Thursday, December 22, 2022

Return to 50 Fathoms Recap #40: Finale

 Sunday December 18, 2022@ 1:30-4:30 P.M.


In progress pictures of setup:


DAY 334

      La Arcadia and the Kraken Greatship arrived at the center of the Flotsam Sea. The Great Admiral Caspian told Horventerous he would need a human from another world to activate the Kraken Sphere...

...So the ship surgeon went on over to the Kraken Greatship.

     Two rituals were performed. One to crack open the Kraken Sphere on the Kraken Greatship. Another to summon the Sea Hags on La Arcadia by spilling the water from Earth and invoking the names of the Sea Hags. Horventerous said, "Mala Mallus, Maka Mallus, and Mana Mallus I summon thee!" A misty form appeared, that of the Maiden heralding the arrival of her sisters before disappearing again.

     The gargantuan Sea Hags could only be seen from the waist up with their legs extending to the bottom of the Flotsam Sea. The summoned hags parleyed with Horventerous for a bit. The sight of the Sea Hags sent Prince Alain Amemnus cowering into the ship's hold and the ship's crew panicked running to the starboard side of the deck. The Sea Hags grew bored of Horventerous and all started chanting.

[Poor Alain. Some themes just don't change.]

     Cyrus Black attempted to rouse the crew out of their fear but did not succeed.
     Natsu Nara cast heavy bolt on Mala Mallus but she dodged out of the way of his earthen cannonball.
Draco swam out an attacked Mala Mallus with his dagger, but couldn't pierce her sagging skin.  

[Andrew played Revelation to figure out the Sea Hags weakness. I told him the Sword of King Amemnus, currently in Chug's hands at the ship's helm.] 

      Nimue glided down from the crow's nest and grabbed the sword from Chug. She handed it to Pinecone. Pinecone swam into the Flotsam Sea trying to get it to Draco. 
      Tar-Tar shot at Mala Mallus but the cannonball ricocheted off her skin. 

[Shaune played Epiphany to get a d6 shooting for Tar-Tar.]

Horventerous attempted to hit Mala Mallus with a heavy water bolt. The jet of water deflected off her gray, rotten skin ineffectually. A muffled voice came from his satchel. When he opened it up, the shrunken head of an Archmage asked if he was going to fulfill his destiny in a sarcastic way. Horventerous grabbed the Archmage's head and used it to cast maximized fly on the closest two characters, Tar-Tar and Natsu Nara.
      At the end of the round, the Sea Hags completed their summoning which brought forth zombies and octopons onto the bulwark of the two ships and eight giant octopi with four ridden by octopon warlocks in the Flotsam surrounding the two ships in the four cardinal directions.

      But the other ritual was also completed. A massive elemental made of air, earth, fire, and wind, the terrormental, strode towards Mala Mallus and she exploded. The terrormental turned towards the two remaining hags and managed to send out elemental rays that wounded Maka and Mana Mallus. But the combined power of Maka and Mana Mallus shot out two green eldritch blasts that melted the terrormental into flaming mud that sizzled and sunk into the Flotsam Sea.

        Tar-Tar flew out and grabbed the Sword of King Amemnus from Pinecone. Then he flew over and handed it to Draco.
        Draco swam towards Maka Mallus and acrobatically flipped his dagger into his offhand and the Sword of King Amemnus into his primary hand. In a frenzy, he managed to wound Maka Mallus. 

[Nick played Spurred On to reach Maka Mallus and then used Seize the Day with a Benny to activate his Mighty Blow edge.]       

       Natsu Nara flew over to Maka Mallus and cast burst twice. The Sea Hag was unsteady after the second hit. 

[Summer used Adrenaline Surge to use burst twice. I soaked the first hit but Maka Mallus was Shaken again on the second strike.]  

      Nimue ran over and shot her cannon at Maka Mallus. The cannonball deflected off her rotting skin. Pinecone hit a giant octopus with his maul but it bounced off the rubbery integument of the octopus.
     Cyrus Black managed to get the crew's fear in control to have them retake positions on the port side of the ship and reload the cannons fired by Nimue and Pinecone.
     Maka Mallus called down a lightning bolt at Draco and wounded him.
     Mana Mallus hit La Arcadia with a lightning strike but Chug just barely managed to move the ship out of the way at the last instant.

[Chug burned both his Bennies on Ace. If it had hit, it would have wounded the ship and hit him with the lightning too!]

    The octopon warlocks cast deflection on themselves. Two giant octopi attacked La Arcadia but to no effect. But those that attacked the Kraken Greatship ripped it to pieces. The giant octopus that Pinecone had struck, countered and hit Pinecone for two wounds and grappled him. Another giant octopus attacked Tar-Tar but he managed to avoid it by flying straight up while tossing a hatchet at it that missed.
    The zombies and octopons on La Arcadia's bulwark failed to advance. 

 [I failed both of their group climbing rolls. I also critically failed one of the giant octopus rolls against La Arcadia, forfeiting three more attacks.]

    The octopons fought the Kraken that fell into the Flotsam Sea after the destruction of the Kraken Greatship. Zombies mostly fell into the Flotsam Sea as the Kraken Greatship fell apart while some managed to hold on to flotsam or Kraken warriors. 

Horventerous saw Great Admiral Caspian wave a tentacle goodbye at him, as if to say this was it for the Kraken race, as the Kraken Greatship split in four pieces. Horventerous cast heavy bolt at Maka Mallus to little effect.  The shrunken head cast beast friend on the giant octopus holding Pinecone, saving his life from a crushing attack. Pinecone's life was indirectly saved by the orders of the Kraken he worshiped.

[Horventerous and Draco got Jokers and I knew it was about to be over.] 

     Draco killed Maka Mallus with the Sword of King Amemnus. With a determination in his eyes, he began swimming towards Mana Mallus. 

     Horventerous cast heavy bolt at Mana Mallus. She was wounded. The shrunken head cast beast friend on the giant octopus attacking Tar-Tar.

 [Andrew used Bennies to play Extra Effort and Payback to up his accuracy and damage with better results than the previous turns.] 

     After the magical assault, Draco reached Mana Mallus and cut her in half at the waist. 

[Nick played Deadly Blow. Which plus Mighty Blow from the Joker is x4 damage, so 64 total from a base of 16.] 

     With that the Sea Hags fell into the Flotsam Sea. Their octopon servants had their flesh melted off to reveal the corpses of Masaquani beneath the skin. Animated zombies became lifeless corpses again. The desiccated head of an Archmage crumbed to dust in the hands of Horventerous. The lightning storm faded to a light rain. The Maiden, Mara Mallus, appeared and offered a way out of Caribdus for humans to return to Earth. The former slave, Cyrus Black, refused to return to the Earth where he had been mistreated and enslaved. Mara Mallus then dove off La Arcadia into the Flotsam Sea falling like a heavy stone to the bottom. The rain stopped, the clouds parted, and the sun shone on the Flotsam Sea for the first time in 13 years. The curse was lifted and the flooding of Caribdus was finally ended.
     With that the group dove into the Flotsam Sea and pulled out five King's Ransoms worth of treasure from the ruined city of Ograpog. Then Chug set a course for Brigandy Bay to carouse and tell the tale of how they saved the world.
      Cyrus Black tried to read the Tome that had been found at the bottom of the Flotsam Sea. It did not impart magic to him. It seemed that the ability to learn elemental magic had been lost but why? The death of the Sea Hags? Or was it something else?
     With the Sea Hags defeated, it was not long before the Kieran Empire declared war on the Spanish. As part of the Coalition, the group once again allied with the Spanish. This time to fight the Kieran Empire...  

[End of campaign.] 

XP: 3

LOOT: 17,500 pieces of eight, magic cannon, red eyepatch, magic compass, magic crossbow, tome.


    DramaScape's Above Decks Volume Two: Smuggler's Sloop and The Wave Cutter Smuggler's Sloop side print on demand used for La Arcadia.



     Tri-folds used are from 50 Fathoms Figure Flats and the metal Kraken miniature made by Pinnacle Entertainment Group.

     Miniature ships used include a ship from Letters of Marque by Fantasy Flight Games and a porcelain ship from Red Rose Tea.

[DramaScape, War Game Vault] Winter Offensive Sale 25% off PDFs!

      DramaScape PDFs are 25% off in the Winter Offensive Sale at the War Game Vault!

    Fellow Game Publishers' Guild member Just Insert Imagination's Sci-Fi Map Pack is also 25% off in the sale.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Return to 50 Fathoms Recap #39: Return to the Flotsam Sea

 Sunday November 20, 2022@ 12:30-4:30 P.M.


DAY 326

      The group got over their hangovers and began final preparations to face the Sea Hags... 

      The group headed to the Black Market and got a Farscope--a spyglass with incredible accuracy that could see the faces of sailors on deck enough to read lips from a distance--and a Talisman of Storms that would prevent storms from affecting the ship. Other Black Market sellers offered a musket with long range and a magical long sword but were turned down. Cyrus Black bought 500 rations.

DAY 327

       La Arcadia sailed into the Pirate Sea and started navigating around the east end of the island. 

DAY 328

       Nimue spotted two large Razorwing swarms to the north. La Arcadia attempted to maneuver away from the swarms. Horventerous hit one of the swarms with a blast that split it in half. Nimue glided down towards a cannon on deck from a crow's nest.  


       One of the Razorwing swarms managed to reach the ship and surrounded one of the cannons. Everyone in the swarm was disorientated until Natsu Nara rallied them. 
      Tar-Tar was afraid and stood motionless in front of the stairs leading below deck.       

[Summer played Rally.]


      Horventerous cast a blast to kill off half the razorwing swarms still chasing the ship.



      Nimue fired her cannon and exploded the other half of the razorwing swarm still chasing the ship. This left the other razorwing swarm that had reached the ship as the remaining threat.


      Horventerous used his devil's eye on the Razorwing swarm which caused chaos. The Razorwing swarm and Pinecone were not affected but everyone else was afraid. The sailors tried to run from the Razorwings and two of them were ripped apart from the back while another six fell unconscious from their wounds. Natsu Nara became afraid of birds (from the Razorwings) and Nimue became afraid of tentacles (from Horventerous).
      Pinecone cut a rope which caused a netting to fall on the Razorwings. This captured some of them and split the swarm. 

[Chessie played Albatross Luck which I allowed to have an effect on the swarms.] 

     Nimue and Pinecone flailed around in the middle of the Razorwing swarm, hitting individual birds to very little effect on the swarm.
     Horventerous cast burst above the heads of Nimue and Pinecone and managed to disperse the swarm. Natsu Nara faced her fear but gained a mark that permanently turned a streak of his hair white. He cast burst upward while inside the swarm and destroyed the remaining Razorwing swarm.

DAY 329

        La Arcadia sailed north to the boundary of the Pirate and Flotsam Seas. 

DAY 330

       Horventerous spotted a hulk in the distance. He jumped into the water and he was promptly captured by a giant octopus. 

       Nimue spotted the Kraken Greatship in the distance coming out from the Burning Sea nearby towing the Kraken Sphere. With the Farscope she saw the tentacles on their faces and it triggered her fear. She glided down and she tried to fire a cannon at the Kraken Greatship but the crew prevented her from doing so saying, "They are our allies!"       

[Shaune played Here Comes the Cavalry.]

       The giant octopus crushed Horventerous but his bone armor held preventing his ribs from being crushed.

[Andrew played Inspiration which gave him the boost on his Vigor roll to soak it.] 

      Horventerous struggled free of the giant octopus's suckers and brandished his scepter of fire to burn off two of its tentacles. 


      Draco saw bubbles in the water and dove into the sea after Horventerous. 

       Draco stabbed at the giant octopus twice with his dagger, but the attacks bounced off its rubbery integument. 
       Horventerous cast another bolt from his scepter of fire but the giant octopus avoided it.
       The giant octopus flailed its tentacles and struck Horventerous and Draco, but the attacks did not stun or wound them.

[Andrew played Ace with a Bennie to soak two wounds and Draco soaked a wound.]

       Draco lunged with his dagger and struck the ink sac of the giant octopus. The resulting red mist was a blinding combination of blood and ink. 

[Nick played Mighty Blow and he rolled 25 x 2 = 50 damage to the giant octopus to count coup.] 

     With the giant octopus defeated, Draco swam towards the empty hulk and grabbed 200 pieces of eight.
      Horventerous was blinded by the ink and swam back to La Arcadia by accident. Wiping the ink off his eyes, he jumped over to the Kraken Greatship as it sidled up to La Arcadia. Horventerous told Great Admiral Caspian that it was time. The Kraken Greatship made preparations to follow La Arcadia to the Devil's Cross while towing the Kraken Sphere. Pinecone screamed out, "The gods are following us!"

      Draco swam back to La Arcadia after pocketing the loot.

DAY 331-332

      La Arcadia and the Kraken Greatship sailed north. A storm hit on the second day. La Arcadia wasn't affected because of the Talisman of Storms. The Kraken Greatship seemed almost buoyed by the Kraken Sphere it was towing.

DAY 333

       Zombies attached to flotsam clambered up the bulwark of La Arcadia They caught the sailors completely unaware and five sailors died bitten and clawed to death. Nine others were unconscious and they were only revived later with Horventerous and the ship surgeon's help.

[The sailors failed their Notice roll and then the Zombies got the Joker. Surprise + Joker is a nasty +6 attack/damage.]

       Draco took out two zombies with his knife.
       Natsu Nara cast bolt and three earthen cannonballs defeated the closest zombie.
       Nimue drew out her rapier and cutlass. She couldn't pierce the zombie's decayed flesh with either blade. Pinecone did an acrobatic flip, attacked, and left the closest zombie to Nimue staggered.
       Tar-Tar decapitated the closest zombie and sent his hatchet flying into the chest of another zombie.
        Horventerous cast bolt and a stream of water struck at the closest zombie and dropped him to the deck. Two other bolts hit the staggered zombie and the zombie with the hatchet in the chest to drop them as well.
        The sailors brandished their spears and missed. 

        Draco plunged his dagger into the closest zombie's eye and the force of it exploded the skullcap sending gray matter flying everywhere. He then flung his dagger at the closest zombie, slit its throat, and grabbed the returning dagger while casually looking at Tar-Tar.
       Tar-Tar cut a rope and swung in between two zombies. He spun in a circle and decapitated them both with his secondary battle-axe.
       Nimue dropped her swords and drew out two pistols, hitting the one next to her and the last zombie on deck, dropping both of them. 

       The group found 220 pieces of eight and strangely a pirate pistol in a brace on one of the zombies.
       Tar-Tar removed his hatchet and he kicked the zombie into the Flotsam Sea.

 [Relic chance for 14 zombies...2%. Rolled 2% exactly.]

DAY 334

      La Arcadia and the Kraken Greatship arrived at the center of the Flotsam Sea. The Great Admiral Caspian told Horventerous he would need a human from another world to activate the Kraken Sphere...

[End of session.] 

XP: 2, Missed XP: 1

MINIMUM XP: 81/Legendary

LOOT: 420 pieces of eight, Pirate's Pistol


    DramaScape's Above Decks Volume Two: Smuggler's Sloop and The Wave Cutter Smuggler's Sloop side print on demand used for La Arcadia.




     Tri-folds used are from 50 Fathoms Figure Flats and the metal Kraken miniature made by Pinnacle Entertainment Group.

     Miniature ships used include a ship from Letters of Marque by Fantasy Flight Games and a porcelain ship from Red Rose Tea. 

    Giant octopus figure flat is from DramaScape's Fantasy Creatures Paper Miniatures 




Thursday, November 10, 2022

Return to 50 Fathoms Recap #38: Norwhales and Revenge Served Cold

 Sunday November 6, 2022@ 12:30-4:00 P.M.


DAY 315

      [Chessie gained a Sidekick, a Half-Ugak called Pinecone. He has a delusion that all Kraken are gods and a singing habit that is a major annoyance. Pinecone is a pirate archetype kind of character who has Dirty Fighting to start. With it being Nimue's sidekick it was an odd choice for this delusion to not be Atani are gods. Shrugs in GM.]

      Pinecone greeted Tar-Tar who he claimed was his friend. Tar-Tar disavowed knowing him at all. Pinecone bowed down and worshiped Horventerous saying, "I am not worthy!" He then brought out his ocarina and started playing it while singing. Tar-Tar was not amused and ended up sticking tentacle vine leaves in his ears to try to drone out the sound. Unfortunately for Tar-Tar, the sounds of Pinecone through the vines sounded like bird chirps and he felt a sudden shudder from his fear of birds. The cold that surrounded him was unsettling and he missed the heat of the jungles of Torath-Ka (He gained Cryophobia minor from this).
      Natsu-Nara collapsed from the strain of casting fire element spells as an earth elementalist and Draco took him below deck to rest.

      Chug succeeded at tracking down the Norwhale. Or rather the Norwhale successfully tracked them down, as an icy blast from the Norwhale's blowhole froze the La Arcadia in place again.
      Overcoming his fear of the cold, Tar-Tar fired his cannon that cracked the ice where the cannonball struck.      

[Shaune played Epiphany to gain a d6 shooting for the session. Which helps against All Thumbs and No shooting skill]

      Horventerous cast fire bolt from his scepter of fire twice to melt the ice. 

[Andrew played Adrenaline Surge to pull this off. But also 8 out 10 power points gone from the scepter to do heavy bolts.]

     Suddenly free of the ice, Chug moved La Arcadia close, surprising the Norwhale. Horventerous cast blast on the Norwhale but it seemed to bounce off its blubber. Tar-Tar fired his cannon but missed. Two of the sailors fired cannons. One shot missed and the other bounced off the Norwhale's hide.  Nimue fired her cannon and wounded the left pectoral fin of the Norwhale.   

        The disorientated Norwhale submerged to avoid being struck by an iceberg remnant of its own icy blast.  

     The norwhale resurfaced far away from La Arcadia and ran into a few icebergs.

[This caused another level of Fatigue for the Norwhale as it failed a complication roll.]   


       Chug sailed La Arcadia next to the dizzied Norwhale. Horventerous cast blast on the Norwhale and wounded it. Tar-Tar and the crew fired their cannons but missed. Nimue fired her cannon and finished off the Norwhale.

       Tar-Tar borrowed Draco's seal suit and swam into the Cold Sea with Horventerous and Chug. Pinecone took the wheel for Chug. 

[With Red Pirate Roberts dead, the two best boating characters (Chug and Pinecone) on the team have a d8 and the All Thumbs hindrance. Well at least they have Ace right?]

      Chug sliced off the Norwhale's horn, surfaced, and threw it at Nimue, who caught it in a feat of agility. Horventerous and Tar-Tar gutted the beast. They found 1,000 pieces of eight and a ring of environmental protection (water) in its belly.
      With his crew and his ship, the Fearless, avenged, Rikas Russ asked to join the crew of La Arcadia for 50 pieces of eight or that they return him to Kaja, Arfk to find another ship. Captain Cyrus Black paid him and he joined the crew.

[Randall played Favor of the Gods so they managed to sail back from the east part of Arfk to near the center of Arfk near Kaja in one day, as I allowed it to double their travel speed for one day only.]

DAY 316

[I flipped a King of Clubs on encounter check, so The Destroyer and Blackbeard appeared!] 

      Blackbeard had been sailing The Destroyer and tracking La Arcadia all the way from Pirate Sea through the Flotsam Sea. The incredible speed of La Arcadia had made it difficult to catch up, but by turning around, Blackbeard finally had his chance for revenge.

      The Destroyer moved towards La Arcadia but Chug outmaneuvered Blackbeard.

Horventerous cast blast and hit The Destroyer's hull. 


       The Destroyer went off course and struck an iceberg, causing more damage to the hull. 

[Failed the out of control roll and complication. To make it worse, I rolled a 4 on regeneration for The Destroyer. Then the group got the Joker] 


     Horventerous cast blast and hit The Destroyer's hull a second time. Tar-Tar and the crew fired four cannons. Tar-Tar hit The Destroyer's powder stores and sunk it!


      The Destroyer's zombie crew went limp becoming inanimate corpses that soon started to sink to Davy Jones's Locker. This left Blackbeard treading water and vulnerable. 

[Andrew and Randall both got Jokers and it was very bad for Blackbeard.]

      Chug rushed to the bulwark of La Arcadia and used his Harpoon Gun to shoot Blackbeard, wounding him. 
      Horventerous summoned a nearby Norwhale by casting beast friend. The Norwhale missed Blackbeard with a swallow attempt.  

[19 power points for Size 8!]

       Chug retracted the Harpoon Gun and brought Blackbeard aboard. He kicked him in the gut and caused a wound.
       Blackbeard brought out a cutlass and swung at Chug twice, but the strikes bounced off Chug's plate corselet.
       Tar-Tar swung his hatchet and buried it in Blackbeard's chest. Blackbeard went limp.
       Chug ripped off Blackbeard's brace of six pistols and Horventerous took a ring off of his finger. Then Chug removed his harpoon from Blackbeard's chest and threw his body into the Cold Sea.
       Horventerous had the Norwhale eat Blackbeard and then leave. 

[For those GMs playing at home, I rolled a 1 on Harder to Kill, so Blackbeard is really dead.] 

DAY 317-319

      La Arcadia sailed from near Kaja, Arfk circling around the Flotsam Sea into the Whip Islands. 

DAY 320

      A pirate galleon sailed out from behind one of the Whip Islands and moved towards La Arcadia. The pirate galleon was about to fire when a rolling fog cloud got in the way of their sight lines and they veered off left. Chug had La Arcadia roll right to avoid the fog cloud and potentially hit unseen flotsam in the sea.

[The luck continued for the group with yet another Joker. You may have noticed that I switched the positions of the ships with La Arcadia at the top in this battle. That way I could tell the two ship battles apart since I used the same purple ship.]     

      Horventerous cast blast and the hull of the pirate galleon buckled. Tar-Tar, Nimue, and the crew fired four shots at the pirate galleon. Nimue's shot tore through the weakened parts of the hull and it started taking on water.    


       The pirate galleon listed and wheeled aimlessly as the crew tried to repair the breach in the hull. Nimue shot the cannons again and destroyed the pirate galleon.

      Horventerous dove into the ocean and found a chest with 3,500 pieces of eight inside in the wreckage.

DAY 321-324

    La Arcadia sailed from near the Whip Islands southeast around the island of Brigandy Bay. 

DAY 325

    La Arcadia spied a pirate galleon but it made no threatening movements towards it. This close to Brigandy Bay, it was likely a Coalition ship. 

DAY 326

   Captain Cyrus Black gave everyone 150 pieces of eight to carouse. 

    Pinecone gambled and lost a big bet, but he caught his opponent cheating. An angered Horventerous came over and revealed his devil's eye infused with greater strength by the ring of fear he was wearing. It gave the cheating gambler a heart palpitation as he clutched his chest. The frightened pirate ran off screaming, "Keep the money!" Pinecone got 150 pieces of eight rather than losing it. Pinecone sang, "That is what you get when you cheat before a God!"

DAY 326

      The group got over their hangovers and began final preparations to face the Sea Hags...

[End of session.] 

XP: 3, Missed XP: 2

MINIMUM XP: 80/Legendary

LOOT: 4,500 pieces of eight, Ring of Environmental Protection, Brace of Six +3 Damage Flintlock Pistols, Ring of Fear


     Tri-folds used are from 50 Fathoms Figure Flats and the metal Kraken miniature made by Pinnacle Entertainment Group.

     Miniature ships used include a ship from Letters of Marque by Fantasy Flight Games and a porcelain ship from Red Rose Tea.