the bill though. DramaScape's Dragon Ship is an above deck only ship (no lower deck) that has two ballistae and a dragon figurehead in the front with fins alongside both the port and starboard sides. This would make a good substitute for the Flying Fish ship upper deck.
DramaScape's Above Decks Volume Four: Atlantean Warship and Above Decks Volume Five: Atlantean Merchant Barge have both an upper and lower deck. The weapons on the upper decks of both vessels are catapults aka stone throwing ballistae. You can use the same ballista stats just changing the damage type from piercing to bludgeoning for the smaller ones. The larger ones on the Atlantean Warship could also use the mangonel statistics instead as they fire larger boulders. Either one could make a good replacement for the Space Galleon ship decks plans.