Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Return to 50 Fathoms Recap 24: Betrayal!

July 21, 2019 @ 2:00-10:30 P.M.


Day 182

        The pirate ship returned and started approaching the village. Unk and Suzu stayed in the village. Red Pirate Roberts lent the villagers a cannon to help defend the village. Exhausted from the ordeal of logging, putting up palisades, and moving timber to the ship, over two-thirds of the villages and sailors were out cold due to sheer exhaustion, leaving Red Pirate Roberts a skeleton crew to operate La Arcadia
        The brigantine got as close to the shoals as it dared and released four longboats. 

      The villager's cannon managed to hit one of the longboats, and it spun backwards.  The other three longboats landed on the beach and the pirates charged up the sandy beachhead. 
      Meanwhile La Arcadia got close enough to the brigantine to fire but only scratched the hull. The brigantine fired back and missed as it retreated a safe distance away.

[Ellen played Angry Mob and six villagers got up from their nap to help.]


      The villager's cannon sunk the longboat. La Arcadia dropped their anchor and started firing at the pirate's longboats on the shore, severely damaging the one on the right side of the beach.   
       Unk and Suzu ran towards the rampart, abandoning protection of the gate due to the additional reinforcements. 
       The pirates on shore got to the fences and then climbed over them. 

      The pirates then rushed at the villagers, killing six of them. 
      La Arcadia's cannons destroyed the longboat on the right side of the beach.

       The villagers counterattacked, killing three of the pirates. Unk pushed over a barrel and jumped on top, confusing a pirate. He then rolled the barrel over the pirate, crushing him. Suzu impaled another pirate with her spear. 
        La Arcadia's cannons severely damaged the longboat on the center beach. 
        The brigantine got closer to the shore and fired a cannon shot at the villagers manning the cannon on the rampart. Seven of the villagers died in the flames, the stairs to the rampart were completely incinerated, and it set the rampart and field on fire.

     The fire scared Unk who has pyrophobia. He kicked the barrel up over the fence and jumped on top of it, rolling down the beach on top of the water, until he hit the water, and then used the barrel as a flotation device to reach the ship while kicking with his legs. Suzu tried to follow him but fell off the fence trying to climb down and rolled down the sandy beach. She got up and tried to shake the sand out of her hair and fur, watching Unk swim away.  

[Unk gained a minor phobia, a fear of fences, frachtiphobia.]  

      The villagers fought back the pirates at the main gate and sent five men back towards the town well to get water to put out the fire.

      The pirates on the left side finished off a villager and retreated toward the gate. The pirates on the rampart killed another villager.

     Horventerous directed a heavy bolt at the pirate brigantine. The veteran pirate failed his out of control roll and the ship flipped three times with collision damage of 20, killing the crew and causing another out of control roll (auto failed with no one at the helm). The ship crashed into the shoals and then flipped four more times. With a damage roll in the 40s, the ship shattered into pieces.
      The pirates tried to retreat to the longboat, but it was badly wounded by a warning shot by Red Pirate Roberts. The pirates surrendered. The villagers' bucket brigade put out the fire.
      The people of Cuna grabbed the pirate captain and forced him up on to a gallows. They hanged him and he dropped a golden triangle that Horventerous picked up. Horventerous persuaded the rest of the crew to join La Arcadia.  
      Horventerous found a St. George figurehead in the bay, all that was left of the brigantine. Sharks quickly entered the bay, drawn by the blood of the dead.  
      Dominic Cooper stamped all their timber cargo as paid for at the port of Cuna. 

Day 183

        Horventerous, Unk, and Red Pirate Roberts went to Mo's Tavern to unwind. The bartender, Mo, was mute and passed the group written notes asking them what kind of drinks they wanted. After rum was served to the trio, Horventerous asked what had happened to her throat. Mo wrote that her neck was shot in a pirate attack. Horventerous asked what she would do for him if he could restore her voice. She wrote that she would compose a ballad about him in the The Battle of Cuna and sing it. Horventerous restored her voice using greater healing

The Battle of Cuna
Alas the pirates came and took our grain. 
Alas the pirates came and took our fish.
Alas the pirates came and took our logs.    
Then they sailed a-way, a-way to return again yet another day. 

Then La Arcadia sailed in with the flag of Spain. 
Our plight Dominic Cooper did explain.
A plan did he formulate.
And their Captain agreed. 

To the forests of Sprith we all a-went a-went. 
We chopped the trees down like they were just crops to reap. 
We dragged the logs to Cuna.
And a rampart and a palisade fence we did create. 

The Captain took the remaining logs to her ship and brought back a cannon and red men. 
They then sailed into the bay at the ready to defend. 
It was another day. 
And the pirates did return. 

The pirates rushed out in their longboats to land at the beach. 
They climbed the sandy dunes, the palisade, and the ramparts. 
Their brigantine fired on the village and set it a-flame, a-flame. 
But their longboats sunk in the bay and burned on the beach. 

And then did mighty Horventerous conjure forth a mighty waterspout. 
The pirate ship did flip thrice and its crew expelled to drown or be impaled upon the shoals. 
Then the pirate ship crashed into the shoals.
And then it flipped again and again until naught was left but splinters. 

Horventerous sent their last longboat adrift with a wave of water. 
The pirates could not retreat and had to surrender.
Their captain did hang as Horventerous watched. 
He had won the day at The Battle of Cuna.  
Day 184-185

     La Arcadia headed from Cuna to Dunich. 

Day 186

      La Arcadia found the wreck of a ship that had crashed into the shoals near Dunich. Horventerous saw a little girl barely holding on to a piece of driftwood and bravely swam through the water in the storm and shark-infested waters to save her and bring her back to the galleon. 
     The blonde, blue-eyed preteen was horrified by the face of her rescuer and screamed. Red Pirate Roberts tried to talk at her and she simply stared back with a blank expression. 
Unk tried to talk to her, but she screamed again at the sight of him. They decided to put her in the brig. 
      The group decided to take a longboat out to the pier of Dunich. Red Pirate Roberts, Horventerous, Unk, Suzu, Cyrus, Smithers, and 5 sailors entered the boat. Horventerous put the St. George Figurehead at the head of the boat. They left Cyrus back at the boat to keep an eye on it and went into town.
      When they got to the town, it was deserted. Horventerous spotted a single light in the distance on a hill towards the middle of town. The group entered the Dunich Inn. A single innkeeper/bartender was behind the counter. He brought out ten skeleton keys on each finger and pointed to the stairway upstairs. Each of the skeleton keys was engraved with I, II, III, and IV. The group asked many questions, but all the innkeeper did was shrug and point upstairs. Frustrated, the group grabbed the keys from his fingers and handed them out to each member of the crew except one of the sailors. 
       The group split up and entered different rooms. Horventerous looked around and saw that the room was filthy. The bed was not made. Cockroaches skulked in every corner. Under the bed, there was a finger and a trail of blood. In the bathtub was a pool of congealed blood. Possessed by curiosity or greed, Horventerous stuck his hands into the pool and removed two whole legs before finding a strange sacrificial dagger with a jade blade. He looked out the window and a flash of lightning revealed a gathering of villagers outside. He saw tentacles crawling out from underneath their raincoats, bulging bulbous eyes, and glistening skin during the flash. Horventerous's skin crawled and he jumped at the accompanying peal of thunder.      

[Horventerous gained the Astraphobia [Major] Hindrance, a fear of lightning and thunder.] 

        Meanwhile, Unk and Suzu found a toe under their bed. Sailors found a hand missing a finger and a foot missing a toe. They tried to get out of their rooms but found that they were locked with no handles on the inside. Red Pirate Roberts and Smithers also tried opening the door in their room after seeing the horrors that Horventerous had revealed.

      Then the gathering villagers made their way towards the inn. In a second flash of lightning, Horventerous saw a church at the top of the cliff and a figure in a black brimmed hat and coat looking right at him as a flying creature landed right next to him.

This is where I got the brilliant idea to put the second floor up on platforms from Arena of the Planeswalkers.

[Chessie played Here Comes The Cavalry.]

        Cyrus suddenly appeared with eleven sailors. Apparently, a second longboat was launched and sent to the pier when the Captain hadn't given a signal in hours. In a flash of lightning, Cyrus saw what Horventerous had seen earlier and shook with fear as eight sailors panicked. Horventerous looked out the window and flipped his eyepatch, making many of the villagers flee away from the inn.

[Cyrus gained the Chapodiphobia Hindrance, a fear of octopus tentacles specifically.]

      Red Pirate Roberts shot the lock off of the door from behind with an extremely lucky shot. Smithers tried his keys at the next room but it was the wrong one. The sailors near the front of the inn pried open the windows and fired down at the villagers, killing one of them. The two sailors in the side room pried the window open and jumped out. One sailor landed on the other one who twisted his ankle and got the wind knocked out of him.   

       Horventerous used elemental manipulation to create a key made of water that somehow turned the lock and released Unk and Suzu. 
       Unk and Suzu started running down the hallway towards the stairs to get away. 
       Red Pirate Roberts and Smithers shot at the lock to no avail as the sailors in the room started reloading.

      The three sailors near Cyrus moved ahead of him and shot at the villagers, killing one of them. Half the villagers returned to going towards the inn while the other half veered towards the sailors in front of Cyrus. Cyrus pulled out both of his double-barreled pistols and fired. His first shot blew the brains out of the two sailors in front of him with his second shot killing a villager. The sailors behind him recovered and started returning towards the inn. 

       Horventerous used elemental manipulation to open the next door and found the sailors gone and the window open. He looked for them and saw them outside. The one sailor helped the other one up from the ground and moved along the side of the inn.  
       Red Pirate Roberts shot at the lock and it ricocheted. It whizzed past Smither's ear and he winced at the sound. The pirates in the room finished reloading. 
       Cyrus bribed the sailor who had seen him shoot the other two sailors with 70 pieces of eight. Four sailors fired at the villagers before the other four entered melee with their cutlasses. The villagers outside were quickly overpowered by sheer numbers.

       Smithers shot at the lock and accidentally shot a sailor in the room in the back before Red Pirate Roberts shot the lock off. The sailors in the room were finally freed. Unk and Suzu went downstairs and fought with villagers trying to get upstairs. Unk killed two of them and Suzu ran away in fear at the sight of their writhing corpses.

        Cyrus had the sailors fan out and guard the entrance. 

     Horventerous cast a water bolt leaving two of the villagers shaking. Unk killed two more of the villagers before finally finishing off the last of them.

      Horventerous asked the innkeeper, "Why?" The innkeeper shrugged and then Horventerous used his Scepter of Fire to cast a bolt of fire at him. The innkeeper put up his hands and screamed as the flame incinerated him into a pool of one parts gray ash and one parts green slime.  
      Cyrus found a "drink" behind the bar that had an appearance like boiling blood but was not hot to the touch. He dipped the hand of one of the dead sailors in the mixture. The liquid was absorbed into him and he popped a new head, minus an eye. The sailor had amnesia about how he had died.  
      Two of the other sailors were alive but unconscious. The group had four sailors take them back to the longboats. 
       The rest of the group headed for the church on top of the cliff. 

Day 186

       At the top of the cliff they found villagers surrounding two stone slabs. A village chief in a black hat and black coat stabbed a sacrifice as an Atani stabbed a second sacrifice. 

     "As elder of the town of Dunich, I, Joshua Grimes, welcome you to our village, Rosetta."--Elder Joshua Grimes
     "I promise I will serve the Sea Hags better than you human scum."--Rosetta 

      The group saw Rosetta flying above the bloody stone slab, with two tentacles replacing what were once her legs. 

      Horventerous sent a blast at Grimes and his villagers that killed nearly a quarter of them
      Sailors approached and shot Grimes in the back. 
      Unk and Suzu ran at Grimes. Unk beheaded him with his great-axe. 
      "Well what else would you expect from a dumb human? I am your leader now!"--Rosetta

[Andrew played Duel.]

      "You dare to challenge me for leadership, foolish Kraken? Fine, I accept!"--Rosetta

     Rosetta flew on top of the church and started casting wind bolts at Horventerous. Even those that hit seemed like they were absorbed by his bone armor. 
     Horventerous countered with his own heavy water bolt, wounding her.     
     "I was always better with a bow anyway!"--Rosetta
     Rosetta pulled out her crossbow and shot Horventerous, but his bone armor absorbed some of the impact. 
     Horventerous regained his breath, and cast a volley of light water bolts at her, wounding her severely. 
     "You will die, Kraken!"--Rosetta
     Rosetta dropped her crossbow, diving down at Horventerous with her sacrificial knife. 
     Horventerous ducked out of the way and cast another volley of light water bolts at her at close range. 
     As Rosetta leaked bloody, dark ichor from her many wounds, she screamed out, "You only prolong the inevitable; the Sea Hags will kill you all!"
      The villagers stared blankly at Horventerous, blinked, and then gathered around the stone slabs, sacrificing more people.
      The group entered the Dunich Church and grabbed three golden goblets. Horventerous found a whistle.       

      When the group walked outside the whistle howled in the wind of the storm. Horventerous blew on the strange whistle and it went silent. The villagers' faces turned to Horventerous and he stopped blowing the whistle, which returned to bellowing. The villagers looked away and returned to their sacrifices. 
      The group ran down the road towards the Dunich Inn and the middle of town trying to reach the longboats...

[End of Session]

XP: 3


LOOT: 970 pieces of eight, jade dagger, three golden goblets, bubbling cauldron (used), whistle,  St. George figurehead


       Tri-folds used are from the 50 Fathoms Figure Flat Pack PDF and the metal Kraken miniature made by Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Kongo (Unk) is from Grey Matter Games Deadly Missions Mercenaries and Kitha (Suzu) is from Grey Matter Games Deadly Missions Third Edition. Other miniatures used are from Heroclix by WizKids and Magic the Gathering Arena of the Planeswalkers by Wizards of the Coast.
       Ships used are from Fantasy Flight Games Letters of Marque and a porcelain ship from Red Rose Tea.  
       The cannon used is from the print out back page of DramaScape's The Western Keep

Scene 1

       For the attack on Cuna, DramaScape's Saxon Village No Overlay print on demand POD map was used. The Saxon Village is very useful in 50 Fathoms for many of the smaller villages in the setting and one of the plot points. 

Scene 2

        For the Dunich Inn, DramaScape's Phoenix Tavern was used. As the one DramaScape tavern with two floors, it was the one perfect for this scenario. I used supports from Arena of the Planeswalkers: Shadow of Innistrad to hold up the second floor. 

Scene 3

       For the Dunich Church, DramaScape's Norman Church was used. 

      If you see anything you like remember that all DramaScape map PDFs are 25% off in DriveThruRPG's Christmas in July Sale until the end of the month!


       I also used 100 Oddities for a Treasure Hoard by Skirmisher Publishing to add some more weird objects to this horror scenario.