Saturday, September 30, 2023

[DramaScape] Renaissance era ships compatible with Spelljammer.

       I have been putting together ships for a Spelljammer campaign. It is actually fairly difficult to find print out ships that have renaissance or archaic weapons that are compatible with the tech level of Spelljammer instead of cannons. DramaScape happens to have three ships that fit the bill though. DramaScape's Dragon Ship is an above deck only ship (no lower deck) that has two ballistae and a dragon figurehead in the front with fins alongside both the port and starboard sides. This would make a good substitute for the Flying Fish ship upper deck.

      DramaScape's Above Decks Volume Four: Atlantean Warship and Above Decks Volume Five: Atlantean Merchant Barge have both an upper and lower deck.  The weapons on the upper decks of both vessels are catapults aka stone throwing ballistae. You can use the same ballista stats just changing the damage type from piercing to bludgeoning for the smaller ones. The larger ones on the Atlantean Warship could also use the mangonel statistics instead as they fire larger boulders. Either one could make a good replacement for the Space Galleon ship decks plans.

Monday, September 18, 2023

[DriveThruRPG, DramaScape, Mystical Throne Entertainment] September Setting Sale Week 3 Pirate RPGs!

     This week's setting sale at DriveThruRPG is Pirate RPGs at 25% off! DramaScape has a limited number of products for sale, but they include the excellent setting module for Savage Worlds Skull Cove, our Raven Airship for that air pirates in the sky game, and Above Decks Volume Two: The Smuggler's Sloop and The Wave Cutter. The Smuggler's Sloop saw extensive use in my Return to 50 Fathoms campaign, and is a great map for the player's ship or a merchant vessel that they can encounter. The Wave Cutter is a screw-propelled vessel with three masts and a smokestack, more useful in a Victorian era or streampunk pirate game.

     Mystical Throne Entertainment also has their excellent setting agnostic setting guide A Tabletop Guide to Pirates and Privateers with guides on how to convert the material therein into Savage Worlds SWADE, Legend, and their own Entropic Gaming System EGS 2.0.    

   Also of note, is the main banner, which has 80% off of many pirate products. But I want to specifically call to your attention that the Savage Worlds product The Pirates of the Spanish Main is on sale. You can get one of the best pirate products for $2.99. I found the traps and hazards section of the book to be quite useful when I ran Return to 50 Fathoms.


Wednesday, September 13, 2023

[DramaScape, DriveThruRPG, Game Publishers' Guild] September Setting Sale Week 2: Supers RPGs

        DramaScape has many maps for 25% off in the September Setting Sale Week 2. Most notably, the City Slums and The Hideout maps are must have for Superhero games.

      Fellow Game Publishers' Guild members Broken Ruler Games and Just Insert Imagination also have products in the sale. Broken Ruler Games has Pandora: Total Destruction and High Plains Samurai Rolplaying Game on sale. Pandora: Total Destruction is about the world's reaction to super powered people after a global destructive event. The Pandora Initiative mandates training schools for all super powered people. The players take control of students trying to learn how to control their powers when they are interrupted by a great evil that needs to be stopped. High Plains Samurai is a kitchen sink RPG where you play super powered barbarians, samurai, gangsters, and gunslingers in a steampunk and post-apocalyptic setting!
       Just Insert Imagination has the Mutation Deck, a great Action card deck for Savage Worlds and an excellent resource towards making mutated characters for superhero or post-apocalyptic games. Snap Sites: Blue Horizon Airlines is a setting agnostic airplane map with handouts like the in-flight menu and fillable boarding passes to add to the immersion.




Tuesday, September 5, 2023

[DriveThruRPG, DramaScape, Game Publishers' Guild] September Setting Sale Week 1

       DramaScape's Western Town is for sale for 25% off in the first week of the September Setting Sale. This is an excellent map product for western games like Deadlands or as a backwater frontier town in a sci-fi western game (like say...Firefly). Based on the games chosen, it seems the theme of this sale is outlaws and criminals.

      Fellow Game Publishers' Guild members Broken Ruler Games, Imaginary Empire, and Just Insert Imagination also have products in the sale. Broken Ruler Games has Killshot: The Director's Cut where you play as an assassin/hitman doing hits for cold hard cash.

       Imaginary Empire has Coming in Hot and Wicked Lies & Alibis on sale. Coming in Hot is a game where players play as robbers committing a heist. This a GM-less game for 3-6 players. Wicked Lies and Alibis is about a Clue or Knives Out style game where every player is a murder suspect and the GM is playing a detective trying to figure out who the murderer is among the players.

     Just Insert Imagination has four Wiseguys products on sale. Join the wiseguys and work your way from a lowlife thug to a don in control of a criminal empire.